Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (2024)

Table of Contents
Unveiling the Secrets: How to Know You’re in Love How to Know You’re in Love | What Love Isn’t It’s not a Fairy Tale It Isn’t All Passion It Isn’t an All-Consuming Fire Being in Love Won’t Solve Your Problems Love Isn’t Easy Decoding the Language of the Heart: What Does Being in Love Really Mean? The Comfort of Togetherness How to Know You’re in Love | Seeing Beyond Flaws Valuing Their Happiness as Your Own Envisioning aShared Future How to Know You’re in Love | Enduring Love is Resilient Everyone’s Favorite Four-Letter Word: Defining Love in Your Terms Love or Infatuation: Breaking Down the Differences 1. Duration: Temporary Infatuation vs. Long-lasting Love 2. Foundations: Surface-level Infatuation vs. Deep-rooted Love 3. Objectivity: Distorted Infatuation vs. Realistic Love 4. Security: Jealous Infatuation vs. Trusting Love Beneath the Surface: Physical Signs Your Body Screams ‘You’re in Love’ 1. Expressive Eyes: The Window to Your Heart 2. Racing Heart: The Love Beats 3. Butterflies in the Stomach: A Flicker of Love 4. Trouble Sleeping: Love is the Best Lullaby The Involuntary Smile: How Love Affects Your Mood Natural Mood Enhancer Boost in Self-Esteem Joy in Shared Happiness Profound Connections: How Love Deepens Relationships Love Penetrates Emotional Barriers Love Promotes Empathetic Understanding Love Inspires Positive Changes Mature Love Cultivates Shared Experiences The Inner Workings of Your Heart: Understanding Your Emotions An Eruption of Happiness A Dance of Desire and Longing A Soothing Wave of Calm Pangs of Jealousy A Symphony of Emotions The Love Evolution: How True Love Grows Over Time Love in the Early Stages A Few Years Later Keep it Going Wrapping Up: How to Know When You’re in Love Unveiling the Truth: Are Soul Mates Real? Attachment Theory Romantic Idealism Biological Theory Constructed Memory Setting the Stage: What Exactly is a Soul Mate? Debunking Myths: Common Misconceptions About Soul Mates Soul Mate or Life Partner: Understanding the Difference Signs, Signals, and Synchronicities: Recognizing Your Soul Mate Intuition and Inner Knowing: The Role of Gut Feelings in Identifying Soul Mates Psychological Perspective: What Science Says About Soul Mates The Verdict: Are Soul Mates Real? How to Break Up with Someone You Love What are the signs that it’s time to break up with someone you love? What are the steps to navigate a break up with someone you love? 1. Make Sure You’re Certain 2. Establish aCalm and Private Environment 3. Be Honest- Yet Kind 4. Respect His Feelings 5. Look Forward to the Future What are some tips for communicating effectively during a breakup? 1. Plan What You’re Going to Say 2. Use ‘I’ Statements Rather Than ‘You’ Statements 3. Stay Focused on the Conversation 4. Listen to His Perspective 5. Be Patient and Understanding How to maintain self-respect while ending a relationship 1. Reflect on Your Reasoning 2. Avoid Blame Games 3. Show Empathy and Compassion 4. Keep Boundaries Defined 5. Seek Support What are some strategies for coping with heartbreak? 1. Accept the Pain 2. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences 3. Practice Self-Care 4. Seek Therapy if Needed 5. Use Reflection as aTool What are some common mistakes to avoid when breaking up with someone you love? 1. Utilizing Cliches 2. Bad Mouthing Your Ex 3. Giving False Hopes 4. Engaging in aBlame Game 5. Promptly Moving On How to deal with the loneliness after a breakup 1. Allow Yourself to Grieve 2. Establish aSupport Network 3. Nurture your Personal Interests 4. Practice Mindful Self-Compassion 5. Seek Professional Help if Necessary 1. Keep Your Emotions in Check 2. Be Firm yet Considerate 3. Don’t Feed into Arguments 4. Allow Him to Express His feelings What are the tips for setting boundaries after a break up with someone you love? 1. Define your Personal Space 2. Assert Your Needs Clearly 3. Respect Mutual Friends 4. Limit Social Media Interactions 5. Prioritize Self-Care What are the tips for setting boundaries after you break up with someone you love? 1. Be Clear About Your Expectations 2. Avoid Unnecessary Physical Contact 3. Limit Communication 4. Keep Your Distance 5. Be Firm With Your Decisions How to deal with guilt after a break up with someone you love 1. Acceptance is the first step 2. Understand Your Reasons for Ending the Relationship 3. Practice Self-Compassion 4. Allow Time to Heal Wrapping Up: How to Break up with Someone You Love How to Start the New Year Right Obstacles People Come Up Against in the New Year Setting Powerful Goals: Your Foundation for the New Year Start the New Year Right with a Self-Care Routine Positive Mindset: Your Secret Weapon to Conquer New Year Challenges Tips to Cultivate a Resilient Mindset and Start the New Year Right Embrace a Morning Routine: The First Step to a Successful Day Start the New Year Right by Adopting Healthy Habits Master the Art of Time Management: A Crucial Step for Success It’s Not Enough to START the New Year Right, You Must Also Stay Motivated Tracking Your Progress: Making Your New Year Goals Tangible Overcoming Obstacles: Strategies to Break through New Year Resolution Barriers Step into Success: Create the Environment to Start the New Year Right Visualize Your Victory: The Role of Positive Imagery in Achieving Goals Benefits of Visualization How to Incorporate Visualization in your Routine Say Yes to No: The Power of Rejection as You Start the New Year Right The Art of Saying “No” Leap of Faith: Overcoming Fear and Embracing Change Living Large: Expanding Your Comfort Zone as You Start the New Year Right That’s a Wrap! Now You Know How to Start the New Year Right! Unveiling the Secrets of Love: Essential Advice on Love for Women The Science of Attraction Advice on Love and Attachment The stages of attachment How to nurture your attachment What Intimacy is and What it is Not Strategies to Foster Intimacy Advice on Love and Prioritizing One Another’s Needs Understanding Your Partner’s Needs Empathy and Active Listening Meeting the Needs Caring for Your Own Needs Understanding What You Truly Want The Role of Self-Love Advice on Love: Defining Your Relationship Goals Dating Etiquettes: Modern Rules for the Modern Woman Embrace Your Individuality Remember, Dating is aJourney Advice on Love: Balancing Love and Independence Embrace Your Independence Communicate with Your Partner Balance Couple Time and ‘Me’ Time Create Shared and Individual Goals Ditching the Fairy-Tale: Real Love Vs. Ideal Love Communicating Real Vs. Ideal Love Advice on Love and Navigating the Dating Landscape: Online vs. Traditional Maintaining Passion and Intimacy Over Time Keeping the Spark Alive Values and Shared Experiences Embracing Change and Growth in Love 1. Change in Life Goals and Aspirations 2. Change in Preferences 3. Change in Appearances 4. Change in Circ*mstances 5. Growth –Personal and Relationship Advice on Love: Recognizing Red Flags in Relationships Identifying and Handling Red Flags Overcoming Fear of Rejection Practice Comfort Zone Challenges Maintain Self- Esteem Lessons from Failed Relationships: Turn Heartbreaks into Strengths Reflect, Don’t Ruminate Becoming Resilient The Role of Self-Compassion Transforming Pain into Growth Wrapping Up Advice on Love The Alpha Woman Guide to Happy Relationships Who is the Alpha Woman? Alpha Women are Confident The Alpha Woman is Ambitious Alpha Women are Learners The Alpha Woman Loves to Encourage Others Are You an Alpha Female Who Can't Find a Happy Relationship? Why Not Try Dating Beta Men? Beta Men Don’t do Power Struggles He’s Comfortable Being Himself The Beta Male is Altruistic He’s Detail-Oriented He’s More Likely to be a Cuddler He Cares About Your Needs in Bed and is Sensitive What the Beta Man Isn’t Alpha Men He’s a Strong Leader He Has Emotional Intelligence He’s Confident He’s Growth-Oriented And Now for Some Problematic Traits Alphas are Fiercely Loyal and Protective He’s Decisive He’s Honest So Which Shall it Be? Are You an Alpha Female Who Can't Find a Happy Relationship? Stages of a Relationship What You’ll Find Here Stages of a Relationship: Stage 1 – Early Dating The Dangers of Stage 1 How Long Does This First of the Stages of a Relationship Last? How to Get This Phase Back Later Stages of a Relationship: Stage 2 – The Love Hangover The Dangers of Stage 2 Are You in Stage 2? How to Survive Stage 2 How Long Does Stage 2 Last? How do You Know When Stage 2 is Over? Stages of a Relationship: Stage 3 – The Adjustment Stage The Dangers of Stage 3 How to Survive Stage 3 How Long Does Stage 3 Last? Stages of a Relationship: Stage 4 – The Commitment Stage The Dangers of Stage 4 Stages of a Relationship: Stage 5 – Best Friends Characteristics of Stage 5 The Dangers of Stage 5 Stages of a Relationship: Final Thoughts Signs That a Relationship is Over In This Article Signs That a Relationship is Over | Emotional Distance You Fight. All. The. Time Signs That a Relationship is Over | You Don’t Share Your Joy You Find it Exhausting to be Around Him Signs That a Relationship is Over | You Justify Staying for an Outside Reason He’s More of a Roommate than a Partner Signs That a Relationship is Over | There’s No Trust You Don’t Want to Spend Time Together Signs That a Relationship is Over | You Don’t See a Future with Him There is a Growing Resentment Between You Signs That a Relationship is Over | Your Goals Don’t Align Nor do Your Values Signs That a Relationship is Over | Jealousy You’re Building Walls, Not Bridges Signs That a Relationship is Over | You Aren’t Having Sex That’s a Wrap! How to End the Relationship with Style and Grace Is There an Emergency Here? What You’ll Find Here Why You Should End the Relationship You Have No Emotional Connection End the Relationship When You Don’t Feel Sexually Attracted Someone Else Holds Your Interest End the Relationship When You’re Being Asked to Change Who You Are He’s Supportive When Things are Good You May Need to End the Relationship When Trust is Broken End the Relationship When He Wiggles Out of Every One of Your Family Commitments You Can’t Express Your Needs without Negative Fallout End the Relationship if He’s Hiding You You Aren’t You Around Him End the Relationship When You Both Talk About a Hypothetical Better Time Ahead Your Goals are Different How to End the Relationship Prepare Ahead of Time End The Relationship Face-to-Face Choose the Right Place End the Relationship and Be Respectful Make it a Clean Break End the Relationship but Avoid Arguing Don’t Let Him Talk You Out of It End the Relationship but Be Empathetic Final Words on How to End the Relationship with Style and Grace

Unveiling the Secrets: How to Know You’re in Love

Understand Men

There are several misconceptions about being in love and I feel like we should get those out of the way before we talk about how to know when you’re in love.

How to Know You’re in Love | What Love Isn’t

It’s not a Fairy Tale

One common misconception about being in love is that it should feel like a fairy tale. Many people believe that love should be perfect and without conflict, but in reality, every relationship has its ups and downs. Love is not about avoiding conflict, but about navigating it effectively and growing together.

It Isn’t All Passion

Another misconception is that love is all about passion. While passion is an important component of love, it is not the only one. True love also involves commitment, trust, respect, and mutual understanding. It’s not just about intense feelings, but also about building a deep connection with another person.

It Isn’t an All-Consuming Fire

Many people also believe that being in love means being completely consumed by the other person. This is not healthy or sustainable. It’s important to maintain your own identity and interests outside of the relationship. Being in love should not mean losing yourself.

Being in Love Won’t Solve Your Problems

A fourth misconception is that love can solve all problems. While love can certainly help in dealing with life’s challenges, it is not a cure-all. Both partners need to be willing to work on their issues individually and as a couple.

Love Isn’t Easy

Lastly, there’s a misconception that if you’re in love with someone, the relationship should be easy. Love is hard. It takes hard work and dedication to keep things moving rrorward. Many people don’t recognize love as a verb, but being in love is a lot about your actions, not just using the words.

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Decoding the Language of the Heart: What Does Being in Love Really Mean?

Now that we know what love isn’t, lt’s look at what love is. What does it mean to be in love?

Being in love goes beyond the dizzying whirl of butterflies fluttering riotously in your stomach when you catch aglimpse of your special someone. It’s more than those stolen glances and whispered sweet nothings. Being in love transcends the surface-level enchantment and delves deeper into the realms of respect, compatibility, and shared desires.

The Comfort of Togetherness

If the mere presence of this individual elicits afeeling of comfort and peace, it could be love. Love offers an emotional shelter, filled with understanding, support, and warmth. The person you love is like asafe harbor in the stormy seas of life.

How to Know You’re in Love | Seeing Beyond Flaws

When you’re in love, you don’t just tolerate but truly accept the person in their entirety, quirks and all. You see their shortcomings, not as flaws, but essential parts that make them uniquely who they are. You admire their perfections and embrace their imperfections, understanding that nobody is perfect, not even you.

Valuing Their Happiness as Your Own

Finding yourself genuinely invested in the other person’s happiness often suggests you’re in love. In love, their joy becomes your joy and their pain becomes your pain. This empathetic connection builds astrong bond, one that is able to weather adversities.

Envisioning aShared Future

It’s often asignificant sign of love when you can’t visualize your future without them. When you make plans, whether it’s for next month or five years from now, they’re there, an essential part of your journey.

How to Know You’re in Love | Enduring Love is Resilient

Finally, love is resilient. Love motivates you to stick it out even during hardship because you believe in the strength of your bond. The challenges you face together aren’t roadblocks— they’re opportunities to grow together, to further understand each other, and to build adynamic that’s virtually unshakeable.

Remember though, love looks and feels different to everyone. It’s an experience that is deeply personal. Trust your feelings, listen to your heart, and let love guide your journey. After all, love is ajourney, not adestination.

Everyone’s Favorite Four-Letter Word: Defining Love in Your Terms

What does love mean to you? It’s a question that warrants an honest answer. Love can be endearing, nurturing, explosive, and every bit as comforting as a hot cup of coffee on a freezing winter morning, or as exhilarating as a roller coaster ride. But what does it mean to you?

Love doesn’t wear a one-size-fits-all tag. Your definition of love shouldn’t be influenced by Hollywood rom-coms, cheesy novels, or romantic poems. Instead, it should be based on your personal experiences, values, and aspirations.

Romantic love, familial love, platonic love, self-love – each carries its own weight and meaning. Within those broad categories, there’s your own, unique interpretation. Because whether you’re a hopeless romantic, a pragmatic partner, or a bit of both, your love can look different from anyone else’s.

Your experience of love means sharing your most intimate secrets in a soundproof room of two, or whispering sweet nothings over a busy dinner table. It’s the silence of understanding, or the chorus of shared laughs. It’s the daily grind, or the special moments. All these scenarios are love, and it’s up to you to define what this four-letter word means to you.

Take a moment. Reflect on it. What does love look like to you? How do you feel it? How do you express it? There isn’t a wrong answer. There’s only your answer. And once you discover that, you’re well on your way to recognizing love when it makes an appearance in your life.

Remember, defining love in your terms is empowering and essential. It enables you understand what you need from a relationship, instead of trying to fit into a standard definition that doesn’t quite resonate with you. And that’s okay. After all, it’s your love, your terms, your life.

Love or Infatuation: Breaking Down the Differences

Before we continue, it’s essential for you to understand the fundamental differences between love and infatuation. Often, these two powerful feelings get tangled up and misinterpreted, especially when they come rushing in like a torrent of emotions. So let’s break it down, shall we?

1. Duration: Temporary Infatuation vs. Long-lasting Love

Infatuation behaves much like asparkler. It burns brightly and intensely for abrief moment then fades quickly, leaving just aresidue of what once was. Love, conversely, is more like an ever-burning ember. It keeps on glowing, often flickering but enduring despite the challenges and constraints time throws at it. If your feelings for somebody are still going strong after asubstantial amount of time, you might just be in love.

2. Foundations: Surface-level Infatuation vs. Deep-rooted Love

Infatuation is often based on superficial features—appearance, status, or certain idiosyncrasies that you find attractive. On the flip side, love is rooted in profound appreciation of the entire person, including their virtues and vices. When you love someone, you accept them as they are, fully recognizing them and seeing their inner essence.

3. Objectivity: Distorted Infatuation vs. Realistic Love

When you’re infatuated with someone, your perception might get distorted. You idealize them, seeing only their best aspects and ignoring their faults. But when you’re in love, you see your partner for who they truly are, with all their imperfections, yet you still cherish them. After all, love isn’t blind—it sees but it doesn’t mind.

4. Security: Jealous Infatuation vs. Trusting Love

Infatuation can lead to obsessive feelings of jealousy and possession. It wants the other person’s attention all the time and fears losing them. Love, in contrast, is grounded in trust and understanding. It’s secure enough to give space, to respect the freedom and individuality of the other person, and does not fear the potential separation anxiety.

Understanding these distinguishing characteristics between love and infatuation will go along way towards helping you recognize when you’re genuinely in love. Remember, it’s not the intensity, but the longevity and stability of feelings that matter most when it comes to love.

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Beneath the Surface: Physical Signs Your Body Screams ‘You’re in Love’

When it comes to love, the body often has its own language. An increase in happy hormones like oxytocin and serotonin, a quickened heartbeat when you see the person, and even having trouble sleeping could all be signs that you’re falling in love.

1. Expressive Eyes: The Window to Your Heart

You’ve probably heard the saying that the eyes are the window to the soul. When we’re attracted to someone, our pupils naturally dilate, an involuntary response rooted in human evolution. The fascinating thing about the eyes is that they can’t hide authenticity. So, those starry-eyed looks that you can’t seem to stop giving your partner? They might be an evident sign that you’re falling head over heels.

2. Racing Heart: The Love Beats

Is your heart skipping abeat at the mere thought of that special someone? This isn’t just poetic language. Love can actually speed up your heart rate. Research says that when you’re in love, the adrenaline in your body tends to make your heart pump faster. In other words, your racing heart may be much more than just anticipation or excitement; it may be aphysical sign of love’s arrival.

3. Butterflies in the Stomach: A Flicker of Love

If you feel those famous butterflies in your stomach whenever you see or think about the one you love, this could be your body’s way of signaling that you’re in love. It’s aliteral gut reaction, caused by asurge of adrenaline in the body when you’re in love. Yes, it might make you alittle nervous, but it’s asurefire sign that your emotions are kicking into high gear.

4. Trouble Sleeping: Love is the Best Lullaby

As odd as it may sound, if you can’t fall asleep because you’re thinking about the person you unwittingly fell for, it might be ahint that you’re in love. After all, as Shakespeare once said: “Love’s stories written in love’s richest books. To fan the moonbeams from his sleeping eyes.” And that may involve forfeiting some slumber.

There you have some physical signs that your body could be showing that you’re in love. Of course, everyone experiences love differently, so these are not definitive proof, but rather signals to look out for.

The Involuntary Smile: How Love Affects Your Mood

Love tends to paint the world in vibrant colors. You feel energized, relieved, and overall happier. Does it sound familiar? Let’s dig into how love gives you that glow and what science has to say about it.

Natural Mood Enhancer

Ask anyone who’s been in love, and they’ll tell you –the feeling of acrush can brighten your day like few things can. Neurologically, love triggers the release of dopamine, the brain’s pleasure chemical. This gives you an undeniable joyful high, making you giddy with happiness, leading to that charming, inevitably irresistible smile on your face.

Boost in Self-Esteem

It’s common for people in love to feel better about themselves. Your feelings are mirrored in your significant other, making you feel validated, appreciated, and cherished. As aresult, you’ll notice apositive shift in your self-perception and self-worth, providing ahealthy boost to your self-esteem.

Joy in Shared Happiness

The happiness you derive from seeing your partner happy, content, and fulfilled is aprominent sign of you being in love. This shared joy builds an emotional connection, strengthens your bond, and deepens your feelings for each other. Love has the magical power of making you happier when you’re around the person you love, and their happiness becomes your happiness, making your smile glow even brighter.

Profound Connections: How Love Deepens Relationships

Being smitten with someone doesn’t merely change how you view yourself—it affects how you interact with others, too. In love, we foster deep connections not only with our partner but with the world as awhole. Love fosters meaningful ties that extend beyond romantic relationships, impacting friendships and family interactions.

Love Penetrates Emotional Barriers

When you are in love, you find yourself opening up, expressing thoughts and feelings you’d otherwise keep private. You let down your emotional guard, daring to be vulnerable in the presence of your loved one. This emotional transparency enables profound connections to flourish, deepening your bond and fostering trust, intimacy, and understanding within your relationship.

Love Promotes Empathetic Understanding

Being in love can also transform your ability to understand and sympathize with others. You find it easier to place yourself in your partner’s shoes, experiencing their joys and anxieties as if they were your own. This empathetic understanding creates ashared emotional landscape, inviting you and your partner to navigate life’s ups and downs together—thus encouraging growth and strengthening your relationship.

Love Inspires Positive Changes

Love acts as acatalyst for positive change in oneself. You’re driven to better yourself, not just for your own sake, but also for your beloved. Such transformations could range from adopting healthier habits, nurturing personal growth, to refining social skills. These changes can positively impact your relationships across the board, even outside your romantic involvement.

Mature Love Cultivates Shared Experiences

Almost nothing deepens arelationship more than shared experiences. Whether it’s navigating challenges, pursuing mutual interests, or creating memories, love fuels the desire to spend quality time together. These shared experiences provide acommon thread that binds your lives, strengthening your emotional bond and continually bringing you closer together.

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The Inner Workings of Your Heart: Understanding Your Emotions

Have you noticed anew spectrum of emotions burgeoning within? This could be atelltale sign that you’re head over heels in love. Your emotions, both quiet whispers and deafening roars, play apivotal role in decoding the language of love. Understanding them isn’t always easy, but it’s utterly rewarding.

An Eruption of Happiness

Remember that bounce in your step, the uncontainable smile, and an unusual bubbling up of joy? Being in love often ignites afireworks display of happiness inside us. Observing these joyful emotions and their frequency can provide vital cues that you are in love.

A Dance of Desire and Longing

When in love, you might find yourself oscillating between desire and longing. Desire to spend every waking hour with the person, blended with alonging when they’re not around –a dance of emotions that can often point to your heart falling in love.

A Soothing Wave of Calm

Amidst this thrilling rollercoaster ride of emotions, you might also experience apeculiar calm. Aserenity that stems from the security of being cared for and valuing someone deeply. If this peaceful emotion washes over you when thinking about your significant other, it’s astrong inclination toward love.

Pangs of Jealousy

No exploration of love’s emotional landscape would be complete without mentioning jealousy. While it is often misconstrued, adash of jealousy is natural when in love. It’s the concern of losing someone cherished. But beware! If this emotion flares up frequently or violently, it’s necessary to address it healthily and honestly.

A Symphony of Emotions

Welcome to the symphony of love’s emotions –a splendid and complex composition that’s uniquely yours. Understanding these emotions can serve as your compass, guiding you through the labyrinth of love. So pay attention to them. They might whisper or scream, either way, they’re telling you something significant about your heart’s situation.

The Love Evolution: How True Love Grows Over Time

Embarking on avoyage of true love is not alinear journey—it’s acontinuous cycle of growth and discovery. Just like adelicate sapling that eventually grows into astrong, sturdy tree, love, too, takes time to mature and become deeper.

Love in the Early Stages

During the early stages, love is like abeautiful, blooming flower, mesmerizing and intoxicating with its vibrant colors and stunning allure. This is where physcial attraction and infatuation hold sway. But as time passes, like aflower that wilts only to bear fruit, love transcends its initial stages, offering something more substantial, more fulfilling.

Remember when you first fell head over heels for your significant other? The palpitations, the wide grins, and those never-ending conversations? That’s the ‘honeymoon phase’ or the ‘passionate love’ phase as psychologists call it. It’s characterized by ahigh degree of intensity and enveloping euphoria. It’s exciting and exhilarating, but it’s also unstable—much like actual honeymoons, it doesn’t last forever.

A Few Years Later

Fast forward to afew years, or even months, into arelationship. The lightning bolt of infatuation is replaced by aglow of warmth and comfort—that’s the shift towards ‘companionate love’ happening. As the fires of passion take abackseat, what steps in is adeeper sense of intimacy, commitment, and trust. It’s less about the thrills and more about the comfort and security that comes with truly knowing and accepting each other.

True love evolves with time. It deepens years into the relationship when you’ve gone past the surface-level knowledge of each other, navigating through life’s ups and downs together, sharing successes, failures, joys, and sadness. This is often marked with an enhanced sense of understanding, acceptance, and mutual respect.

Keep it Going

It’s important to remember, however, that like everything worthwhile, maintaining love requires efforts. To keep your love evolving, you need to nurture it, invest in it. Surprise each other, show appreciation, have meaningful conversations, and continue dating each other, even if you’ve been together for years. Love that lasts is love that is never taken for granted.

But most of all, evolution in love means evolving together—helping each other grow as individuals, and growing as aunit. It means building ashared narrative while also fostering personal growth. That’s how love not only survives but thrives. Because, after all, ‘happily ever after’ isn’t adestination—it’s ajourney, acontinuous process of growing, nurturing and evolving love.

Wrapping Up: How to Know When You’re in Love

So, how can you tell when you’re truly in love?

Love feels comfortable, yet exciting. There’s a sense of peace, even when things go awry. You know, deep down inside, that you can weather whatever life throws at you as long as you have your special someone by your side.

Second, being in love means accepting and loving your partner for who he is—flaws and all. He’s not perfect, but in your eyes, he’s just right, in all of his perfectly imperfect glory.

Third, a clear sign you’re in love is when you start valuing his happiness as much as your own. His smiles bring joy to your heart and his tears bring a lump to your throat. True love means caring about his wellbeing, sometimes even more than your own.

Envisioning a future with him is another hallmark of love. You see him in all your tomorrows. You want to wake up next to him, grow old with him, endure the ups and downs of life together—that’s real love.

Lastly, true love is resilient. It doesn’t burn out when the honeymoon phase is over. It’s not swayed by fights or conflicts. It endures, through thick and thin, highs and lows, till the end of time.

Figuring out if you’re in love can be a bit of a puzzle. But understanding how love manifests, recognizing its physical and emotional indicators, and differentiating it from other intense feelings, like infatuation, can make the picture clearer. The journey to uncover whether you’re in love can be baffling and overwhelming, but remember, love is just as much an art as it is a science, and the excitement lies in experiencing it.

So go ahead, soak in the beauty of love and never be afraid to follow your heart.

Unveiling the Truth: Are Soul Mates Real?

Find Happily Ever After

The concept of soul mates has been a topic of interest for many psychologists who have proposed several theories. One such theory is the Jungian Theory, named after Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. According to this theory, we all have an ‘anima’ or ‘animus’ (the feminine and masculine aspects within us). Jung said we are naturally drawn to people who embody the traits of our anima or animus. We often interpret this as finding our ‘soul mate’ or ‘other half’.

Attachment Theory

The Attachment Theory is another psychological theory related to soul mates. This theory suggests that our early relationships with our caregivers shape our adult relationships. In this context, a soul mate could be someone who satisfies our attachment needs, providing a sense of security and comfort. This person may not be a ‘perfect match’ in every aspect, but they fulfill our emotional needs.

Romantic Idealism

Then there’s the theory of Romantic Idealism. This theory posits that our belief in soul mates is influenced by our cultural and societal norms. We’re often fed the idea of ‘the one’ through various forms of media, leading us to believe in the existence of a perfect partner. Our relationships and perception of what a soul mate should be are influenced by this belief.

Biological Theory

Another interesting theory is the Biological Theory. This theory suggests that we’re biologically programmed to seek certain traits in a partner that would ensure the survival and success of our offspring. In this context, a soul mate could be someone who possesses these desirable traits.

Constructed Memory

Lastly, the theory of Constructed Memory suggests that our memories are not always accurate and can be influenced by our current feelings and beliefs. This means we might construct the idea of a soul mate based on our current feelings towards a person, rather than actual past experiences. This theory challenges the notion of ‘love at first sight’ often associated with the concept of soul mates.

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Setting the Stage: What Exactly is a Soul Mate?

Think about those moments when you’ve met someone and it felt like you’ve known them forever. This is an inexplicable connection that’s hard to shake off. It feels deeper than physical attraction and focuses on the abstract concept of ‘soul mates’. But what does this really mean? Is a soul mate someone who completes you, like two halves of a perfect whole? Or perhaps, is it about finding someone who helps you grow into your best self?

The concept of soul mates is as complex as the variety of individual perspectives. For some, this is about a romantic partner who fits perfectly into their life, like a key to a lock. For others, it’s a cherished relationship that might not be romantic, but fosters personal growth and harmonic synergy. It’s as if two souls are aligning in a dance of cosmic resonance. The idea of a soul mate is a notion that carries profound depth and the potential for endless interpretations.

This multifaceted interpretation extends back to ancient times. Plato, the Greek philosopher, surmised that humans were originally created with two faces, four arms, and four legs. Following afear that they would become too powerful, the gods divided them, and hence, each person is always in search of their other half, their soul mate.

However, is all of this a beautiful metaphor or a tangible truth? Are those chills down your spine when you meet someone a sign of a soul mate connection, or a simple physiological reaction? To uncover these answers, it’s important to dig into the power of connection and the science behind soul mates—let’s set off on this exploratory journey together.

Debunking Myths: Common Misconceptions About Soul Mates

Let’s clear up some of these popular misinterpretations about what a soul mate is.

A common myth is that there is only one soul mate for each person. This has been perpetuated by movies and books, but the reality is not so limiting. It’s much more plausible to understand that you can connect deeply with multiple people throughout your life. Each of these connections are unique and meaningful in their own way.

A second frequently touted misconception is that soul mates must be romantic partners. While this is often the case in popular culture, it doesn’t have to be the standard. Asoul mate, at its core, is someone with whom you share adeep, mutual connection. In many cases, this could be afriend, afamily member, or even amentor.

Finally, another misleading belief is that when you meet your soul mate, everything will fall perfectly into place. Relationships, even with asoul mate, require effort and work. Encountering challenges and overcoming them together is akey aspect of deepening that essential connection.

It’s crucial to understand these myths about soul mates so you don’t misinterpret what you’re feeling. Instead of searching high and low for the single perfect person who fits an ideal fantasy, perhaps it’s more beneficial to focus on the meaningful connections you can form with the people already in your life and meet along your journey. The harmonious soul connections you develop could be much more rewarding than you could have ever imagined.

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Soul Mate or Life Partner: Understanding the Difference

A soul mate connection is believed to be immensely deep and meaningful, transcending the physical realm. Themes of love that withstand the test of time, destiny, and the idea of ‘two halves of a whole’ are all often associated with the idea of a soul mate.

A life partner, on the other hand, often carries amore pragmatic understanding. Relationships with life partners are marked by mutual respect, shared goals, and astrong commitment to nurturing the relationship. The bond is based more on choice and effort rather than on predestined fate or profound cosmic connection.

Navigating the grey area between soul mates and life partners can be challenging. It’s easy to find yourself tangled in romantic notions of finding ‘the one.’ However, it’s essential to remember that healthy and fulfilling relationships require effort, understanding, and resilience.

Sure, the idea of finding your soul mate is undeniably romantic. It’s anotion that’s been ingrained in our minds and hearts through countless movies, songs, and novels. Yet, the reality is often more complex than such simplistic narratives. While asoul mate can undoubtedly add tremendous value and depth to your life, seeking alife partner –someone who stands by you, supports you, and grows with you –can serve as amore solid foundation for along-lasting, rewarding relationship.

Whether you believe in soul mates, life partners, or both, it’s crucial to remember that every relationship is unique. What works for one may not work for another. It’s more about creating a bond that aligns with your individual needs, desires, and life goals.

Signs, Signals, and Synchronicities: Recognizing Your Soul Mate

Many imagint meeting a soul mate feels like a rush of emotion, that moment when your eyes meet, and instantly knowing you’ve found ‘the one’. But is it really that simple or is it more subtle and nuanced? Let’s get into the tangible signs that might just lead you to your soul mate.

Recognizing your soul mate doesn’t always happen when you meet. It could take time, patience, and a genuine connection built on mutual respect and shared experiences. You might feel an immediate pull towards him, a sense of familiarity, like your paths were always meant to cross.

Pay attention to how you feel in his presence. Do you feel calm, at ease? If your soul mate is near, there’s a chance you’ll experience a sense of peace and comfort that you can’t quite explain. There still may be disagreements or friction at times – after all, we’re all human – but a sense of harmony should be the norm, not the exception.

Synchronicity, first coined by psychiatrist Carl Jung, refers to the occurrence of events that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality. In layman’s terms, you might consider these to be meaningful coincidences. Perhaps you and your potential soul mate share common interests, dreams, or have had similar life experiences. These compelling similarities can feel like the universe aligning to bring you both together.

Ultimately, the journey to finding your soul mate can be beautiful, exciting, and full of revelations. The key is to stay open to the signs, trust your instincts and, most importantly, believe in the journey, because it’s just as much about self-growth and understanding as it is about finding the other half of your soul.

Intuition and Inner Knowing: The Role of Gut Feelings in Identifying Soul Mates

Sometimes, your intuition is at play – that deep inner knowing that often plays a crucial role in identifying soul mates.

It’s not something you can explain logically or certainly not something that you’ve experienced before. Yet, there’s acertain sense of familiarity –as though you’re reconnecting with along-lost friend. We’ve all experienced such feelings, in various degrees, and when it comes to soul mates, this feeling is truly profound.

Beyond the realm of scientific proof or logical reasoning, this intuition is strongly rooted in your soul’s wisdom. Some people describe it as an inexplicable magnetism, an undeniable pull towards the other person. Others experience it as acalm assurance, aquiet certainty that this person is meant to be in their life.

Trusting your gut feeling is, therefore, an essential part of the soul mate journey. After all, your soul recognizes its counterpart before your mind comprehends it. While signs, signals, and synchronicities can guide you, it’s your inner knowing that affirms those pointers to be more than mere coincidences –they are, perhaps, cosmic confirmations.

Remember, just as the soul mate connection transcends the ordinary, recognizing your soul mate goes beyond ordinary experiences and emotions. Honour these feelings and trust your intuition, for it’s speaking in ways only your soul can truly understand.

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Psychological Perspective: What Science Says About Soul Mates

Psychologists believe that while there may not be a magical force leading us to ‘the one’, people do tend to seek partners with specific compatible traits. This psychological principle, known as “complementarity”, suggests people are drawn to those who possess characteristics that they, themselves, lack. Could this be the root of the idea of souls “completing” each other?

Increasingly, neuroscience is also weighing in on the topic. Recent studies have explored how deep connections between two people can result in aunique neurological pattern, creating an intense bond. However, this doesn’t necessarily signify apredestined pairing. What it tells us is that our brains adapt and evolve based on our experiences and the relationships that we form.

Finally, there’s the evolutionary perspective. Some evolutionary psychologists theorize that humans might have anatural inclination to pair bond –to keep together long enough to raise offspring. This instinct could contribute to our yearning for aprofound, enduring romantic connection, or what we often dub as a“soul mate”.

In essence, the scientific community doesn’t entirely discount the idea of soul mates. However, they urge caution against overly romanticized or unrealistic expectations. They advocate for focusing more on building strong, healthy relationships, which may be amore likely pathway to finding a“soul mate”.

The Verdict: Are Soul Mates Real?

Given the information you’re read, it’s tough to draw a definitive conclusion. It ultimately falls upon your belief system andpersonal experiences. If you’re afirm believer in divine connection or destiny, the idea of soul mates can seem quite real and unquestionably valid. On the other hand, skeptics might see it as amere construct of romantic novels and films.

Many psychologists and relationship experts argue that the concept of soul mates, while comforting, can actually put undue pressure on relationships. In their perspective, waiting for or seeking aperfect ‘other half’ may let you bypass opportunities for growth and deep emotional connection with others who aren’t ideal by some standards, but who bring value and enrichment to your life in their unique, imperfect ways.

Furthermore, there’s no scientific evidence to substantiate the existence of soul mates as we’ve discussed them in this context. But then again, love, akin to many human emotions, defies hard science’s grasp. It’s fraught with complexities and mystique that science has yet to comprehensively decipher.

So, dependent on your perspective, soul mates either exist in the metaphysical realm, where destiny intertwines two souls, or exist in the human mind, where love and connection take form as the idea of soul mates. Ultimately, the belief in soul mates really comes down to personal conviction influenced by your experiences and outlook on life and love.

In the end, whether you believe in soul mates, one thing rings true: human connection—deep, meaningful, and personal—is undeniably real. And the joy such relationships bring, that’s what truly matters.

How to Break Up with Someone You Love

Understand Men

You are researching the best way to do one of the most difficult things we face as humans – how to break up with someone you love.

As you’ve probably discovered already, love isn’t always enough to make a good relationship. In fact, it’s never enough. Many other things go into happy relationships.

Today, I want to walk you through the process of knowing if this is the right decision and navigating your new post-breakup world. I’m ready if you are!

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (9)

What are the signs that it’s time to break up with someone you love?

One of the strongest signs that it’s time for a breakup is a persistent feeling of unhappiness. If you find yourself consistently unhappy, and no amount of communication or effort seems to change that, it could mean it’s time to move on. Relationships should inherently bring joy and fulfillment. If it’s the opposite, it may be time to reevaluate.

Another indicator is when the relationship becomes overly draining. Emotionally, mentally, or even physically –if the relationship is consuming more energy than it’s worth, causing you stress or angst, these are signs worth looking into. Ahealthy relationship should equally provide support and rejuvenation, not constant exhaustion.

Love is about growth and evolution, together. If your personal growth is being hindered or you’re evolving in different directions, it could form irreconcilable differences. Having different life paths is completely normal, but if you’re unable to find asatisfying middle ground, it can lead to discomfort and resentment, painting apicture that it might be time to break up.

Lastly, pay close attention to your gut feelings. Intuition is powerful and it often knows the truth before you’re ready to accept it. If deep down you feel something is off, it may be worthwhile to explore those feelings further, either alone or with aprofessional counselor.

Remember, making the decision to break up does not mean you’ve failed. It means you value your happiness, wellbeing and ultimately your future. Trying to hold onto arelationship that has expired its course could potentially become toxic. It’s much healthier to recognize when it’s time to let go and yield to new beginnings.

What are the steps to navigate a break up with someone you love?

The whole process of breaking up with someone you love can often feel like navigating through atumultuous sea. It requires thought, tact, and care. To help you navigate this journey, follow these steps:

1. Make Sure You’re Certain

Before making a decision with the potential to affect both your life and his profoundly, you need to be sure. Love can sometimes blind us to the point where we may overlook major problems within the relationship. Reflect, journal, or even talk to a trusted friend or therapist about your feelings. Understand that this decision will push forward irreversible changes.

2. Establish aCalm and Private Environment

The setting plays asignificant role in how the conversation pans out. Choose aquiet, private place, which will allow both of you to express your feelings without restraint. Avoid places that hold emotional significance –they might add an extra layer of difficulty to the process.

3. Be Honest- Yet Kind

When communicating, be honest about your feelings but do it in a kind and caring way. Let him know you still care about him, but need to prioritize your own happiness at this time. Avoid pointing fingers or assigning blame.

4. Respect His Feelings

His reaction may vary drastically. From shock and disbelief to sadness or anger. Emotions will run high, and that’s perfectly normal. Respect his feelings and give him space to express himself. It’s okay to comfort him, but be careful not to give false hope.

5. Look Forward to the Future

Even though it’s sad and difficult now, remember that time heals all wounds. Look forward to discovering yourself again and getting back to who you were before this relationship. Eventually, you will move on and find new love.

Going through a break up with someone you love is heart-wrenching, but necessary at times. Look within, act with kindness, prepare for the aftermath, and keep trust in the future.

What are some tips for communicating effectively during a breakup?

Communicating effectively during abreakup allows both parties to express their feelings and thoughts honestly and openly, which in turn enables adegree of closure. Here are several tips to help you communicate effectively during this difficult time:

1. Plan What You’re Going to Say

It’s important not to rush into this conversation without any prior preparation. Consider practicing what you want to say in advance. This will help you deliver your message more smoothly and ensure you cover all critical points.

2. Use ‘I’ Statements Rather Than ‘You’ Statements

Using ‘I’ statements rather than ‘You’ statements can help you express how you’re feeling without blaming or accusing your partner. For instance, say “I feel like we’re moving in different directions,” rather than “You’re not committed to this relationship.”

3. Stay Focused on the Conversation

Ensure the conversation remains focused on the breakup and not on past fault-finding or blaming each other. It’s easy to let the conversation stray off-course, so remember the purpose of this discussion is to convey your intentions clearly.

4. Listen to His Perspective

It’s crucial to give your partner space to voice his thoughts and feelings. Even if you’re ending the relationship, it is important to let him express his side of the story. It might even give you a better understanding of the situation, and it shows respect towards his feelings.

5. Be Patient and Understanding

Keep in mind that he might not react or process the situation in a way you expect. Be patient with his responses and show understanding to his feelings. It’s essential to uphold his dignity during this challenging time.

Remember, every breakup is different, and your approach should reflect your unique relationship dynamic. But effective communication through the process can smooth the path towards healing and moving on.

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (10)

How to maintain self-respect while ending a relationship

Decisions involving the heart are never easy. Empowering yourself to face the pain and make the necessary tough calls is the epitome of self-respect. Nurturing your self-esteem during this emotionally-charged process requires some thoughtful action.

1. Reflect on Your Reasoning

Before you take any action, take some time to reflect on the reasons leading to your decision. Start by being honest with yourself. This may be abitter pill to swallow, but acknowledging your own needs and regrets validates your decision, which in turn reinforces your self-respect.

2. Avoid Blame Games

Blame may provide ashort-term relief, but rarely fosters ahealthy breakup. Shifting blame on your partner or even yourself only creates resentment and disharmony. Keep the focus on differing life goals or compatibility issues rather than pinpointing faults.

3. Show Empathy and Compassion

Few things are more respectful than sincere empathy and compassion. Recognize the pain he must be feeling and honor it. Your gentleness could aid in the healing process for both of you, and sincerity can help ensure that the breakup doesn’t turn bitter.

4. Keep Boundaries Defined

Post-breakup, establishing clear boundaries is pivotal for mutual respect. Do not let your ex tamper with your peace of mind. This could mean limiting contact or even blocking his number, if necessary. Ensure your decision is stated clearly and respected.

5. Seek Support

The end of arelationship, even one that’s not functioning, often brings awave of grief. Don’t isolate yourself; instead, surround yourself with asupport group. This could be friends, family, or aprofessional counselor. Let them remind you of your worth when you feel low.

Breakups are apart of life, albeit adifficult one. Remember to love and respect yourself through this journey. Your relationship status doesn’t define you –your actions and responses do. Practice self-care, seek support when necessary, and above all, know that it’s okay to prioritize your own happiness.

What are some strategies for coping with heartbreak?

The aftermath of abreak-up can be awhirlwind of emotions. But remember, heartbreak is also apath for personal growth and self recovery. Start by giving yourself the time to heal. Everyone’s journey is different, and it takes time to work through these feelings. The following are some core strategies you can use to help cope with heartbreak:

1. Accept the Pain

Embrace the pain instead of pretending it doesn’t exist. Acceptance creates a foundation for healing. This pain is evidence of your ability to feel deeply, and it’s okay to grieve a break up with someone you love.

2. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

A strong support system is essential during this transition. Spend time with friends or loved ones who can offer acomforting presence and alistening ear. Positive influences can help lift your spirits and remind you that you’re not alone.

3. Practice Self-Care

Take care of your emotional, physical, and mental health. This could mean taking along walk, participating in afavorite hobby, reading agood book, or enjoying acalming bath. Simple self-care activities can contribute to an overall sense of well-being during this challenging time.

4. Seek Therapy if Needed

There’s no shame in seeking external help when coping becomes too challenging. Professional therapists can provide you with ameans to navigate your feelings and provide you with effective coping strategies.

5. Use Reflection as aTool

Reflect on what you’ve learned from the relationship and the breakup. This can help you gain closure and foster personal growth. While it may be hard, eventually this heartbreak will lead to astronger version of you.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when breaking up with someone you love?

Breaking up is arduous and daunting, however, certain inadvertencies during this phase can spiral the situation out of control. Let’s dwell on five common mistakes to evade while ending a relationship with someone you love.

1. Utilizing Cliches

Despite good intentions, resorting to clichés such as “It’s not you, it’s me” can leave your partner confused and frustrated. Such statements are often seen as insincere and vague, obscuring the real reasons behind the breakup. Be honest yet considerate while articulating your feelings and thoughts. Don’t obscure the truth, but express it gently.

2. Bad Mouthing Your Ex

Plunging into negativity after the break up fuels hurt feelings and may damage both your reputations. Keep the details of your relationship and breakup private. This preserves respect, prevents additional hurt, and aids in the healing process.

3. Giving False Hopes

Avoid giving misguided hopes of reconciliation during abreakup. If the separation is final, ensure your partner comprehends the situation to avoid prolonging the pain.

4. Engaging in aBlame Game

Pointing fingers and blaming your partner entirely for the break-up will merely intensify negativity. Accept your part in the relationship’s end. Not every breakup occurs due to one person’s fault; sometimes relationships simply don’t work out.

5. Promptly Moving On

Rushing to start anew relationship post breakup often signifies disrespect towards your ex-partner and might be seen as an attempt to provoke jealousy. Allow yourself to heal and reflect on what you learned from the past relationship before hopping into aone.

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (11)

How to deal with the loneliness after a breakup

Post-breakup loneliness can be a tough hill to climb. The emptiness can feel overwhelming, reminiscent of a quiet room where the only voice you hear is your own echo. However, this isolation is not a permanent state, and can actually function as a period of self-reflection and growth. Let’s now dig into the practical steps you can take to deal with loneliness after a break up with someone you love.

1. Allow Yourself to Grieve

First and foremost, you must acknowledge your feelings. Stifling your emotions will only prolong the healing process. It’s normal to feel awhirlwind of emotions –sadness, anger, and confusion, among others –so let yourself grieve. Write your feelings down in ajournal or express them through creative outlets such as art or music.

2. Establish aSupport Network

Human connection is apotent remedy for loneliness. Reach out to friends, family, or even support groups where you can share your feelings and experiences. Spending time around the warmth of others can provide the comfort and perspective needed to alleviate loneliness.

3. Nurture your Personal Interests

Embrace solitude as achance to explore your interests and hobbies, the ones potentially cast aside during the relationship. Whether it’s reading that book you never got around to, picking up the guitar, or hiking on anearby trail, use this time to focus on activities that excite you and reignite your passion.

4. Practice Mindful Self-Compassion

Be kind and patient with yourself. It’s easy to wallow in self-criticism; however, remind yourself that everyone experiences heartbreak and loneliness. Practice mindfulness, the act of staying present and releasing judgment of your thoughts and feelings. This can be achieved through meditation, yoga, or other mindfulness practices.

5. Seek Professional Help if Necessary

You’ll find this to be a runninig theme in all of these tips on how to break up with someone you love, so I’ll mention it one last time here.

There is no stigma in seeking professional help to deal with the difficult things in your life, in fact, it shows great self-awareness and respect. If this situation feels like it’s too much to handle, don’t be afraid to reach out for help.

How to handle your ex-partner’s response during a breakup

1. Keep Your Emotions in Check

It’s quite natural for abreakup to provoke emotional responses from both parties involved. Your ex-partner’s reaction to the news may range from sadness to anger, disbelief to disappointment. Despite the turbulence of emotions, maintaining an element of emotional control can be crucial. Try to control your reactions and stay calm, even if the other person is becoming emotional or angry. Responding to hostility with kindness and patience can help to diffuse the situation.

2. Be Firm yet Considerate

Once you’ve made your decision, stick to it. That’s not to say that you should be cold or harsh; rather, exercise discernment, care, and respect throughout the process. Be clear on why you’ve made the decision to end the relationship. If your ex-partner seeks answers, you should be prepared to talk about your feelings without transgressing the boundaries of respect and courtesy.

3. Don’t Feed into Arguments

While it’s important to address concerns and answer reasonable questions, be careful not to get drawn into heated arguments. Breaking up is an emotional process, which can stir up all sorts of emotions and trigger arguments. If situations get tense, remember the importance of keeping the discourse civil and respectful. It’s okay to step away and take a break if you feel an argument brewing.

4. Allow Him to Express His feelings

Allow him the opportunity to express his emotion and voice his thoughts. Naturally, his reaction might be bundled up with disappointment, sadness, or anger. But accepting his feelings and giving him the space to express can help him start his healing process. It’s crucial you remain understanding and supportive.

What are the tips for setting boundaries after a break up with someone you love?

Ending arelationship with someone you love embodies asignificant life transition. To aid in the healing process and protect your emotional wellbeing, establishing clear boundaries with your ex-partner is crucial. Here are some effective strategies:

1. Define your Personal Space

Give yourself plenty of space for introspection and personal growth. This means limiting interactions with your ex and setting clear emotional and physical space boundaries. While you might be used to his presence in your life, taking time apart can be a benefit to both of you, helping each individual transition into a new chapter.

2. Assert Your Needs Clearly

Communicate your requirements post-breakup and let your ex know what you’re comfortable with. Whether it’s limited contact, or no contact at all, express these boundaries concisely and assertively. Remember, safeguarding your mental health should be your topmost priority.

3. Respect Mutual Friends

It’s common to have overlapping social circles in long-term relationships. Respect your mutual friends and avoid forcing them to take sides or engage in unnecessary gossip. Urge them to understand and respect your chosen post-relationship boundaries as well.

4. Limit Social Media Interactions

In the modern age, social media often complicates the aftermath of abreakup. Consider limiting, or even eliminating, social media interactions with your ex. Unfollow, mute, or block their profiles if you feel necessary- your digital peace is paramount in the healing process.

5. Prioritize Self-Care

While setting boundaries, never forget to prioritize your own well-being. This period of post-breakup recovery should also involve self-care and self-love. Spend time nurturing your own needs and developing your identity outside of the relationship.

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What are the tips for setting boundaries after you break up with someone you love?

Setting boundaries after abreakup can be achallenge. There may be lingering attachments and emotions, making it difficult to establish an effective boundary line. However, boundaries are essential in maintaining your mental and emotional health. To help, we’ve listed afew tips below:

1. Be Clear About Your Expectations

It’s crucial to be clear about what you will and won’t accept post-breakup. Communicate your boundaries effectively and assertively. This might seem challenging, but your well-being must be apriority.

2. Avoid Unnecessary Physical Contact

Avoiding physical contact can help keep boundaries defined. This might mean not hugging or staying in other intimate scenarios while you both come to terms with the breakup. It’s crucial not to confuse comfort with the rekindling of feelings and emotions.

3. Limit Communication

Limiting communication is often essential in establishing boundaries. While completely cutting off may not always be possible or desirable, reducing contact can give you the space to heal and build your independent identity.

4. Keep Your Distance

Though remaining friends may be idyllic, it’s advantageous to maintain acertain degree of distance. This might involve avoiding familiar shared spaces to minimize awkward encounters or not attending mutual social events until you both are fully healed.

5. Be Firm With Your Decisions

While it’s crucial to be considerate of your ex’s feelings, don’t waver from your decisions when it comes to your boundaries. Remember, you set these boundaries for your well-being and peace of mind.

Setting boundaries after abreakup is ajourney that requires time and patience. So, be gentle with yourself as you navigate through this phase.

How to deal with guilt after a break up with someone you love

Dealing with guilt following abreak-up can be one of the most challenging aspects of ending arelationship you once held dear. However, it’s crucial to remember that guilt, like other emotions, is anormal part of the human experience and is especially likely to surface during periods of significant change. It doesn’t make your decision to end the relationship wrong.

1. Acceptance is the first step

Acceptance is the first step towards dealing with guilt after breaking up with someone you love. It’s okay to feel guilty—it means you empathize and realize that your actions have implications on others. Accepting your guilt doesn’t mean you endorse it. Instead, it’s about acknowledging it as part of your emotional spectrum and understanding it’s anatural response to asignificant emotional event.

2. Understand Your Reasons for Ending the Relationship

Ensure you’re clear on why the relationship had to end. You made this decision for areason, and it’s important that you reaffirm those reasons to yourself. Remember, making the best decision for your wellbeing may sometimes mean hurting someone else and that doesn’t make you abad person. It’s not about creating an exhaustive list of faults, but rather, about understanding the circ*mstances and realizing that staying wouldn’t have been healthy or fair for either of you.

3. Practice Self-Compassion

Forgive yourself and practice self-compassion. The fact that you feel guilty after the breakup shows your humanity, but it shouldn’t chain you in perpetual self-condemnation. Accept your flaws, grow from your mistakes, and recognize that you’re ahuman being capable of experiencing arange of complex emotions. The guilt you’re feeling may be painful, but it can also be atool for growth and emotional maturity.

4. Allow Time to Heal

Time can be your strongest ally when it comes to dealing with guilt after abreakup. You’ll need time to process your emotions, come to terms with the end of asignificant relationship, and begin to heal. There’s no rush, and it’s completely okay to take all the time you need. The pain won’t go away overnight, but rest assured, it will lessen as the days turn into weeks and months.

Wrapping Up: How to Break up with Someone You Love

Ending a relationship is difficult – no matter how much you care for him. You’re dealing with your own emotions and his potential hurt and disappointment. This process can be grueling, but by following the suggestions we’ve discussed, it can be respectful and compassionate.

Deciding to break up with someone you love shouldn’t be taken lightly so find a calm and private environment to have this conversation. Be honest and kind about your reasons for wanting to end the relationship, and respect his feelings throughout the process. Focus on the future, and understand this is a step towards personal growth and happiness for you both.

Communication is crucial during a breakup and preparing what you’re going to say can save you from stumbling over your words or saying something you’d regret. Using ‘I’ statements rather than blaming makes it a healthier conversation. It’s equally important to listen to his perspective and be patient and understanding.

Breakups often bring loneliness, guilt, and heartbreak so allow yourself to grieve and feel these emotions. Surrounding yourself with positive influences, practicing self-care, or seeking therapy can help your healing process. Refrain from engaging in behaviors like bad mouthing your ex or giving him false hopes to maintain a friendly atmosphere post-breakup.

Come to terms with your guilt through acceptance. Understand your reasons for ending the relationship and practice self-compassion. Allow and give yourself, time to heal.

Setting boundaries after the breakup gives you time and space to deal with your emotions. Defining your personal space, limiting communication, and keeping your distance all contribute towards a healthier recovery.

Breaking up with someone you love is a highly personal and individual choice. There are ways to navigate it so it’s more respectful and compassionate. Remember to take care of yourself during and after the process.

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How to Start the New Year Right

Understand Men

Everyone wants to start the New Year right and many do that with resolutions, but statistics tell us that 91% of New Year’s resolutions fail within forty-eight hours of the New Year.

WOW! That’s huge and it might feel a little discouraging, but that’s why you have me! I’m here to give you a few great tips on how to start the New Year right!

So why do 91% of resolutions fail within forty-eight hours? Let’s dig in!

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (15)

Obstacles People Come Up Against in the New Year

One common obstacle that people often face when starting the New Year is setting unrealistic goals or resolutions. While it’s great to aim high, setting goals that are too ambitious can lead to disappointment and a sense of failure if they are not met. This can quickly derail other efforts to make positive changes.

Another common barrier is the lack of a clear plan or strategy. Many people start the New Year with a vague idea of wanting to improve certain aspects of their lives, but without a clear plan of action, it’s easy to lose focus and motivation. This lack of direction can make it difficult to achieve desired outcomes.

Procrastination is another significant obstacle that many people encounter. The start of a new year often brings a sense of renewed energy and motivation, but this can quickly fade as the reality of daily life sets in. Procrastination can lead to missed opportunities and a lack of progress towards goals.

Many people also struggle with maintaining consistency. Whether it’s sticking to a new diet, exercise routine, or other lifestyle changes, maintaining these new habits consistently can be challenging. It’s easy to revert back to old habits, especially when faced with stress or unexpected changes.

Finally, a lack of self-confidence or belief in your ability to make changes can be a major obstacle. This can stem from past failures or a fear of failure. Without a strong belief in your ability to make positive changes, it can be difficult to stay motivated and committed to new goals.

Setting Powerful Goals: Your Foundation for the New Year

It’s the dawn of a fresh year! A fantastic opportunity to re-evaluate last year’s happenings, decide on what lessons were valuable, and outline resolutions to enhance your prospects over the next 365 days. Setting achievable, powerful goals for the coming year doesn’t just happen though—it requires thoughtful reflection, purposeful planning, and accountability mechanisms in place. Let’s dive into it.

First and foremost, reflection is critical. Ask yourself what worked and what didn’t for you in the past months? This introspection helps stimulate aclear idea of where you stand, the space for growth, and the direction you should take to make this year afulfilling one. Be honest—Growth lies in authenticity.

  • Analyze last year’s goals: Go back to the goals you set last year. Did you achieve them? If not, identify why, and use that intel to inform your future goals.
  • Consider success: Think about the instances where you felt triumphant and true. What sparked these feelings and how can it be integrated into future objectives?
  • Assess your values and vision: People change, and so do their values and vision. It’s important to ensure your goals align with your evolving personal ethos.

Thoughtful reflection leads us to the next step—planning. Once you have aclear sense of what matters to you, carve out landmarks that will guide your journey this year.

  1. Measurable outcomes: Break down your aspirations into quantifiable targets. Instead of setting a vague goal like “getting healthier”, you might decide to “Run 3 times a week for 30 minutes.”
  2. Prioritizing goals: Rank your goals in relation to their importance and urgency. This can help prevent burnout and keep the focus on what genuinely matters to each individual tree rather than the whole forest.
  3. Consistent commitment: Consistency in the pursuit of goals works wonders. Set daily, weekly, or monthly tasks that lead to your ultimate goal.

Now that you’ve reflected and planned, don’t forget about accountability. Having someone or something that holds you responsible for your goals significantly enhances the chance of you sticking to them.

  • Find a mentor or coach: A mentor can offer guidance, encouragement, and constructive feedback throughout your journey.
  • Engage a support group: Having a group of individuals with similar aspirations can be a source of motivation and mutual learning. Their victories will inspire you, and possibly, your story might inspire them!
  • Journaling: Build a habit of jotting down your daily accomplishments. Over time, these entries will serve as your visual scorecard, reminding you of your capabilities and progress.

Remember, a New Year is a fresh canvas, and you’re the artist. Paint your dreams onto this canvas and extend their reach far beyond the boundary of just “resolutions”.

Setting powerful goals is essential, but most importantly, remember to take care of yourself throughout the process. Be patient, acknowledge your achievements however small they may seem, and celebrate your efforts. After all, the journey to athousand miles begins with asingle step!

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (16)

Learn how to set life-changing goals – the kind of goals you won’t drop in 48 hours – with this awesome workbook! Just click the button below to start today!

This workbook will walk you through setting goals that are meaningful to you and will help you improve your life in ways you never imagined!

Stop sitting by, watching others achieve their goals. In fact, forget about them! This is about you and your new-found ability to have the lifeyou want.

The workbook is a digital download, so once you complete your purchase, which is less than a cup of coffee, you will be on. your way!

Start the New Year Right with a Self-Care Routine

Starting the New Year right takes more than just setting goals and working towards them; it involves aholistic approach that includes practicing self-care. What exactly does self-care mean to you? Let’s explore this together.

Self-care is about taking time to focus on your well-being and nurturing yourself, both physically and mentally. It’s about establishing routines and habits that promote health, happiness, and restorative balance in your life. And guess what? There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Self-care looks different for everyone, and what’s most important is finding practices that resonate with you.

Now, why is this important as you start your New Year? Well, maintaining adedicated self-care routine can have asignificant impact on your ability to achieve your goals.

See, goal achievement is often seen as amarathon, not asprint. Imagine trying to run this marathon while you’re exhausted, burnt out, or feeling unwell. It’s practically impossible, right? That’s where self-care shines –it’s your vital fueling station for this long race called life.

So, how do you go about implementing asuccessful self-care routine for the New Year? Here are afew tips:

  1. Set aside time for relaxation and reflection each day: This could be anything from meditation to journaling or simply reading a book. The key is to have some ‘me’ time where you can unwind and focus on your inner self.
  2. Prioritize physical health: Regular exercise and healthy eating habits should be a non-negotiable part of your day. Even a 20-minute walk can do wonders for your mood and energy levels.
  3. Surround yourself with positivity: Whether that’s with positive people, inspiration-filled environments or uplifting music, positivity can significantly influence your mental well-being.
  4. Keep learning and growing: Constant growth and learning can give you a sense of achievement, sprinkling joy and satisfaction in your life.

Remember, the goal isn’t perfection here; small consistent changes often lead to massive outcomes. So start small, make gradual changes, and most importantly, be consistent with your self-care routine.

Ultimately, weaving self-care into the fabric of your life will not only aid in the successful attainment of your New Year resolutions but also ensure you’re in the best condition to face whatever challenges the New Year may bring. So, as you strive to start this New Year right, don’t forget to take care of the most crucial player in this game –You!

Having an effective self-care routine is crucial to your daily peace and happiness, but many people falsely believe that self-care is simply taking a hot bath with a glass of wine and some candles.

There areso many other ways to enjoy a self-care routing and this workbook walks you through them, providing you with many choices on how you can implement self-care into your daily, weekly, or monthly routine.

It costs less than that cup of coffee you picked up on your way to work! Who can argue with that?!

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (17)

Positive Mindset: Your Secret Weapon to Conquer New Year Challenges

Now that you know how to set goals and you understand the importance of self-care, it’s time to get the right mindset behind your effort!

Building a positive mindset isn’t instant—it’s a gradual and consistent process. The most vital part is to maintain this mindset throughout the year, not just the first few days or weeks. So, how can you build such a resilient mindset? Well, let’s dive into that.

Tips to Cultivate a Resilient Mindset and Start the New Year Right

The first step is awareness. You must recognize that your thoughts heavily influence your actions. If you continually believe you cannot achieve something, this becomes your reality. So, be aware of what you tell yourself. The idea is to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

The next step involves the consistent practice of positive thinking. Positive affirmations are a brilliant tool. When you start your day with positive affirmations like “I can accomplish anything I set my mind to” or “I’m continually bettering myself,” you’re feeding your mind optimism, resulting in an incredible shift in your perspective and actions.

“Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.”

Mindfulness is also an effective strategy for cultivating apositive mindset. It involves staying connected with the present moment, thereby reducing anxieties about the future or resentments about the past. There are various ways to practice mindfulness, including meditation, yoga, or simply taking amoment to appreciate the beauty of life around you.

Lastly, remember that apositive mindset doesn’t mean ignoring the challenges that come your way. Rather, it means facing these challenges with optimism, confidence, and the firm belief that you are more than capable of overcoming them.

As you step into the New Year, bear in mind these simple yet powerful tips to help you nurture aresilient mindset—it will be your driving force in achieving your goals and navigating any obstacles in your path.

Embrace a Morning Routine: The First Step to a Successful Day

Imagine starting your day in harmony, feeling relaxed, and filled with positivity. Yes, this can be your reality if you embrace aconsistent morning routine. Now, you may be thinking, “I’m just not amorning person”. But, the truth is, you don’t have to wake up at the crack of dawn to maintain abeneficial morning routine. You just need to create asequence of activities that resonates with you, boosts your mood, and prepares you for asuccessful day.

The magic of a morning routine

A structured morning routine can be a game changer for your productivity and well-being. It sets the tone for the day, reduces stress levels by eliminating rushing and decision-making stress, fuels your focus on your goals, and promotes a better work-life balance. No wonder many successful people swear by their morning routine!

  • Establish consistency: Wake up and start your routine at the same time every day. This consistency helps regulate your body’s internal clock and can improve sleep quality.
  • Personalize your routine: There’s no ‘one size fits all’ routine. Tailor your routine to suit your needs and preferences. Whether that’s meditation, a vigorous workout, visualizing your goals, or a combination of all, the choice is yours.
  • Focus on positivity: Include affirmations or gratitude reflections in your routine to cultivate a positive mindset. Remember, a better day starts with a cheerful you.

Creating amorning routine that works doesn’t happen overnight. It requires patience, commitment, and constant re-evaluation. But the payoff is an enhanced sense of control, increased productivity, and better health –making it one of the best ways to start the New Year right.

Sample morning routine

To help you get started, here’s asample morning routine you might consider:

6:30 amWake up and hydrate
6:40 am10-minute meditation
7:00 amLight workout (Yoga, Stretching or Jogging)
7:30 amHealthy breakfast and day planning

Remember, this is just asuggestion, and it’s crucial to adapt the routine to your unique needs, preferences, and lifestyle. The objective is to design amorning routine that you look forward to, not one that feels like achore.

“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.” – Mike Murdock

So there it is; start your New Year off with apowerful morning routine and set the stage for aproductive, fulfilling, and successful year. It all starts with acommitment to making achange. Are you ready?

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (18)

Start the New Year Right by Adopting Healthy Habits

Adopting healthy habits often seems like daunting task, but with the right direction and some perseverance, you can cultivate these habits and lay astrong foundation for your New Year. Each habit you adopt gradually refines your lifestyle, creating apositive cycle that fuels your success throughout the year. So, how should you start? Here is aguide:

  1. Set achievable habits: Instead of focusing on grand and often unreachable goals, aim for smaller, more achievable habits. For instance, if improving your health is a goal, start by adding more vegetables to your diet or taking a 15-minute walk every day.

  2. Consistency is key: Maintaining consistency is more valuable than the occasional intensive effort. Set a schedule for your new habits and stick to it. Progress might be slow, but it is sure.

  3. Adapt and adjust: Don’t be discouraged if a habit doesn’t stick right away, or if it becomes overwhelming. It’s okay to adapt and adjust based on your experience. Remember, flexibility can be your ally.

Moving on, let’s look at some key areas where adopting healthy habits can make asignificant impact on your life.

AreaHealthy Habit Examples
Physical HealthRegular exercise, balanced diet, adequate sleep
Mental HealthMeditation, yoga, engaging in hobbies
RelationshipsOpen communication, regular check-ins with loved ones, expressing gratitude
Financial HealthMonthly budgeting, regular savings, investing wisely

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day!

It’s absolutely normal if progress seems slow. The key is to start small and stay consistent. And while it is important to be disciplined, don’t forget to be kind to yourself in the process. Every step you take towards adopting just one healthy habit is avictory worth celebrating.

Adopting healthy habits is an ongoing journey, rather than a destination. It is all about learning and growing. As the stunning sunrise heralds a brand new year, it also brings with it the promise of countless opportunities for healthy changes. Harness those opportunities and make this New Year a productive odyssey filled with achievements and happiness.

Master the Art of Time Management: A Crucial Step for Success

Time, as it’s often said, waits for no one. It is an equal-opportunity resource; each of us, no matter who we are or what we do, gets the same 24 hours in aday.

When the new year begins, we are handed abrand new set of 365 days. How we use each of these days can directly impact the success of our goals for the year. That’s where mastering time management comes into play.

Time management isn’t about squeezing as many tasks into your day as possible. It’s about simplifying how you work, doing things faster, and relieving stress. It enables you to take control of your life rather than following the flow of others. As you achieve more each day, make more sound decisions, and feel more in control, people notice.

“Time management is not a peripheral activity or skill. It is the core skill upon which everything else in life depends.” – Brian Tracy

Let’s consider some effective ways to master the art of time management:

  1. Start Your Day with a To-Do List: The simple act of writing down your tasks for the day helps you focus.
  2. Prioritize Your Tasks: Not every task holds the same level of significance. Prioritize your tasks based on their relevance and deadline.
  3. Set Realistic Goals and Deadlines: Setting realistic goals within your timeline allows for more accurate planning and less stress—does this sound familiar?
  4. Quit Multitasking: Doing many tasks simultaneously often results in decreased productivity. Focus on one task at a time to improve accuracy and efficiency.
  5. Take Regular Breaks: Taking regular breaks between tasks can help increase productivity and creative thinking.

Everyone has the same amount of time in aday, but some people can accomplish many times more than others. This achievement is not due to superhuman abilities, but aquestion of how they manage their time.

So, as the new year approaches, pledge to master the art of time management. It’s apowerful step forward in starting the year off right and set you on apath of success.

It’s Not Enough to START the New Year Right, You Must Also Stay Motivated

Indeed, I understand that keeping the New Year’s momentum going can sometimes be a challenge. You start the year off with high energy, vibrant goals, and a clear vision of what you want to achieve. However, as weeks and months pass, your focus might start to dwindle, and the motivation begins to wane. So here are a few tactics that can turn things around for you.

First, maintaining motivation is all about striking a balance and seizing the precious moments of personal time you have. There’s nothing likecelebrating small wins; it can electrify your spirit, boost your confidence and provide the motivation to aim for the next target.

  • Quick Walks: Taking short walks can uplift your mood. The fresh air can help clear your mind, providing a new perspective on your goals.
  • Active Breaks: Incorporating short workouts or quick stretches into your break schedule can keep you energized and focussed throughout the day. Plus, exercise is known to boost serotonin, the feel-good hormone that keeps you happy and motivated.
  • Self-Congratulation: Treat yourself to something nice when you achieve a smaller target on the way to your big goal. This not only gives you something to look forward to but can also serve as a reminder of your progress.

If you think of your life as asymphony, this next strategy could be the perfect melody line. Ever thought of embracing the power of Collaborative Goals? We often forget the electrifying power of collective energy towards achieving acommon goal. Be it aworkout buddy, astudy group, or abusiness partner; shared goals can motivate you to keep pushing even when your energy levels are low. It creates aspace of accountability and encouragement, lightening the challenges along the way.

Another invaluable technique in your motivation arsenal is the Art of Visualization. When you visualize your goals and the process of achieving them, your subconscious begins to work towards this reality, making it easier to remain motivated.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” – Albert Einstein

Lastly, don’t forget to be patient. Keep your eye on the long-term goal, and remember that progress, no matter how small, is still progress. Stay motivated, stay on track, and welcome the New Year with aresilient spirit and heart full of hope. Encourage yourself to pursue your dreams, and remember, nothing worthwhile was ever achieved without effort and persistence.

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (19)

Tracking Your Progress: Making Your New Year Goals Tangible

Every goal, no matter how colossal or minuscule, becomes manageable when you break it down into measurable steps. Recognizing and tracking your progress is an essential strategy that helps turn your New Year’s resolutions from mere wishes to tangible realities. But where should you start in tracking your progress? How do you decide what to measure and what not to?

Start by Identifying Trackable Elements

First off, think about what success looks like for your goal. Then, consider which elements of that success you can measure. If your New Year’s resolution is to improve your fitness, measurable elements could be minutes spent exercising, calories burned, or improvements in weight, body fat percentage, or overall general wellness.

Choose a Tracking Method That Makes Sense For You

Once you’ve identified what to track, decide on asystem for tracking and recording your progress. This could be as low-tech as apaper journal, or as high-tech as adedicated app or tool. The critical point is that your method fits into your daily life naturally, increasing the chances that you’ll stick with it throughout the year.

Making Improvements Along The Way

It’s also important to note that tracking isn’t just about recording- it’s about evaluating and adapting. Every so often, take some time to reflect on your progress, see what’s working and what’s not, and make adjustments accordingly. Remember, it’s amarathon, not asprint—be patient and kind to yourself along the way.

Last but not least, don’t forget to celebrate your wins—both big and small. Rewarding yourself for the progress you’ve made along the way can keep your motivation high and your eye on the prize!

In conclusion, tracking your progress can be apowerful tool in making your New Year’s resolutions stick. So start early, stay consistent, and watch your progress soar!

Overcoming Obstacles: Strategies to Break through New Year Resolution Barriers

As we march into the New Year, it’s only natural that we’ll face challenges and encounters with obstacles. When these barriers arise, don’t allow them to knock you off course. Instead, use practical strategies to overcome, learning and growing as aresult.

Strategy 1. Create Flexible Plans

While it’s wonderful to have asolid plan, it’s equally important to accept that life is unpredictable. Establish your goals with room for flexibility. If something doesn’t go as planned, don’t see it as afailure. Instead, adapt your plan and continue moving forward.

Strategy 2. Reframe Your Thinking

Many obstacles are merely amatter of perception. The way you frame problems can directly influence how you cope with them. Instead of seeing obstacles as anegative, view them as opportunities to learn, grow, and improve.

Strategy 3. Develop a Support Network

Who said you have to do everything alone? Develop anetwork of friends, family, or likeminded individuals who can offer encouragement, advice, and support. This kind of social reinforcement can be apowerful motivator and can provide necessary perspectives or solutions when obstacles emerge.

Remember, it’s not about perfection; it’s about progress. Each day, each week, each month brings new opportunities to move closer to your goals. Stay positive, focused, and ready to overcome any barriers you may face.

Strategy 4. Practice Self-Care

Your physical and mental health should always be atop priority. Taking care of yourself will give you the energy and clarity you need to face any challenges that come your way. This could involve daily physical exercise, healthy eating habits, mindfulness techniques, or simply ensuring you get enough rest.

Strategy 5. Be Patient

Real change and overcoming big obstacles doesn’t happen overnight. Give yourself the grace of patience. Understand that progress might be slower than anticipated, but keep going. Every small step forward is avictory worth celebrating.

All these strategies work symbiotically to help you navigate and overcome obstacles. The New Year will certainly serve up challenges, but with these strategies in your toolkit, you have everything you need to conquer them and flourish.

Step into Success: Create the Environment to Start the New Year Right

Crafting aconducive environment is one of the key steps in steering your year towards success. Awinning environment not only fosters your determination and endurance but also provides an optimal setting for developing and refining your skills towards accomplishing your New Year’s resolutions.

To start with, evaluate your surroundings. Your environment plays an unmatched role in shaping your behaviours, habits and attitudes. Whether it’s your home, workplace or any other place where you spend asignificant amount of your time, ensure that it supports your purpose.

  • At home, create a peaceful and inspiring setting to start your day right. Designate a corner for meditation or daily planning. Install motivational posters or notes to keep your goals in sight.
  • At work, organize your workspace to enhance productivity. A clutter-free space promotes focus and efficiency, while personalized elements can boost your mood and creativity.

Next, identify the key influencers in your life. They could be family, friends, colleagues, or mentors. These are the people whose words and actions can either fuel or derail your new year’s journey. Aim to foster relations that are positive, supportive, and growth-oriented while minimizing interactions that are unproductive or negative.

Supplement your environment with a good learning ecosystem. Engage with stimulating materials and sources that encourage personal and professional development. Enroll in courses, read insightful books, listen to podcasts or engage in networking events. This will not only keep you informed and abreast with the latest trends but also keep you motivated along your journey.

Lastly, embrace the power of positive reinforcement. Celebrate every progress, no matter how small, because progress is progress. This will leverage your motivation and help you stay on track.

Remember, creating awinning environment is iterative. It allows you to fine-tune your surroundings and relationships as per your evolving needs and goals. Step into this new year with aresolution to be in control of your environment and, thus, your success.

Visualize Your Victory: The Role of Positive Imagery in Achieving Goals

Visualizing your victory is apotent tool in your New Year goals blueprint. This mental technique involves repeatedly imagining the successful completion of your goal. By consistently visualizing the desired outcome, you can prepare your mind and even your body to achieve it.

For instance, if your goal is to run amarathon, visualize yourself crossing the finish line triumphantly, amidst cheers and applause. You’ll likely find that these images embolden you in your endeavor and make your goal feel more achievable.

Remember, visualization is not about hoping or wishing. It’s about mentally preparing for success. It’s a way of ‘pre-experiencing’ the victory, and this can have quite a profound impact on your motivation and determination.

Let’s take adeeper dive into some notable benefits of visualization, along with straightforward ways to incorporate it into your routine as you head into the New Year.

Benefits of Visualization

  • Motivation Boost: Regularly visualizing success can spark and sustain your motivation, making your goals seem more tangible and within reach.
  • Increased Confidence: Visualization allows you to see yourself successfully overcoming hurdles and challenges, boosting your self-confidence and self-belief.
  • Improved Focus: Visualization techniques can enhance your ability to focus on your goal, blocking out distractions that can derail your efforts.
  • Ability to Cope with Setbacks: With positive visualization, you can mentally rehearse overcoming obstacles, which can significantly improve your ability to cope with real-life setbacks.

How to Incorporate Visualization in your Routine

To truly harness the power of visualization, incorporate it into your daily routine. Here’s how:

  1. Set a Regular Time: Find a quiet moment in your day, perhaps first thing in the morning or right before bed. Dedicate this time to your visual imagery practice.
  2. Detail your Imagery: When visualizing, focus on the specifics. Hear the sounds, feel the emotions and visualize the actions you’re taking. The more detailed the imagery, the more powerful the impact.
  3. Use Positive Affirmations: Accompany your visualization with positive affirmations. Reiterate your capability and commitment to achieve your goals.
  4. Repeat the Visualization: Consistency is key. Just as physical practice enhances skills over time, so does your mental rehearsal. Make it a habitual part of your routine.

So, as we head into the New Year, remember that visualization is not just daydreaming. Think of it as your mental rehearsal for success. Embrace it, trust it and watch as you flourish with an energized motivation and afirm action plan.

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (20)

Say Yes to No: The Power of Rejection as You Start the New Year Right

Starting the new year with gusto is commendable, but maintaining that fiery resolve all year long can be adaunting task. Acritical yet often overlooked strategy for achieving your New Year’s resolutions is learning to say “no”. Consider this an exercise in setting boundaries and prioritizing your obligations wisely. Here’s how this potent, two-letter word can transform your journey in the upcoming year.

Understanding the Power of “No”

Each of us has only 24 hours in aday, and precious few of those are yours alone. Constantly saying “yes” to others can drain your time and energy, leaving you depleted and unable to pursue your own goals. By learning to say “no”, you can better manage your resources and dedicate them to what truly matters: your own personal growth and achievement.

“The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” ― Warren Buffett

Thus, embracing the power of “no” allows you to focus your resources on the vital few things that can make the biggest impact on your life. It’s an exercise in setting priorities, focusing solely on what aligns with your New Year’s resolutions. Remember, “No.” is a complete sentence.

The Art of Saying “No”

While the concept of saying “no” seems straightforward, it can be challenging to put into practice. Here are key tips to help you master the art of saying “no”, enabling you to safeguard your time, preserve your energy, and stay focused on your New Year’s resolutions:

  1. Recognize your priorities: Knowing what’s most important to you is the first step to decision-making. Ensure your “yes” aligns with your key priorities, and feel empowered to say “no” to anything that doesn’t.
  2. Be assertive, yet respectful: Saying ‘no’ doesn’t mean you have to be rude. Be assertive yet respectful in your response.
  3. Eliminate guilt: Remember, saying “no” is about preserving your energy for what truly matters; release any guilt associated with prioritizing your needs.
  4. Take time to think: If you’re unsure, consider asking for time to think before responding. This way, you avoid hasty decisions that you may later regret.

By mastering the art of tactfully saying “no”, you empower yourself to remain focused on your goals, eventually paving the way for asuccessful New Year.

Leap of Faith: Overcoming Fear and Embracing Change

Starting aNew Year comes with its share of excitement and anticipation –a fresh start with endless possibilities. However, inevitably, it also means facing acertain amount of fear and apprehension. This fear can stem from various sources: the uncertainty of the future, the pressure to achieve set resolutions, the worry of falling back into old habits, or even the fear of trying something completely new. The key to overcoming these fears is to consider them not as obstacles but stepping stones towards embracing change and creating new opportunities. And that involves aleap of faith.

Embracing change is an integral part of any self-growth journey and is especially important when starting anew year. Each New Year presents you with achance to reinvent yourself, to step out of your comfort zone and explore new horizons. Embracing change means being open to new experiences, adapting to different scenarios, and making the most of ensuing opportunities.

Is it scary? Sure, it can be. But as Nelson Mandela once said, “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” This essentially sums up the significance of a‘leap of faith’ in overcoming fear and embracing change.

Here are three key strategies to help you take that brave leap forward:

  1. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness involves staying completely grounded in the present moment, acknowledging your fears but not letting them control your actions. And there are various ways to cultivate mindfulness, such as meditation, deep breathing, or guided imagery.
  2. Build self-confidence: Reinforce your capabilities and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. This uplifts your spirit, boosts your self-confidence, and equips you with the courage to face fears and embrace change.
  3. Surround yourself with positivity: Positive influences in the form of friends, books, or motivational videos can work wonders for your mindset. They can rekindle your spirit, inspire you to push boundaries, and make that leap of faith a little bit easier to take.

Remember, each New Year brings awealth of opportunities and possibilities. All you need to do is take adeep breath and leap forward with an open heart and an open mind. Use this New Year to face your fears, embrace change, and script aspectacular story of personal growth.

Good luck, and here’s to ayear of courage and positive change!

Living Large: Expanding Your Comfort Zone as You Start the New Year Right

As we bid farewell to one year and welcome the next, it’s the perfect time to step out of your comfort zone. That imaginary circle of safety you’ve built around yourself? It’s high time we expanded it. Living large is all about embracing the unfamiliar and the unexpected. It’s about daring to do things differently, to rise above the everyday, and to truly realize your potential.

Why is it important, you may ask? Well, pushing your boundaries serves as acatalyst for personal growth. It stimulates creativity, resilience, and can lead to significant accomplishments. What amarvellous way to begin afresh year, wouldn’t you agree?

Let’s explore afew ways to expand your comfort zone and embrace the opportunities that the new year brings:

  • Tackle Something New: Pick up a new hobby, learn a new language, or even switch up your fitness routine. Trying new things can be exhilarating and, quite often, an exciting route to self-improvement.
  • Face A Fear: Fear is natural, but don’t let it limit you. Whether it’s a fear of public speaking or adventure sports, gently challenge yourself to confront these fears piece by piece.
  • Learn From Others: Surround yourself with people who inspire you. Their unique perspectives and experiences can nudge you towards new adventures and insights.
  • Adopt A Growth Mindset: Instead of seeing challenges as obstacles, view them as stepping stones to development. Nourish a mentality that thrives on learning, not on perfection.

Remember, the aim is not to make yourself uncomfortable, but to broaden the spectrum of what feels possible. So, as the New Year dawns, let the spirit of courage guide you towards living large. Carry this feeling with you throughout the year, and watch as you surpass what you thought were your limits.

Exciting, isn’t it? As author Neale Donald Walsch says,

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” So why not take the leap this New Year?

That’s a Wrap! Now You Know How to Start the New Year Right!

It’s time to put aribbon on what you’ve learned. You now have the blueprint to kick start the New Year with success, gusto, and determination. From setting practical, meaningful goals, maintaining apositive mindset, to managing your time efficiently and tracking your progress, we’ve covered all the bases. But remember, knowledge is only the first step. Now it’s time for implementation!

Let’s revisit a few key points:

  1. Set a strong foundation: Your journey into the New Year should begin with setting well-defined, achievable goals. Remember, your goals should be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
  2. Nurture Positivity: Bolstering a positive mindset allows you to face challenges head-on and keep your focus on the endgame, no matter how big the hurdles seem.
  3. Manage time wisely: Wield the power of time management to ensure you’re utilizing every precious minute of your day effectively.
  4. Monitor progress: Regularly keeping tabs on your progress will allow you to stay motivated, make necessary tweaks, and, most importantly, celebrate the little milestones along the way.

Above all, remember: your journey into the New Year is unique. No two paths are the same, and comparisons will only lead to unnecessary roadblocks. So, embrace your journey, your speed, and your accomplishments. Your New Year success story is yours to write and yours to tell.

As you prepare to make this New Year your year, do not forget the unyielding power of acan-do attitude, visualize your success frequently and say ‘no’ when necessary. Above all, seize the day, take aleap of faith, step out of your comfort zone and embrace change.

Put these strategies into action, and there will be no stopping you from starting the New Year off right and making progress towards your personal and professional aspirations. The turning of anew year always brings afresh start; it’s what you do with that start that counts. Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is astep closer to your goals.

You are capable. You are powerful. You have everything you need to make this New Year your best one yet. Believe in yourself, stay committed, and watch as you transform your dreams into reality.

Now, go shine. Here’s to asuccessful journey into the New Year!

Unveiling the Secrets of Love: Essential Advice on Love for Women

Understand Men

Understanding the psychological aspects of love can greatly enhance a woman’s ability to navigate her relationships. One of the first things to understand is that love is not just a feeling, but a complex interplay of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs. It involves attachment, intimacy, and care, and these elements are influenced by both our personal experiences and our biological makeup.

Love often begins with attraction, which is largely influenced by physical appearance and shared interests. However, it’s important to note that attraction is not solely based on these factors. Psychological aspects such as personality traits, values, and attitudes also play a crucial role. Understanding this can help women to look beyond the surface when seeking a partner.

Attachment is another key psychological aspect of love. This is the deep bond that develops between people who spend a lot of time together. It’s influenced by factors such as the level of comfort, safety, and security that a person feels in the relationship. Women should understand that a healthy attachment involves a balance of dependence and independence.

Intimacy is a crucial component of love that involves sharing personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences with a partner. It’s important for women to understand that intimacy is not just physical, but also emotional and intellectual. It requires trust, openness, and mutual respect. Building intimacy takes time and effort, and it’s essential for a meaningful relationship.

Lastly, love involves care, which is the willingness to prioritize another person’s needs and happiness above your own. It’s important for women to understand that care should be reciprocal in a healthy relationship. It’s not about self-sacrifice, but about mutual support and understanding.

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (22)

The Science of Attraction

When it comes to the game of love, not everything is left to chance. In fact, the attraction between two people is hardly a mystery. It’s science! Your brain, hormones, and senses all play a crucial role in determining who you find attractive. So, perhaps it’s time to delve a little into this fascinating subject.

Our Brains: Oxytocin and dopamine, two brain chemicals, largely play arole in attraction. Oxytocin, often referred to as the ‘love hormone’, is released during touch and intimacy, fostering asense of connection and trust. Dopamine, conversely, favors the ‘reward’ system in the brain, making us feel pleasure and satisfaction. So, if you find yourself magnetically drawn to someone, you might want to thank these little participants!

Hormones: Other than those in our brains, hormones like estrogen and testosterone are key contributors as well. Interestingly, women are seen to prefer the scent of men with high testosterone levels, especially during the most fertile period of their menstrual cycle. On the other hand, men are attracted to women with higher levels of estrogen, which suggests femininity and fertility. It appears as if nature has its subtle ways of bringing people together!

It’s all about chemistry, literally. The secret of attraction lies in the unique combination of chemicals in our bodies.

Senses: It’s not just about seeing or talking to someone that makes them attractive –quite often it’s also about their smell! Pheromones, chemicals that are secreted in our sweat and other body fluids, are believed to play acrucial role in attraction. They are subtly carried through the air, triggering specific responses among members of the same species. So next time you find someone’s scent strangely alluring, remember it might be their pheromones working!

Last but not least, looking attractive often extends beyond sheer physicality. The way aperson thinks, their perspectives, and their sense of humor can all significantly impact perceived attractiveness. So, while understanding the science of attraction is fascinating, remember that every person is unique, and it’s that uniqueness which will ultimately make them truly irresistible.

Advice on Love and Attachment

Let’s touch on acrucial aspect of love: attachment. Attachment refers to adeep emotional bond with someone else. It’s the feeling that keeps you coming back for more, the one that triggers your heart to beat faster when you see your loved one, and gives you the shivers when you hear their voice.

While everyone experiences attachment differently, there are several universal stages that most people pass through. Allow me to walk you through them, and help you navigate this essential part of a blossoming relationship.

The stages of attachment

  1. Initial attraction: This is sparked by physical attraction, shared interests, or a magnetic personality. It’s during this stage that you’ll likely feel butterflies in your stomach and an intense interest in getting to know the other person more. It’s exciting, but remember, it’s only the first step of many.
  2. Building a connection: Here, you’ll start spending time together and exploring shared experiences. You’ll get to know each other on a deeper level, revealing your true selves, and potentially even revealing your vulnerabilities. It’s when infatuation gives birth to deeper emotions.
  3. Mutual recognition of attachment: This is when it ‘clicks.’ You both acknowledge your feelings and decide you want to be in a relationship. As joyful as it can be, it should also be a period of serious discussion—about exclusivity, future plans, and shared expectations.
  4. Lasting attachment: This is the long term, the ‘through thick and thin.’ It’s when you’ve developed a genuine understanding and acceptance of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. You’re not just in love with the idea of the person; you love who they genuinely are.

Note: It’s necessary to understand these phases are aguide, not arule. Everyone’s journey is unique; you may sail through these stages quickly, linger in others, or skip one altogether.

How to nurture your attachment

Attachment doesn’t remain static; instead, it grows and strengthens with time and effort. Good communication, trust, respect, and space for individuality are afew key elements that can help you nurture healthier attachments. These characteristics lay the foundation for ameaningful relationship, helping your love grow stronger and deeper over time.

Attachment is the long-lasting bond that keeps couples together. It’s the glue that can make your relationship survive the highs and lows, the laughter, and the tears, to appreciate the beautiful shared moments and to withstand the challenging ones. Love well, and on your terms.

After all, there are no ‘perfect relationships’ –only perfectly imperfect ones, beautiful in their unique ways. Remember, love is as much about the journey as it is about the destination.

What Intimacy is and What it is Not

Understanding intimacy’s true nature can transform your love life dramatically. Many women confuse sexual attraction and physical closeness with intimacy, but it goes much deeper. Intimacy is about astrong emotional connection, vulnerability, and about being open and comfortable in each other’s emotional space.

Let’s clear afew misconceptions about intimacy:

  • Intimacy isn’t solely physical: While physical closeness can help foster it, true intimacy stems from emotional bond and mutual understanding.
  • Intimacy doesn’t require sacrifice: It’s not about losing your personal boundaries and self-respect. Each party can maintain their individuality while still being intimately connected.
  • Intimacy can’t be hurried: It naturally evolves over time as trust builds within the relationship.

With that understanding, let’s talk about ways to foster genuine intimacy.

Strategies to Foster Intimacy

Building an authentic, profound, intimate connection requires intentional effort. Here are afew strategies to help deepen your relationships:

  1. Communicate Openly: Share your dreams, fears, hopes and insecurities. Open communication enables you to understand and empathize with your partner’s emotional world.
  2. Show Emotional Transparency: Express your feelings sincerely, however you’re feeling. Allow your partner to see the real you, fostering a sense of trust and closeness.
  3. Actively Listen: Practice active listening, which means focusing completely on your partner when they speak, showing interest, and offering supportive feedback.
  4. Establish Boundaries: Define your limits and respect your partner’s boundaries too. Intimacy is not about losing individuality but about harmonizing two different individuals.

Remember, love and relationships are rarely asmooth journey. They come with their fair share of challenges and turbulences. However, with authenticity, mutual respect, and patience, you can cultivate the intimacy that’s both rewarding and nourishing.

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (23)

Advice on Love and Prioritizing One Another’s Needs

Love is aunique journey, not aone-size-fits-all roadmap. It means different things to different people, and similarly, everyone has unique needs, expectations, and dreams. To forge alasting relationship, you mustn’t only understand your own needs but also those of your partner. Prioritizing each other’s needs doesn’t mean neglecting yours. Instead, it’s about creating amutual platform where you both can thrive.

Prioritizing each other’s needs involves paying attention, active listening, empathy, and taking deliberate actions to address those needs. In this section, I’ll dive into how you can achieve this successfully.

Understanding Your Partner’s Needs

Every individual is unique and so are their needs. Your partner’s needs could range from emotional support, validation, affection, space, excitement, or even shared activities. Encourage open and honest communication, giving your love the freedom to express what they really want and need from the relationship. The aim isn’t just to understand, but to respect these needs as indicative of their individuality and uniqueness.

Empathy and Active Listening

To prioritize your partner’s needs, you must develop empathy. This means recognizing and sharing the feelings and concerns of your partner, making sure they feel understood and valued. Active listening helps you develop empathy; it’s the art of truly hearing what your partner says and understanding their perspective. Strong communication skills will ultimately affect how well you can meet each other’s needs.

Meeting the Needs

Now you’ve understood the needs, it’s time to meet them. If your partner needs more quality time, reshape your routine to incorporate more shared experiences. If they need validation, be more vocal about their strengths and achievements. Simple actions, done continuously, can take even the most routine days and transform them into special memories.

Caring for Your Own Needs

While it’s important to prioritize your partner’s needs, you should never ignore your own. Maintain abalanced approach. Express your needs clearly and resolve problems collectively. Striking ahealthy balance will maintain the validity and vitality of the relationship.

Remember, prioritizing each other’s needs is never about sacrificing your own happiness or well-being. Instead, it’s about fostering a space where both of you can be yourselves and still feel loved, cherished, and understood.

Understanding What You Truly Want

Understanding what you truly want in arelationship is vital to finding and maintaining love. However, it can often appear challenging, especially due to societal pressures and expectations. Yet, don’t lose hope. Here are some tips and guidance to help you explore what you truly seek in love.

Firstly, it’s necessary to identify your core values. These are the principles that guide your life and should, ideally, align with your partner’s. Do you value honesty above all? Or is it freedom, dedication, compassion? It’s essential to establish this as it can greatly influence your relationship satisfaction.

Recognize your deal breakers. These are traits or habits that you can’t tolerate in apartner. It could be something like constant negativity, lack of ambition, or dishonesty. Don’t let the fear of ending up alone make you overlook these. Arelationship that brings you more pain than joy is not worth it.

Communication and mutual respect. It’s important to remember that love is not just about passion but also about being able to share your thoughts, ideas, fears, and hopes with your partner. Furthermore, respect is indispensable for any healthy relationship –insist on it for yourself but also ensure you offer it to your partner.

Creating amental image of your ideal relationship can be quite helpful too. Think about how you would like to interact with your partner, how you handle conflicts, the amount of independence you both have, etc. Once you’ve got it, ask yourself if this aligns with the reality of your current or prospective relationship. If it doesn’t, it’s perhaps time to reconsider.

The Role of Self-Love

When speaking of love, it’s necessary not to overlook the value of self-love. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Taking care of your mental and emotional well-being not only increases your chances of finding love but also enriches your ability to maintain it. Plus, it sets astandard for how you allow others to treat you.

Remember, love starts within you. You have to love yourself first before you can truly give and receive love from others.

Once you understand what it is you’re truly seeking, finding the right love becomes less daunting. Remember, it’s not about finding someone who fulfills all your expectations but someone with whom you can grow, someone who can become your best friend, and someone who, by adding to your life, makes it more vibrant and joyful. Thus, knowing what you truly want is the beginning of your beautiful love journey.

Advice on Love: Defining Your Relationship Goals

Before you venture into the world of love and relationships, it’s crucial to have aclear understanding of what you want out of apartnership. Defining your relationship goals not only helps direct your actions in love, but also shapes your expectations, enhancing your chances of achieving afulfilled romantic life. Let’s delve into this.

Firstly, ask yourself what you seek in arelationship and be brutally honest. Is it companionship, physical intimacy, friendship, or acombination of these? Every individual’s desires are unique, and what works for aclose friend or afamily member might not work for you.

  • Companionship: This means wanting a partner to share life’s ups and downs.
  • Physical intimacy: Some people prioritize a strong physical connection with their partner.
  • Friendship: You might be looking for someone who can be your best friend as well as a romantic partner.

Understanding your needs and wants is only half the battle. You need to be able to communicate these desires to your potential or existing partner(s) to make sure you’re both on the same page. Otherwise, misunderstandings and unfulfilled expectations can lead to bitterness and disappointment.

Personal growth and understanding only truly comes when we invest the time and effort to explore our desires and communicate them openly.

Another integral aspect of defining relationship goals involves considerations for the future. Do you envision marriage, children, or alife of travel and adventure? Or perhaps, you would prefer to keep things more flexible, and simply see where the relationship journey takes you.

Dating Etiquettes: Modern Rules for the Modern Woman

Being amodern woman in the dating world can feel like navigating through an exciting, yet complex labyrinth. With the evolving dynamics of relationships and the influence of digital platforms, how can you maintain your grace, confidence and authenticity in the dating scene? Let’s explore afew ground rules you can integrate into your dating life.


In the world of dating, it’s essential you voice your feelings and stand up for what you believe in. It’s not about being aggressive. It’s about valuing your beliefs, expressing your needs clearly and asserting boundaries. Strong, independent women are not afraid to say what they feel or want. Remember, being you is enough.

“A strong woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely. Her tears flow as abundantly as her laughter. A strong woman is both soft and powerful, she is both practical and spiritual. A strong woman in her essence is a gift to the world.” – Native American saying

Honest Communication:

Transparency and honesty form the bedrock of any impactful conversations, more so when you’re getting to know someone. Express your thoughts, ideas, desires, and aspirations honestly. Remember to be receptive to your date’s perspective as well. Honest communication builds respect and trust, the two pillars of any successful relationship.

Embrace Your Individuality

Your uniqueness is your strength in the dating realm. Embrace who you are, with all your quirks, passions, and idiosyncrasies. Take pride in your independence, your hard-won achievements, and your life experiences. Cherish your interests and hobbies because they make you the person you are. Be true to yourself, because authenticity is truly magnetic.

The Art of Listening:

True listening goes beyond hearing. It involves understanding, empathizing, and truly grasping what another person is saying. When your date speaks, try to engage fully in their narrative. Active listening involves responding appropriately and providing feedback when needed. Not only does listening emphasize your interest, but it also promotes respect and understanding in relationships.

Remember, Dating is aJourney

Our modern world might convince you that you must quickly meet someone and fall in love. However, the essence of dating is about exploration, learning about new people, enjoying experiences, and having fun along this journey. More than finding the perfect partner immediately, it’s about personal growth and self-discovery. So sit back, enjoy the ride, and know that the right person will come at the right time.

Dating Safety:

Despite all the excitement that comes with dating, ensure that your safety is never compromised. Be careful about sharing personal details, especially on online platforms. Always choose public and safe locations for the initial dates. Remember, your comfort and security are paramount, don’t compromise them for anyone or anything.

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (24)

Advice on Love: Balancing Love and Independence

Love is a wonderful emotion, but it’s essential not to lose your individuality and independence in the process of falling in love or being in arelationship. Balancing love and independence can seem like atightrope act, but with the right approach, you can maintain your freedom and still enjoy abeautiful, loving relationship.

Remember, it’s absolutely okay to want ‘me’ time or pursue your own interests separate from your partner. It doesn’t mean you love them any less –it simply contributes to ahealthier and more balanced relationship.

Embrace Your Independence

Independence isn’t about doing everything by yourself. Instead, it’s about knowing that you can handle things alone, even though you might not need to. Value your alone time, cherish your freedom, and develop your interests and hobbies. These are not only therapeutic but also allow you to grow as an individual.

Communicate with Your Partner

No successful relationship happens without open, honest communication. It’s not just about sharing your feelings or expressing love. You also need to communicate your need for personal space and independence. Most partners will understand and respect this if you articulate it considerately and lovingly.

Balance Couple Time and ‘Me’ Time

Managing time is key to balancing love and independence. Spend quality time with your partner, but also set aside enough time for yourself. It might seem challenging at first but knowing when to prioritise what, comes with practice and understanding.

Create Shared and Individual Goals

While shared dreams and objectives foster unity, individual goals ensure personal growth. Co-creating life goals strengthens the relationship while individual targets help retain your personal identity. Yes, it’s not just okay but important, that apart from being a pair, you also have a personal life track.

In the quest for love, never compromise on your individuality or independence. With effective communication, understanding, and abit of effort, there is always away to find balance in love and independence.

Ditching the Fairy-Tale: Real Love Vs. Ideal Love

Dreamy Hollywood romance movies might lead you to believe love is about grand gestures and breathless declarations. However, real love, the enduring kind, is often amore subdued affair, characterized by kindness, understanding, and shared moments of peace. It’s not always easy to discern this distinction. Thus, understanding and appreciating real love versus ideal love is acritical perspective to maintain for ahealthy, happy relationship.

Real Love:

Real love, the most profound and lasting form of love, is all about true intimacy and emotional connection. It doesn’t have to be aroller-coaster of ups and downs. It finds beauty in calm and constancy. It’s more about feeling at home with someone, enjoying asense of security and mutual respect, and continually growing together.

  • Cultivating patience: Real love is patient. It understands that every individual has their process of development and doesn’t force growth or change.
  • Accepting flaws: Loving someone genuinely means accepting their flaws. Remember, everybody is a work in progress.
  • Deep kindness: Real love operates from a foundation of deep kindness, respect, and care towards the other person, even during conflicts or misunderstandings.
  • Shared values and goals: This does not necessarily mean having the same interests or hobbies, but rather sharing core values and future aspirations.

Ideal Love:

Idealized love, on the other hand, is where you fall for the idea of aperson or what they can become. It’s often characterized by an obsession with the other person’s perfection and can lead to unrealistic expectations. As passionately intoxicating as this love may feel, it can easily lead to heartbreak when confronted with the reality of aflawed, human partner.

“Ideal love often sets unrealistic standards and expectations. Instead of focusing on the real person standing before you, you fixate on a false image of perfection that no person could, or should, live up to.”

Here are some pointers to remember:

  • Obsession with perfection: Ideal love often obsesses over the perfect sides of the person, ignoring their real, human flaws.
  • Expectation Vs. Acceptance: In idealized love, you may find yourself living in the realm of ‘should-be’ rather than ‘is,’ preferring expectations over acceptance.
  • Comparison and dissatisfaction: Ideal love can lead you to constant comparison and dissatisfaction when your partner fails to meet your lofty standards.
  • Romanticizing conflict: While real love understands conflict as something to be resolved, ideal love might romanticize it as a symbol of passion.

Communicating Real Vs. Ideal Love

Understanding the difference between real love and ideal love is the first step. The next essential aspect is open and honest communication with your partner about these expectations and perspectives. Recognizing and discussing what you both want from the relationship can pave the way towards mutual understanding and growth.

Above all, real love is about navigating the vulnerable moments, celebrating jointly, laughing together, supporting each other in trials, and attaining personal and mutual growth. It’s about finding joy in the ordinary, sharing alife filled with compassion, understanding, and, most importantly, affectionate love that sees, accepts, and honors the real you.

Advice on Love and Navigating the Dating Landscape: Online vs. Traditional

When it comes to finding love, there are generally two playing fields you can venture into: online and traditional. Each has its unique sets of experiences and chances, all packaged with both challenges and rewards. It’s essential to know how to navigate both landscapes to ensure asuccessful pursuit of love.

Online dating has seen exponential growth in recent years, largely due to its convenience and accessibility. It offers awide pool of potential matches right at your fingertips. You can communicate without the pressures of immediate responses and have the option to be selective, even before ameetup. Online dating can cater to all types of relationships, whether you’re looking for something short-term, long-term, or simply alively conversation.

Wide array of potential matchesProfile misrepresentation can occur
Flexibility in communicationLess personable experience
Caters to all relationship typesRequires careful filtering

On the other hand, traditional dating offers more intimate human interaction. It calls for the old-fashioned meet-cute, an unexpected conversation, or ablind date set up by friends. The joy in traditional dating often lies in its unpredictability and authenticity –every encounter is unique and personal.

More personal and spontaneous experiencesMight involve more effort and time
Body language and chemistry are more visiblePotential for awkward situations
Greater chance for authentic connectionsLimited options

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to dating, and you have the freedom to choose the approach that suits your personality and lifestyle. It might very well be that a mix of both what works perfectly for you! Remember, the most crucial part is to be yourself, remain patient, and positive in your pursuit of finding love.

Maintaining Passion and Intimacy Over Time

Keeping the flames of passion and intimacy alive in arelationship can be abeautiful journey, and yet quite challenging. It typically involves growth, shifts, and compromises. Thankfully, with the right strategies, you can maintain the excitement and emotional connection that marked the beginning of your relationship.

First and foremost, frequent and open communication lies at the heart of enduring passion and intimacy. This doesn’t only pertain to talking about serious matters, but sharing snippets of your daily lives, your individual thoughts, hopes and fears. By being open, you give your partner the chance to understand and know you more deeply, thereby fostering intimacy.

A fun, creative, and intimate way to share your feelings is through love letters. Dare to express your feelings in words. Despite being considered old-fashioned, love letters have acertain charm that can make your partner feel loved and special. They serve as tangible proof of your affection and feelings for your partner.

Keeping the Spark Alive

Another key factor in maintaining passion is to keep fun and spontaneity alive, which is often lost in the daily humdrum of routines. Build asense of anticipation in your relationship by planning surprise dates and getaways, or introducing new activities you can enjoy together.

Also, physical intimacy is important in keeping the passion alive. However, this doesn’t always mean sex. It can simply mean holding hands, cuddling in the sofa while watching amovie, giving love pecks or surprise hugs. These small gestures can significantly boost feelings of warmth, love, and intimacy towards your partner.

Values and Shared Experiences

More importantly, shared values and experiences can solidify your connection with your partner. Having acommon understanding of what’s significant in life can lead to adeeper, more satisfying love. Engage in ahobby, volunteer for acause, or even try afitness goal together. This reinforces the feeling of mutual growth and alignment.

Maintaining passion and intimacy demands continual effort and commitment from both partners. Remember that it’s not just about fanatical love but genuine affection, respect, and bond. Love isn’t just a feeling but also an act of ongoing and intentional growth. With the right efforts, your relationship can stand the test of time, becoming richer and more profound as the years roll by.

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (25)

Embracing Change and Growth in Love

Love, just like life, is ajourney filled with constant growth and change. As you and your partner evolve and mature, your relationship also undergoes transformations. Many women often feel scared or overwhelmed by these changes, but remember, acceptance and adaptation are key to hitting those relationship milestones.

So, what are these imminent changes you shall face, and how can you gracefully navigate through them? Let’s dive deeper into it.

1. Change in Life Goals and Aspirations

Step into the shoes of amature individual and realize, everyone changes with time. Your goals and aspirations don’t remain the same over five or ten years. The same applies to your partner –their dreams might evolve too. The best way to handle this change is by open communication, understanding each other’s evolving desires, and finding common ground.

2. Change in Preferences

You enjoyed salsa during the early stages of your relationship, but now you find solace in watching Netflix with acozy blanket. That’s completely fine. Tastes change and acknowledging that change is important. Be open about it and gently express it to your partner. The goal is to enjoy activities that bring joy to both of you.

3. Change in Appearances

Ah, the one everybody dreads, yet it’s inevitable! Aging is anatural process and it’s important to embrace it. Accept your changing appearance and also that of your partner’s. If there’s alack of self-love, work on building apositive body-image and self-esteem. Remember, you’re beautiful in your own unique way.

4. Change in Circ*mstances

Life can sometimes get unpredictable throwing jobs, moves or kids your way. During these times, remember to stay ateam. Support each other, be flexible, appreciate your partner’s contributions and constantly communicate. Challenges can be abonding experience when tackled together.

5. Growth –Personal and Relationship

Growth is an integral part of love. Personal growth involves developing self-awareness, nurturing your desires, and refining your emotions. Relationship growth, on the other hand, is about strengthening your bond, offering mutual support, and cultivating empathy. True love means celebrating both individual and relationship growth.

Love isn’t about being static. It’s about growing, evolving, and building something beautiful over time. Change is intimidating, yet liberating. Embrace it with open arms for the betterment of you and your relationship.

Advice on Love: Recognizing Red Flags in Relationships

Even though the journey of love can be rewarding, it’s important to realize that not every relationship will lead you towards happiness and fulfilment. In some situations, you may encounter what are often referred to as ‘red flags’ –early warning signs that something might be awry in your relationship. And while love can blur your vision, it’s critical for your well-being to stay aware and responsive to these signs.

Red flags are behaviors or patterns that suggest potential problems or conflicts within your relationship. Like an actual flag warning you of danger ahead, these signs, when spotted early, can save you stress and heartache down the line. Let’s dive into some common examples.

  • Neglect of your emotional needs: If your partner consistently disregards your feelings, it may well be a red flag. They should demonstrate care for your emotions, even during disagreements.
  • Excessive jealousy or controlling behavior: It’s perfectly natural to feel possessive about the one you love, but there’s a line between reasonable concern and all-consuming jealousy. If your partner is constantly inundating you with accusations, want to dictate who you can see or talk to, or expect to have a say in your personal choices, you might be dealing with a control issue.
  • Inconsistent communication: Communication can be thought of as the lifeblood of a relationship. If your partner doesn’t reply to your messages or calls in a reasonable time, or never seems available to have meaningful, depth-filled conversations, this might indicate a lack of interest or respect.

Remember, love is supposed to feel good. It’s meant to bring happiness and fulfillment, not constant stress or anxiety. If you’re continually feeling uncertain or insecure in your relationship, it’s worth giving those feelings careful consideration. Pay attention to what your intuition is telling you.

If arelationship constantly brings you down or leaves you feeling exhausted, it might be asign to rethink whether the relationship is right for you. Remember, being single is better than being in atoxic, draining relationship. You deserved to be loved, cherished and respected in your romantic relationships.

Identifying and Handling Red Flags

Acknowledging red flags can be challenging, especially when you’re emotionally invested in arelationship. It’s easy to explain away worrying behaviors, attributing them to stress or temporary circ*mstances. Regardless, it’s important to trust your instinct when something feels off. Here are ways to identify and navigate red flags:

  1. Trust your intuition: That sinking feeling in your stomach? Don’t ignore it. It’s your intuition speaking to you. Even if everything appears perfect on the surface, your gut instinct often knows when something’s not right.
  2. Communicate: If something bothers you, bring it up. Have an open, honest conversation about your worries. Remember, it’s crucial to truly listen to their side of the story before jumping to conclusions.
  3. Evaluate: If the behavior continues, it’s time for an evaluation. Is this something you can tolerate in the long run? Or is it a deal breaker?

Remember: a healthy relationship is a partnership where both parties listen, respect and appreciate each other. Love is about being present, acknowledging flaws, and working towards building a happier, healthier future together.

Overcoming Fear of Rejection

Rejection is an inherent part of the human experience—it’s unavoidable, inevitable. We’ve all been there in one way or another, especially when it comes to love and relationships. Yet, even though we know it’s auniversal human experience, rejection can still hurt. It’s normal to fear rejection, but when it stops you from pursuing love or holding on to it, it becomes aproblem. Here’s some advice to help you overcome your fear of rejection in romantic relationships.

Normalize rejection

The first step in overcoming the fear of rejection is to normalize it. Understand that not everyone will be agood match for you and that’s okay. It’s no reflection on your worth or desirability. Just as you wouldn’t choose everyone you meet as apartner, not everyone will choose you. And that’s entirely normal.

Acknowledge your fear

It’s important to identify and acknowledge your fear rather than trying to push it away or ignore it. When you recognize your fear of rejection, you take abig step towards overcoming it. It’s okay to be afraid; what matters is not allowing that fear to control your actions.

Grow from rejection

Change your perception of rejection. Think of it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Every rejection provides valuable insights about ourselves and our desires. Use it to introspect, to identify what might have gone wrong, and to build aroadmap for future relationships.

Practice Comfort Zone Challenges

Try putting yourself in situations where you might face rejection. It could be as simple as asking astranger for directions or as personal as expressing your feelings to someone. These “comfort zone challenges” can gradually desensitize you to the fear of rejection.

Maintain Self- Esteem

Never measure your self-worth by how someone else reacts to you. You are so much more than a“Yes” or “No”. Establish your self-esteem on your own terms. Deal with criticisms, but don’t internalize them. Remember, you are enough just as you are.

Overcoming the fear of rejection involves self-love, patience, and practice. No one is immune to rejection and the best way to deal with it is by facing it head-on. Don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back. Learn to see rejection for what it often is: a redirection towards something better. And always remember, it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Lessons from Failed Relationships: Turn Heartbreaks into Strengths

Failed relationships often feel like an end, but they’re not. Think of them as an opportunity for growth and self-exploration. Each heartbreak offers valuable lessons that can strengthen your understanding of love and relationships.

Understanding the Heartbreak

The first step toward turning heartbreak into strength is understanding the heartbreak itself. When arelationship ends, it’s easy to dwell on negative feelings instead of seeking to understand why it didn’t work out. Was it due to amismatch of life goals? Were there trust issues? Or perhaps, did the spark just die out? Reflecting on these questions can bring clarity and allow you to learn from your experiences.

Reflect, Don’t Ruminate

There’s afine line between reflecting on apast relationship and stewing in regret. Reflecting means critically examining the events and actions, and extracting valuable lessons. It helps in recognizing patterns, identifying what went wrong, and what to avoid in the future. Ruminating, on the other hand, is obsessing over the past, with no intention or consequence of growth. It’s often self-destructive and restrains you from moving forward. Recognize this difference and practice healthy reflection.

Becoming Resilient

Failures can be difficult, but they also have the potential to make you resilient. Resilience is not about brushing off your emotions; it’s about confronting them, acknowledging your pain, and still finding the courage to move forward. Consider each ending as apathway to better beginnings, to more fulfilling relationships ahead.

The Role of Self-Compassion

Self-compassion goes along way in healing from failed relationships. Be kind to yourself and acknowledge that it’s okay not to be okay sometimes. Give yourself the care and patience you would give afriend going through the same experience. Late-night ice cream, sappy movies, long walks, do whatever it takes to be gentle to yourself as you navigate through the pain.

Transforming Pain into Growth

Transformative learning occurs when deeply ingrained beliefs or assumptions change. Heartbreak has the power to foster such atransformative learning process. It forces you to challenge your assumptions, beliefs, and narratives about love. It’s an opportunity to rewrite your story, own your narrative, and transform pain into personal power.

Failed relationships are not about losing love, but about finding love in a new light. They allow you to deeply understand our wants, needs, and priorities, fostering growth both as an individual and as a loving partner.

Wrapping Up Advice on Love

So there you have it –a comprehensive guide filled with advice on love for women. We’ve explored from the preliminary stages of understanding the science of attraction, to learning the art of balancing love and independence. Remember, every relationship is as unique as the people involved in it, and no one size fits all. With the advice provided, you’re equipped to navigate the intricate realm of love, with asense of confidence and self-awareness.

Key takeaways to keep in mind: Communication is acornerstone in every successful relationship; Embrace Change and Growth as they are inevitable and also the evidence of adynamic and healthy relationship; Recognizing Red Flags early can save you from unnecessary heartbreaks;

And most importantly, Remember To Love Yourself First. Self-love is acrucial aspect not only for ahealthy romantic relationship but also for ahealthy personal life. It will be the cornerstone for your self-esteem, resilience, and overall emotional well-being.

When everything feels too overwhelming, take astep back, and remember this line:

“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”

We hope that these pieces of advice help you make the most of your relationships and lead you towards sustaining alove that’s fulfilling, empathetic, and respectful. Make sure you revisit this advice whenever you find yourself in uncharted territories. Remember, be patient, be kind, and always choose love.

The Alpha Woman Guide to Happy Relationships

Build a Great Relationship

For an alpha woman, finding a happy relationship can be one of the biggest challenges of your life. You’re drawn to alpha men because they’re most like you, but then you find yourself in one power struggle after another and the whole thing ends badly.

How does an alpha woman find happy relationships? She does one of two things: she finds beta men to date or learns how to date alpha men.

But there’s a caveat. Studies indicate that while alpha men will date alpha women, they don’t usually marry them.

Still, don’t give up! Today, I have some tips for you on enjoying dating again and finding yourself in a happy relationship! But first, I want to clarify what an alpha woman is. As I’ve been sending some emails about alphas, I’m finding a little bit of a misunderstanding.

Who is the Alpha Woman?

Maybe I should start with what an alpha woman is not. I recently received an email from a woman who proclaims herself an alpha woman because she’s bossy. Bossiness is not a trait of an alpha woman. It’s often a sign of lower confidence – a my way or the highway attitude that denotes someone who can’t handle being wrong.

Alpha Women are Confident

So, of course, the first trait of an alpha woman is that she’s confident. Confident does not equal bossy. Confident means you can handle being wrong and you use those opportunities to learn and improve, not bully someone into submission.

Of course, the thing about confidence is that it not only varies from person to person, but within one person, it can vary from one area of life to another. For example, you can be very confident in your job, but you’ve had a few bad relationships and your dating confidence has dropped.

Confidence is also something you can build back up with effort and patience with yourself.

The Alpha Woman is Ambitious

The alpha woman has goals and she goes after them with gusto! This woman has a plan and she keeps it in front of her every day! She lives a very intentional life that helps her focus on reaching those goals with few distractions.

Alpha Women are Learners

The alpha woman is never happy to stay just as she is. Instead, she’s always trying to learn something new to propel her to new heights or help her achieve a goal. She may focus on learning a new hobby or a new skill for her job. It doesn’t matter. She loves to learn and she’s always learning something!

The Alpha Woman Loves to Encourage Others

You’ll find that the alpha woman is one of the biggest cheerleaders you know, especially when it comes to people she works with or those she cares for.

If you’ve got a big presentation, the alpha will be there, ready to help in any way she can and to give you that boost of confidence you need.

She’s supportive of others and helps keep her friends and coworkers motivated and energized. You want an alpha on your side!

There are several other traits of an alpha woman, and you can find them in my book, The Alpha Female: Who is She? Who Should She Date? How do You Become One?

Are You an Alpha Female Who Can't Find a Happy Relationship?

For alpha women, finding a relationship that isn’t challenging or frustrating can be a real problem. You’re drawn to alpha men, but science tells us that alpha men don’t want to marry alpha women, they only want to date them. Then there’s the beta man, often misunderstood by both alpha men and women, but often a great choice for the alpha woman. Learn more about how you can develop a happy relationship with either type of man by checking outThe Alpha Female: Who is She? Who Should She Date? How do You Become One?

Why Not Try Dating Beta Men?

There is no more misunderstood category of person than the beta man. You may search the internet for articles on the beta man after reading this. I encourage you to read cautiously, especially if the article is written by an alpha man.


My personal opinion is that alpha men feel threatened by beta men, which is why they use phrases like detrimental to society.

The truth is that the beta man is a wonderful man to date. Let me share a few reasons why.

Beta Men Don’t do Power Struggles

The beta man is fine being second in command in your relationship. In fact, he prefers it. He really doesn’t have any desire to be in charge. It may be that he has a very high-power job at work and wants to relax when he gets home.

Being a beta doesn’t mean he isn’t strong or that he doesn’t have a good job. It just means that when he’s with the woman he adores, he’s fine letting her call the shots.

He’s Comfortable Being Himself

While alpha males tend to preen a lot and thrive on competition, the beta man is fine with himself just as he is.

He’s competitive, like an alpha, but he has a confidence an alpha doesn’t usually possess. He doesn’t need to competite or win to feel better about himself.

The beta man doesn’t have the same need to impress others as an alpha has either. He knows what his uniqueness is and he’s okay with it. He doesn’t need to pretend to be someone he isn’t, just to gain the attention of others.

The Beta Male is Altruistic

The beta man is very comfortable doing something for someone else, just for the sake of helping someone. He requires no accolades or props for doing something good.

Men show their love through their actions, and this is especially true of beta men. If you ask your beta man to do something for you, he’s on it. You don’t need to ask twice.

He’s Detail-Oriented

Wouldn’t you love to date just one guy who caught on to the important stuff? You want the guy who notices your new hair color, cut, or style. You’re looking for someone who notices when you go the extra mile and appreciates it.

The beta man will remember your favorite coffee flavor, how many teaspoons of sugar or honey in your tea, and even which specialty bread you like at the bakery.

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (27)

He’s More Likely to be a Cuddler

If you’re looking for a guy who enjoys binge-watching Outlander as much as he enjoys an evening out, the beta is your guy.

Alphas need to be out so they can be noticed. Betas are fine going out, but they’re just as likely to want to stay home and snuggle in front of a fire with you.

He’ll do what you want to do.

He Cares About Your Needs in Bed and is Sensitive

What woman wouldn’t want a guy like this?

Of course, the beta man wants to enjoy sex, but his main goal is for you to enjoy the experience. He’s sensitive to your needs both in and out of bed.

If you’ve dated a few alphas or narcissists, this can take some getting used to, but once you do, you’ll appreciate his attention and sensitivity.

What the Beta Man Isn’t

As I mentioned previously, the beta man is misunderstood. Many of the traits you just read, as well as others that betas possess make them seem weak. The truth is that a beta man may be the CEO of a major corporation from nine to five, but from five to nine, he wants someone else to take control.

Some sites will describe beta men as small and scrawny, but I know of one beta man who is 6’4” and very muscular. He works in an emergency room and rehabs vintage cars for a hobby. He’s perfectly fine with his wife being in charge when he’s home. I know another beta who is very athletic and earned upwards of $500K a year. He wishes every day for a woman to be in control in his life.

Other sites describe betas as unattractive, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so who’s to say that a man you find attractive will be attractive to everyone or vice versa? Again, this is someone who truly does not understand the beta.

A final myth I’ll dispel about betas right now is that they have feminine characteristics. They most certainly do not. Neither of the men I described above have any feminine characteristics. Alphas who feel threatened by the beta man’s sensitivity and attention to detail will use these types of phrases to demean the beta.

Just remember that everyone is different. Not all beta men are alike, just like not all alpha men are alike. These generalizations merely help you know which type of man may be best for you.

Speaking of which, let’s take a look at the alpha man.

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (28)

Alpha Men

Alpha men have good and bad traits. Sometimes one trait can be both, depending on how a particular man uses that trait.

First, let’s examine the positive traits of an alpha man.

He’s a Strong Leader

The alpha man is a strong leader who leads by example. This is one of those traits that can fall into both positive and negative categories, especially as far as relationships with alpha women are concerned.

If you’re willing to give up your leadership role in the relationship, you’ll find your alpha will always steer you in the right direction. This strength makes him a great role model for children, as long as the negatives of this personality trait don’t rear their ugly heads.

The problem with this trait is that an alpha doesn’t see all voices as equal in his relationships. His voice matters. Period.

He Has Emotional Intelligence

Not all alphas have this trait, but many do. Emotional intelligence is knowing what you’re feeling and knowing how to manage those feelings. When a man has high emotional intelligence, it also means he can better manage your emotions, which is something many men cannot do.

Again, though, not all alphas have this trait, so you want to make sure yours does.

He’s Confident

Alphas and betas are both confident types of men. Confidence is a very sexy trait to possess, for both men and women, so you’ll notice this about your guy right away. Of course, confidence can be a negative if he’s overconfident, but really, what comes off as overconfidence is really a lack of confidence, so be aware!

If he’s truly confident, he will make great decisions for your relationship. You can trust this guy!

He’s Growth-Oriented

Many alpha men are focused on personal growth, which means he’ll be interested in his and yours. If you decide you want to go back to college or learn something new, he’ll be right there helping in any way he can.

And Now for Some Problematic Traits

While alphas have many positive traits, a few of which you just read about, they also have some that can cause a relationship to take a turn for the worse.

Alphas are Fiercely Loyal and Protective

Seems like a good trait, right? And it can be for sure, until that protectiveness turns into overprotectiveness. He might consider you to be his property or territory.

Hey, don’t shoot the messenger…anyway, under his protectiveness, you may feel smothered, which quickly becomes a bad thing, especially since you’re an alpha too.

Watch for the fine line between his being protective and controlling. Protective is fine if he’s installing an alarm system to keep you safe while he’s out of town or walking on the street side when you’re out. It’s not okay when he’s got surveillance cameras all over the house and a tracker on your car.

He’s Decisive

How can this be a problem? Decisiveness can be a problem if he believes that either he’s the only one who can make decisions for your relationship or that he thinks his decisions are right and everyone else’s are wrong.

When two alphas are in a relationship and this problem raises itself, your knee-jerk response is to argue with him, but your better tactic is to retreat and let him stew in it for a while.

He heard your objections and statements contrary to his decision and he’s now mulling it over in the calm. If you give him time, he might come to the conclusion that you were right and he can see the wisdom of your opposing thoughts. This doesn’t mean he’ll give in to them, but he might. Your best path may be to gently remind him of your key points when things are going well. This allows him to consider it for a while longer and maybe see your point.

It will be difficult for him to admit he’s wrong, so if he does acquiesce, be sure not to gloat or make a big deal about it. Accept his change in decision and move forward.

He’s Honest

Again, how can this be bad? Well, it’s like the old joke, “Honey do these slacks make my butt look bigger?” The alpha male might not be wise to the idea that a little white lie never hurt anything and he’ll say yes, believing that honesty is the best policy. A smart man knows the answer is no, of course, but nobody said alphas were always smart 😊

What you must understand is that if he says something that comes off as a negative, the truth is that he does want you to look great, if for no other reason than it helps him look great. His honesty is what he considers to be constructive criticism. He’s not trying to hurt your feelings but to help you look better. He just has a poor way of going about it.

So Which Shall it Be?

The truth is that I can’t tell you which type of man to date. All I can do is present you with the two types of men that you’re most likely to come across and help you understand how you can enjoy a happy relationship with either type.

For the beta man, the happiness for him comes when you take control and let him be himself. Guide him in whatever you want him to do.

This doesn’t mean you’re bossy over him, but you have conversations that focus on getting to know what you each want out of your lives together and then you work out a plan for getting there. He will follow your lead, but he will do well if you let him have input as well.

Being in any type of relationship requires you to discuss things of importance, which eventually includes who will control what. Remain honest and open with him and truly listen to what he’s telling you.

Odds are, he’s been waiting for a very long time for a woman who will accept the control he’s willing to surrender.

For the alpha man, you’ll need to resign yourself to giving up control of many, if not all things. You can try to discuss it with him and he might give up some control, but I wouldn’t count on it.

Regardless of which type of man you choose, understand that there is give and take. How much you give and take will depend a lot on which type of man you decide to be with.

Are You an Alpha Female Who Can't Find a Happy Relationship?

For alpha women, finding a relationship that isn’t challenging or frustrating can be a real problem. You’re drawn to alpha men, but science tells us that alpha men don’t want to marry alpha women, they only want to date them. Then there’s the beta man, often misunderstood by both alpha men and women, but often a great choice for the alpha woman. Learn more about how you can develop a happy relationship with either type of man by checking outThe Alpha Female: Who is She? Who Should She Date? How do You Become One?

Stages of a Relationship

Build a Great Relationship

Everyone who’s happily attached goes through stages of a relationship, but you might mistake those stages as being linear. You find someone with whom you share incredible chemistry, but then who he really is starts to shine through and you enter into a more uncertain stage. Some relationships end here, others don’t.

If you make it through the uncertainty stage (we’ll give them more formal names shortly), you enter into an adjustment phase when the differences between you seem to stand out and you feel like you’re constantly negotiating something.

If you can survive the adjustment stage, you’ll find yourself ready to commit. You’re accepting one another for who you are and willing to hang in there. The next stage is acceptance. You’ve gone through a lot to get where you are, and you feel closer than ever.

The challenge is that you won’t stay in that acceptance stage because you’re both always growing and changing. You’ll cycle through these stages multiple times throughout a long-term relationship, regardless of what Hollywood tries to tell us.

What You’ll Find Here

Stage 1: Early Dating
Stage 2: The Love Hangover
Stage 3: The Adjustment Stage
Stage 4: The Commitment Stage
Stage 5: Best Friends
Final Thoughts

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (30)

Stages of a Relationship: Stage 1 – Early Dating

This stage is called the infatuation stage, the euphoria stage, the merge stage, and probably a dozen other names, but they all mean the same thing.It’s that first phase of a relationship when you feel the chemistry and you’re drawn to one another so strongly that common sense and reason often fly out the door. During this stage, your emotions are strong, often overriding any rational thinking you might normally do.You feel he’s your perfect match, a guy who’s very similar to you and someone you want to spend all your time with.According to scientific research, during this phase of a relationship, your brain shows decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex, which is the part responsible for the negative judgment of people. This means your brain has just handed you a pair of rose-colored glasses.While this can feel like a bad thing, research also says that couples in the study who stayed together for three or more years had the most decreased activity in this part of their brains. While you each have faults and you see them, they don’t matter enough to cause you to end the relationship. In other words, you look past them.

The Dangers of Stage 1

While this is all well and good, there are some pitfalls to this chemical reaction your brain is having.

Ignoring Red Flags

First, you may ignore true red flags. You’re so in love with him that you see the red flags, but you don’t pay attention to them. Some flaws are no big deal and the ability to overlook them is fine, but sometimes there are bigger red flags that you should notice.He may be financially irresponsible, physically or emotionally abusive, controlling, or have any of a host of other negative behaviors. One or both of you explain these poor behaviors away and move forward. Of course, all of those I just listed are not good for a healthy relationship, so ignoring them is leading you down a bad path.To avoid this, ask your friends to meet him and give you their honest assessment. Listen to them because they have one goal – to protect you from yourself. They want you to be happy, so when they tell you something you don’t want to hear, remember that! Take off those rose-colored glasses for a few moments and ask yourself if what they’re seeing is true.Date with your head, not with your heart

Giving Up Your Outside Live

Another problem that can occur in stage one is that you spend more time with this new love instead of on your hobbies and outside friendships. You begin to spend so much time together that your friends finally just give up on you coming to girls’ night ever again.While this seems okay, it’s not. He fell for a woman who was active and engaged with the outside world. He fell for you because you were busy and confident.A guy will enjoy this for a little while, but then he’ll begin to feel smothered. He wants to spend time with his friends, alone, but you’re always there. He can’t catch an evening to himself, and he may begin to feel smothered.A relationship can’t survive with the two of you slobbering all over one another all the time. The two of you need time apart so you can appreciate your time together. He needs to be away from you sometimes in order to be excited to be with you again.Avoid this by maintaining the activities you had before you met him. If you had Yoga on Tuesday nights, keep going. He’ll be okay, I promise. If you and your girlfriends did a girls’ night twice a month, keep going. Keep working on your hobbies and volunteering or doing other things that occupied your time before you met him.Of course, don’t spend every evening doing something. Make time for a date night with him too, but don’t plan to spend every day, from the end of work one day until you wake up to go to work the next together.

Not Being Fully Honest with One Another

I often equate dating, especially early on, as a marketing activity. You’re putting your best foot forward so you can impress this guy. If you met through an online dating site, you put up your best photos, maybe photos that were a year or five old. You only listed your good qualities because who wants to put up the bad ones?But this isn’t really you. We’re all flawed, and we all have baggage. We’re all afraid of being too vulnerable with someone we don’t really know, so we keep those parts of ourselves hidden. Of course, if you feel you’ve hidden your true self for too long, you wage a war with yourself over when is a good time to bring up some of those vulnerabilities and pieces of baggage.So, here’s what you do. Try to be as close to your true self as you can be on your first date. Don’t wear an outfit that doesn’t represent your taste just because you think it makes you look sexier. Wear something you feel comfortable in that doesn’t show off too much of your body but still leaves him appreciating you.Instead of hiding your baggage, unpack it slowly, in little pieces first. Always remember that just because you think something is negative in your life doesn’t mean he will. Baggage is different for everyone. You may have dated a few men who bolted and ran when they found out you have a three-year-old son, but that doesn’t mean the next guy will.

Having Unreasonable Expectations

When you have low confidence and self-esteem, you may set unreasonable expectations in the early phase of a relationship. For example, you may seek a commitment from him way before he’s ready to make one.Guys take longer to fall in loveIn reality, you’re probably scared to death that he might see through you to your pain and vulnerability, so you make sure to dump him first. That’ll teach him for being too perfect!Some women meet a new guy and within a few weeks, they’re reading The Knot and dreaming about wedding dresses. Every time he does something that they feel is a milestone, they add to this vision of a lifetime relationship with him.If you find yourself doing this, it’s time to stop dating for a while. Take a relationship break and work on yourself. If your confidence is low, you’re attracting a type of man you don’t want and who may not be able to commit to you in the way you envision.Confident men don’t date women who lack confidence. They date confident women, so to attract a great man, you must first build your own confidence and self-esteem.I want to change my life!

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (31)

You Have Sex With Him Too Soon

Sex too early in a relationship can kill whatever you have between you. Yes, a guy will ask to have sex, but that doesn’t mean you must say yes.

Have a boundary that says you won’t have sex with a guy until he’s proven himself worthy of you. Of course, if your beliefs say not to have sex until you’re married, let him know that. If he respects you and likes you enough at this stage, he’ll respect your boundaries.

How many dates before we have sex?

Sex and a new relationship | When is the right time?

When you have sex too soon, it is a low-confidence signal. It’s your way of saying you think you can’t keep him if you don’t have sex. That sex is all you have to offer.

This is not true. You are a wonderful woman, whether you see it or not. A good man will respect your boundaries and not try to crash through them.

We slept together. Now what?

How Long Does This First of the Stages of a Relationship Last?

Most believe that this first stage lasts about six months, some estimate it could last up to two years, but I don’t think that’s true. Really, it depends on the two of you. Nobody can predict how long any couple experiences one stage or another.

Your relationship is different from any other because you’re at different stages of your life than other couples. Another factor is how your relationship started, your personality traits, and how long it took you to fall in love.

I have neighbors who began dating during COVID. The man lives next door to me, and his girlfriend lives across the street from me. To add to the situation, his ex-wife lives about five doors down from his girlfriend. They all get along well, thankfully, so it all works.

When the man and his wife were married, they lived in the same school district as his current girlfriend. They knew one another. Their kids went to school together, so when they ended up being neighbors, they weren’t strangers. I would estimate it was about a year after she moved in that they started formally dating.

I don’t honestly know how long they stayed in this stage. They were very quiet about their relationship for quite some time, for obvious reasons. We have a close-knit neighborhood with quite a few busybodies. My point is that for them, this stage may have lasted a shorter period of time because they knew one another already. Some of the secrets were already out.

If you’re in this stage of a relationship, enjoy it. This is the fun stage when you’re learning about one another. Do fun things together. Enjoy getting to know one another. Don’t put the pressure of commitment on yourselves just yet. It’s too soon.

How to Get This Phase Back Later

Remember above, I said you’ll cycle through these stages of a relationship. How can you bring back this phase?

Continue to Show One Another Your Love

Never stop giving compliments or appreciating one another. Keep surprising him with his favorite coffee once in a while. Put a note in his laptop bag to remind him of something special you have planned.

Keep making deposits in the emotional bank every day. Just because you may move out of this phase doesn’t mean you get to stop being nice to one another. In fact, as the challenges of the other phases kick in, it will be even more important to do these things.

Keep a Regular Date Night Routine

Date nights are crucial to happy relationships. I’m convinced of this. They provide you with an opportunity to reconnect after a busy week of other stuff.

They also give you the chance to discuss your relationship and your shared vision for where it’s going. How do you see your relationship advancing? What kinds of things do you want to do together? How do you see this playing out in the future?

Date night also gives you time to just be a couple. If you both have outside responsibilities, like kids, it helps you reconnect as a couple without those outside distractions.

I recommend a technology-free rule for date nights unless you have a job that requires you to be on call or you have kids with a babysitter. But you don’t sit there and read emails, look to see who liked your latest Facebook post or how many new followers you have on Instagram. Save that for later. This is your time to be together.

Spend Time Apart

I mentioned this before. It’s important for you both to have time apart, as well as time together. If you stay glued to one another all the time, it will get old fast and one or both of you will feel smothered.

This time apart allows you to maintain friendships, hobbies, and other activities you were doing before you met him. It also allows you to be apart so you can miss one another, which helps you remember why you’re together in the first place.

Practice Partner-Based Gratitude

There are reasons why you love having him in your life. Share them with him. This doesn’t need to be a daily practice, but you should strive for a few times a week. You can do it in different ways. You could write him a love letter and mail it to him, or you could write it in lipstick or dry-erase marker on the bathroom mirror. I suggested earlier sticking a note in his computer bag or in his lunch.

All of these pieces of appreciation are important and help maintain the bond between you.

Become an Active Listener

Many people think communication is all about how you speak to one another, but one person can’t be heard if the other isn’t listening.

Listening is perhaps more important than speaking because then your partner feels appreciated and heard. Many problems in relationships arise when someone feels unheard. He’s been trying to tell you for weeks that he needs more time to himself, but you just keep scheduling things to do together, ignoring his request.

Listening involves sitting quietly while your partner speaks. Don’t work on what your response will be. Ask questions where they fit. Nod your head to show you’re paying attention. Keep your eyes focused on him, although not to the point of being creepy.

Only after he’s done speaking do you consider what you’ll say. Don’t try to make it something to top his story. Maybe all you say is, “Wow, Gregg! That’s amazing,” or “Gee Joe, I’m so sorry about your dog.” It shows you were paying attention and that what he said mattered.

Don’t Let Your Sex Life Fall Off

The kids are young, and you have a puppy. You just got a promotion and he’s just started his own business. You’re both so exhausted by the end of the day that you just want to drop into bed and fall asleep.

Instead, I encourage you to relight the fire. Buy some new sexy lingerie or his favorite perfume. Find some couples’ games and have some fun. I know your life is exhausting, but sex is a powerful thing in a relationship. When it slows down, it’s a red flag.

Touch alone is a very powerful tool in a loving relationship. Just lying together in bed and caressing one another is a very deep and caring activity.

Do Things Together

There are many ways to do things together. You can do something as basic as preparing a meal together, or you can do something riskier like rock climbing, bungee jumping, and so on. You can also plan a vacation together or even go grocery shopping. Some couples find a hobby to share or they’re able to combine their individual hobbies into one they can do together.

These activities are outside of your regular date nights. They can be planned or impromptu. The point is to do something together.


The most effective way to deepen your relationship is to communicate. Ask your partner what he would like out of your relationship at this point. Does he want to experience something with you, or without you? Are there things he’s always wanted to do? Is there something he feels is missing from your relationship?

Relationship failure can often be traced back to poor communication skills for both partners. You don’t really know how to ask for what you want or need, either because you’re afraid to be vulnerable or because you’re afraid of being told no.

If you care for one another, you’ll work hard to make sure you’re both happy and your needs are being met.

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (32)

Stages of a Relationship: Stage 2 – The Love Hangover

This is a difficult stage for many couples, and some divorces and breakups occur in this second of the five stages of a relationship.

The Dangers of Stage 2

You Focus on the Differences Now

During this stage, the rose-colored glasses come off. You finally see the differences between you, instead of just the things that make you great together. It can feel like it’s hitting you hard, like an ugly wake-up call.Those same qualities that he has that you once thought were cute are now just annoying you. Maybe he’s an adventurous type, and that attracted you to him early on, but now it feels like he’s taking too many risks. Perhaps he first came off as generous, but now you feel he’s a spendthrift.

You May Engage in Power Struggles

As these differences come to light, there’s more friction in the relationship. You may experience power struggles and feel dismayed at the differences you’re now observing.Sometimes you feel like you love him and at other times, you feel so irritated that you can’t stand to be around him.You must be careful during this stage not to fall into that my way or the highway mindset. Relationships are about compromise. There’s give and take, and the same person can’t always be the one giving or taking.The conflicts you’re experiencing aren’t about huge issues because you don’t yet have that deep commitment or know that much about one another, but they’re disagreements, nonetheless.

Life Becomes Too Stressful – Fight or Flee?

If this becomes too stressful for you, your fight-or-flight instincts might kick in, causing you to either engage in arguments or want to flee the relationship. You might want to fight to defend your values or your point of view, which may translate into wanting everything to be your way.

Are You in Stage 2?

One way to know for sure that you’re in this second stage is that you’re able to sleep easier. You aren’t thinking about him 24/7. You feel more comfortable doing your outside activities and hanging out with your friends now.Another signal is that while one of you is withdrawing from the relationship, seemingly shutting down your heart and pulling away so you can get some space, the other is pursuing harder. The pursuing partner wants more attention because she feels the growing distance. This partner might feel emotionally abandoned by the other partner.

How to Survive Stage 2

Stage two is certainly survivable, or there wouldn’t be three more stages to follow. The challenge, of course, is to get the person who’s withdrawing to recognize the emotional abandonment their partner is feeling. And for the partner who’s ramped up their pursuit, to recognize that they need to pull back and give their partner some space.

Realize You Can’t Change Him – Accept Him Where He Is

It’s also important to recognize that you can’t change him. Just because he isn’t the person you thought he was doesn’t mean you aren’t compatible. If you love someone, you learn to love them where they are, not where you want them to be.James and Kira have been together for a couple of years now, but James just retired from military service and is battling some post-concussion issues. The doctors are saying he may have what they’re now calling a traumatic brain injury. James isn’t the guy he was when he left, and while they communicated during his time away, they were able to avoid many of the pitfalls of Stage 2.Now that they’re together, Kira is frustrated, partly because she doesn’t understand the changes in James, and partly because their differences seem to be coming to light now that he’s back. But Kira realizes that she loves James and is willing to do what it takes to understand what he’s going through, even though it’s difficult at times.

Learn How to Fight Fair

An unfair fight is one where you yell and carry on without listening or giving the other person a chance to say their peace.When you see a discussion escalating into an argument, it’s time to step back from it. You can say something like, “I think we both need to take a few minutes to calm down so we can talk about this rationally.When you’re emotional, like when you’re angry, it’s very difficult to think logically or rationally. Your mind just can’t do it, so any argument comes from an emotional place, not a rational one. By giving you both time to calm down, you’re allowing for your rational or logical mind to come back into the picture.You’re also more likely to be ready to listen now that you’ve calmed down.During this calming down time, take some deep breaths to send a signal to your system that the danger is over. Alleviate that fight or flight response that kicked in. You may also consider taking a walk or going to the gym to work out. This also releases those fight-or-flight chemicals and allows you to burn off the angry energy.When you come back together, stick to the ONE topic you were arguing about. Don’t bring up something that happened between you six weeks ago. Also, avoid hurling insults and using foul language. Be calm and come prepared to listen as much as, if not more than you speak.

Remember, this is Normal

What you’re going through is normal. It’s a stage of your relationship. It isn’t permanent. Nor is it a sign that there’s nothing between you. Your relationship isn’t ending just because you’re in the middle of a disagreement.Throughout your entire relationship, you will disagree. It’s how you manage those disagreements that make the difference between whether your relationship will survive.

Learn the Difference Between Healthy Disagreements and Control Issues

You can work through any healthy disagreement, but if you find yourself in a constant battle for control, that might not be a relationship worth saving.What to do if your boyfriend is controlling Is my relationship over?Surviving Stage 2 is all about acceptance and tolerance of the issues that now rise up between you. Neither of you is perfect, nor is one of you always right and the other wrong. If you can learn to compromise, you’ll be more likely to succeed!

How Long Does Stage 2 Last?

Stage two can last anywhere from a few months to years, depending on the couple. How long it lasts for you depends on a few factors:

  • Your willingness to embrace change
  • Your own childhood history and any attachment issues
  • The quality of the advice you receive
  • How willing you are to compromise and forgive

This is a stage where selfishness will be your demise.There are, of course, only two possible outcomes from going through Stage 2. Either you break up or you power through.Couples who break up are often serial daters who are always looking for love but finding disappointment. They’re more likely individuals who lack confidence and/or are battling some attachment issues from their childhood.Couples who power through are usually more confident individuals who are able to forgive and survive the pain and frustration this stage can bring. These are individuals who believe that being in a relationship means making sacrifices and compromises for your partner or the relationship.

How do You Know When Stage 2 is Over?

You’re ending Stage 2 when:

  • You can communicate effectively about difficult topics
  • You’re able to quickly repair the damaging effects of your disagreements
  • You can heal old wounds and restore any broken trust
  • You’re able to share the power, instead of struggling for it
  • You can accept one another for who you are, instead of trying to change one another

This stage can feel like it’s just not worth it, that it’s too much work to survive it, but sometimes the harder the struggle, the stronger you are if you make it to the other side!Unlike stage one, this isn’t a stage you want to revisit. If you find yourself arguing over small differences, it’s a kick in the behind to remember to compromise and listen.If you find yourselves returning to this stage over and over, or if you seem to get stuck here, it means you lack the skills to navigate your power struggle and resolve your differences. You need to develop these skills in order to move on successfully past this stage.

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Stages of a Relationship: Stage 3 – The Adjustment Stage

If stage two didn’t kill your relationship, stage three might. Sometimes, this stage is defined by what some call the seven-year itch. This is another stage of challenging moments, which arise as your commitment deepens and you continue to learn about one another.The differences at this stage may have more to do with external factors like family differences, cultural discrepancies, religious beliefs, values, or morals. Those things are all starting to make a difference in how your relationship functions from one day to the next, so they’re rising to the surface.At this stage, you’re at a point of deciding whether these deeper differences are surmountable. Since many of these differences often dictate how you live your life, they can be a big deal. Up until now, you may not be living together or spending a lot of time together, at least not enough for these issues to surface, but you’re getting closer and they matter now.Sometimes, during this phase, you drift apart. Just like in stage two, however, this doesn’t mean the relationship is over. It simply means you need to communicate. What’s driving you apart? Can you resolve the differences or are they too important or too big to overcome?If you’ve learned how to resolve your differences well in stage two, you may find this to be a time of peace. You know how to work through issues and you’re carrying those skills forward to manage the new potential conflicts.During this stage, you realize that you can’t change one another, so you either accept each other for who you are or you split up. You develop mutual respect for one another that overrides the differences and helps you set and maintain your boundaries.

The Dangers of Stage 3


You can lull yourself into boredom during this stage if you aren’t careful. Finding that peace is nice, but if you settle into too much peace, it’s no longer fun and challenging.Grow together and push one another to stretch your comfort zones. These types of activities help you build intimacy and make your relationship stronger.While many people mistake sex for intimacy, intimacy is actually about spending bonding moments together, building memories, and growing deeper in your affection for one another. When things get tough, it may be those memories that draw you back to one another.

Unhealthy Relationship Habits

If you’re experiencing a lot of conflict during this stage, you can develop unhealthy relationship habits, like giving one another the silent treatment after an argument or completely ignoring your problems altogether.Exhaustion and frustration at the constant bickering can weigh on you, making you not even want to try. If you get to this point, you need to have a conversation about whether this relationship has what it takes. You’ve gone through a lot already and you’ve spent a good amount of time together, probably a couple of years at this point, so be careful about giving up too easily.

Becoming “I” Instead of “We”

It’s easy to feel alone when there’s a growing distance between you. In this stage, you might feel as if you’re alone again, except with someone still sort of there in the periphery. The solution, again, is communication. At this point, it’s the solution to everything.If you haven’t yet developed healthy communication skills, it’s time to do so. Instead of both of you hanging out with mutual friends, you may find yourself spending more time with your friends and less time with him.Even if this relationship doesn’t work out, you need those communication skills for the next time. In that instance, evaluate what went wrong and how you can do your part better the next time.

How to Survive Stage 3

Again, stage three is survivable or there wouldn’t be four and five. There are things you can do to help yourselves make it through.

Stop Avoiding Your Problems

Problems don’t go away just because you ignore them. Especially when they’re problems between two people. They just get bigger and bigger until they’re too big to ignore, and often by then, they can be insurmountable.When a problem comes up, wait until a time when you’re getting along and then bring it up. Don’t choose another fight to solve this problem. If you sit down when you’re both already calm, it opens you up to logical and rational thought processes instead of emotionally charged yelling matches where nothing is solved.If something is too challenging but you want to work it out, consider couples counseling. An unbiased mediator can often see things you’re missing and is trained to look for cues in the things you say and your actions.

Remember to Show Affection Toward One Another

When things are rough, it’s easy to forget to show your partner that you still love them, but it’s also more important than ever.You can have an argument that leaves one or both of you wondering how the other feels. Without any affection, that unknown can really weigh on you and cause more harm.Some people go by a never go to bed angry rule, and it’s a good one to use. That way you can still come together at night and comfort one another, have sex, or just cuddle. Even spending time watching a movie together can be intimate.

Be sure to Notice the Positives

In stage one, it’s all about the positives of the relationship and failing to see the negatives. Stages two and three can focus more on the negatives, so be sure to remember the positives.Be appreciative of the things he does for you. This is how he shows his love for you. Also, try to do things for him. Even small gestures like baking his favorite cookies or cooking his favorite meal can go a long way to showing appreciation.When you feel like all of your focus is on negativity, make a mental shift and work through some positivity instead.

How Long Does Stage 3 Last?

There’s no predicting how long this stage will last. If you developed good communication and problem-solving skills during stage two, it might not be a contentious stage at all. You may find that peace I mentioned earlier, but remember that peace comes at a price too if you aren’t careful.

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Stages of a Relationship: Stage 4 – The Commitment Stage

The commitment stage isn’t about marriage per se. In fact, you could already be married by this point. The commitment is more about knowing that you’ve overcome your differences and learned how to communicate well enough to solve problems and avoid massive arguments.Commitment is about making a choice every day to be with your partner. You feel like you don’t need one another, but you want one another, for better or worse, as they say.Now, you experience a balance of love, power, fun, belonging, and freedom.You’ve decided that the bad is outweighed by the good. While you have differences, you’ve learned how to live with them or you’ve made conscious choices to change yourselves to accommodate your partner.

The Dangers of Stage 4

Sex and Intimacy Fade Away

If you continue to nurture and place importance on your sexual relationship, this won’t happen. Keep things exciting in the bedroom. Share a fantasy or yours or his and act it out. Explore sex toys and games to keep things exciting.Passion doesn’t just happen after stage one. It takes effort to keep that attraction alive.Bring back sexual tension in your relationship

Staying Together for the Wrong Reasons

Be objective about why you’re still together. It’s very easy to stay together because of the kids or because it’s easier than starting over.Don’t allow guilt over splitting up outweigh the common sense of ending something that just isn’t working. It’s easy to settle into a routine of complacency, but that’s not engaging, fun, or fair to either of you.

Believing That Your Work is Done

Now that the relationship has settled in, it’s easy to think you can coast now.Wrong! A good relationship is one that you’re always working on. You’re always doing things together to build intimacy. You’re challenging one another, maintaining an air of mystery, and you’re doing things together.At the same time, you’re giving one another space and pursuing a few interests of your own outside of the relationship.Just don’t think you’ve reached a point when your relationship doesn’t require any more effort. You never reach that point!

Forgetting to Maintain Your Emotional Connection

An emotional connection isn’t sex. Emotional connection is, in part, about trusting one another. By now you should have a high level of trust in one another.It’s when you both feel this trust that you feel safe sharing more baggage and vulnerabilities if you haven’t done so yet.If your partner shares something like that with you, be careful with it. Think of it like an egg. You should hold it carefully and give it great consideration. He’s given you something and he temporarily feels as breakable as that eggshell. Don’t belittle him or laugh at what he shares.If he shares something like that with you, it’s a good idea to reciprocate. Show that you trust him with your deep dark secrets too.


This is the stage where affairs can happen. They’re more likely to occur if you haven’t navigated stages two and three very well. Your intimacy and trust have already fallen off and you don’t feel connected. You may be staying together out of convenience or for the kids.One of you has pulled away and the other is now seeking either sex or the emotional connection you just read about. Women will seek an emotional connection. Men will seek sex.You can avoid this, again, by being good communicators and by recognizing that a good relationship takes work. Understand the natural rhythms your relationship goes through.It ebbs and flows, just like anything else. When it ebbs, that’s when you need to be a little more vigilant, paying attention, showing appreciation, and communicating so both of your needs are met.

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (35)

Stages of a Relationship: Stage 5 – Best Friends

By now, you’ve gone to hell and back and you’re still together. At this stage, you’re happy together and recognize the struggle you’ve gone through to get here.You’re closer than ever, probably considering one another to be best friends. The closeness you share now feels irreplaceable and your relationship feels like it’s on solid ground.

Characteristics of Stage 5

You Take on a Big Project Together

You may decide to start a business together or to build your dream home. You might share a hobby or be passionate about a cause you give your time and money to.You’re a cohesive unit now and you show that by working together on things. The world now sees you as one, instead of two.

Your Communication Skills are Excellent

You’ve learned how to communicate, and this is part of why your relationship is where it is today. Both of you understand that talking things through before they get out of hand is a much better plan than letting things sit.You may even be one of those couples now who doesn’t always need to communicate. You go into a coffee shop and you just know what he likes. You decide to stop on the way home to pick up dinner and you don’t have to ask him what he wants because you already know.

You Rely on One Another

Because you’re best friends, you can share the ups and downs of daily life. You get the promotion or you don’t; regardless, the first person you want to tell is your partner. If you don’t get it, he’s there to comfort you. If you do, he’s there waiting to celebrate.You’ve built an unshakable friendship, trust, commitment, and joy in being together.

The Dangers of Stage 5

Of course, there are pitfalls to any stage, but not as many as there were.

You Shift into Autopilot

The worst thing you can do to a relationship is put it on autopilot. Each day looks exactly like the last. You’re cycling through the same twelve meals, getting up and going to bed at the same time. Even sex has become routine.This is not the way to keep your relationship healthy. Routine is easier on your brain for sure, but you want to challenge your brain. Change things up. Try new meals. Watch some sex videos or get some sex fantasy books to read together.Don’t allow each day to be just like the last. Do something to keep things lively and fun.

You Live Parallel Lives

Instead of being a unit, you drift into being two people who live under the same roof. You’re driving kids to gymnastics and dance class while he’s coaching soccer and baseball. You go to work all day, come home, and throw something in the microwave. He eats on the road between work and practice.You might come together in the evening and fall into bed beside one another, but the distance isn’t inches, it’s a canyon.When conflict arises, instead of using those communication skills, you avoid one another. You’re both busy anyway and you use that business as an excuse to stay away from one another.You can become depressed if this happens, and it’s a prime landscape for an affair or two.

You Invest Too Much in Outside Lives

Balance is key in your relationship. It’s great to have those outside activities, as long as you aren’t using them to live those parallel lives. You can get so invested in outside activities that you never spend time together, one-on-one.To avoid this, maintain your weekly date night schedule. Be sure to put some sort of rules in place for how much time you’ll each commit to outside activities. You can also do some of them together, which increases your time together.The goal is to continue to nurture the great relationship you’ve spent years building.

Stages of a Relationship: Final Thoughts

As I said in the beginning, these aren’t linear stages, meaning once you get to stage five, you can cycle back to one of the other stages. Ideally, you’ll cycle between five and one, because those are the two stages when you’re the most excited and energized by each other.Your ultimate success relies really on one or two things:

  • Your communication skills
  • Your desire to work through things together

If you can look past his flaws and he can look past yours, you can build something great together.A good relationship requires work from day one until the day one of you passes on. As long as you keep putting in the work, you’ll have a very satisfying relationship.

Signs That a Relationship is Over

Understand Men

You know you’re unhappy and you sense that your partner might be unhappy, but what are the signs that a relationship is over? How can you know?

First, know that highs and lows in any relationship are normal. You aren’t always going to be head-over-heels in love with one another. He has traits that annoy the heck out of you and vice versa. When you’re having a bad day, those traits can be more annoying than usual.

This is how life works. None of us are perfect, so expecting perfection from your partner or your relationship is unreasonable.

Still, if a relationship is in an unrecoverable tailspin, there are indisputable signs to look for. Today, I’d like to share those with you.

In This Article

Emotional Distance
Stay Away from Me
No Future
Your Goals Don’t Align
Building Walls
Wrap Up

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (37)

Signs That a Relationship is Over | Emotional Distance

One big clue that things are looking bleak is when you feel a growing distance emotionally. You enjoy fewer moments of fun and spontaneity.

Josh and Kelly had been together for a couple of years when Josh started working through the night instead of during the day. He had his own home business, so he could choose his work hours. Kelly found herself waking up to Josh just going to bed. Not only did this mean they weren’t sleeping together, but their days were flipped. While she was awake, Josh was asleep and vice versa, leaving them little to no time to do things together. Soon, other things began happening, like Josh being condescending and finding reasons to avoid doing things with Kelly. She ended it and never looked back.

Clearly, Josh and Kelly had other issues, but then again, maybe not. Their problems could come from one or both of them having an anxious attachment style or having a significant lack of self-esteem and self-worth.

People create an emotional distance for many reasons. Sometimes, it’s because they don’t believe they deserve the love their partner is giving. Other times, they may begin to feel anxious as the relationship draws closer to a commitment. And there are dozens of other reasons why partners experience emotional distance.

While it’s not unrecoverable, a growing emotional distance is an indicator of a bigger problem, and a professional counselor may be your only option if you want to save the relationship.

You Fight. All. The. Time

Again, no relationship is perfect. You’re going to experience disagreements. Fighting becomes a problem when there are more moments when you’re fighting than there are moments of calm. You may fight about your fights, or you might not be fighting fair.

Fighting fair means you’re allowing both partners to speak and be heard. While he’s speaking, you’re listening. Period. You aren’t yelling back in his face to dispute what he says. That isn’t listening.

My mother always said that your ears don’t work if your mouth is open. Obviously, it’s an analogy, but a good one. You can’t listen clearly if you’re spending your time deciding what to say in response or talking over one another.

Fighting fair also means you don’t dig up old fights. If you’re arguing over him not mowing the lawn for your party tonight, don’t start fighting about the ten previous times he didn’t do something you asked him to do. A fight should be about one topic and only one.

In either case, the problems between you have grown very large. You aren’t really fighting about mowing the lawn. You’re fighting about another disappointment in a long line of disappointments. Your problem isn’t about the minor thing you’re arguing over, but something larger that you might not even be able to identify.

Again, with professional counseling, you may be able to get to the root of your arguments, but when fighting goes this far, it’s one of the signs that a relationship is over for sure.

Signs That a Relationship is Over | You Don’t Share Your Joy

You and your partner should be there for one another in the good and bad. When you get a promotion, he should be at the top of the list of people you want to tell. If he isn’t, why not?

Do you think he won’t care? Does it seem as if he’s more wrapped up in his own stuff than in what’s going on in your life? Of course you want to share this with someone you trust and who is close to you. Someone who will truly share in your elation.

If you don’t see him as that person, things have traveled down a wrong road somewhere. In some relationships, if things have really gone downhill, it might not even occur to you to share it with him, at all. You call your best friend and share it with her and others you’re close to but your partner is left in the dark.

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You Find it Exhausting to be Around Him

You might not always want to be around your partner, but those moments shouldn’t be very frequent. If he’s going through something difficult, he may be difficult to be around. The amount of energy you must expend to accommodate his mood is exhausting, but you do it because you love him.

But what if those exhausting moments are too frequent? You feel as if he always needs something from you but when you need something in return, he’s absent.

Part of the problem in Josh and Kelly’s relationship is that Josh is needy. For a while, Kelly could deal with it, but the more emotionally distant he became, the less tolerant she was for his neediness. Then when his father came to visit after losing his wife, Kelly saw what her life looked like twenty years in the future. Josh’s dad was beyond needy.

Neediness is a sign of insecurity in the relationship, but it’s not your fault. It’s something within your partner that tells him he’s not worthy of you or he’s afraid you’ll leave him, so he uses his neediness to try and draw you back. Unless you’re someone who’s unbelievably patient, that level of neediness will likely push you in the opposite direction from what he’s hoping for.

Signs That a Relationship is Over | You Justify Staying for an Outside Reason

I wish I knew how many people I’ve talked to who say they’re staying together for the kids. This is the worst thing you can do for your kids. Most of the emotional trauma children experience in a divorce situation comes before the parents separate.

Kids see dishes flying across the room, fists aimed at one of their beloved parents, and they hear angry words shouted between you, even though you sent them to their rooms.

Once you’re apart and the fighting and flying objects stop, kids are relieved. Children aren’t built to handle the emotions of an adult relationship, but each time you argue in front of them, that’s what you’re asking them to do.

You’re also putting them in the middle of your conflict. “Johnny, tell your dad how much you want him to be around more. Go ahead. Tell him!” Of course, Johnny wants his dad to be around more, but what he doesn’t want is to be a pawn in your game.

Don’t stay together because you share children or a business. The people who must put up with the two of you don’t deserve that. Figure out a way to work through splitting your time spent with your children or find a workaround at the office.

You aren’t doing anyone any favors by staying together.

He’s More of a Roommate than a Partner

There comes a point in a bad relationship where you treat one another with superficial kindness. Maybe you’ve decided to stop arguing and now, you just smile at him and keep moving.

This is where you’ll feel that emotional distance. You don’t feel love toward him any longer, so all there is left to feel is some superficial friendship.

When your relationship is like this, the fighting has stopped because you just don’t care anymore. You’re all fought out and exhausted by the whole thing.

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Signs That a Relationship is Over | There’s No Trust

Trust is one of the cornerstones of a good relationship. Without trust, you have nothing. You trust him to be there for you when you need him. He trusts you to do the same. You trust him to come home when he says he will and to do things he says he’ll do. And vice versa.

Then, of course, there’s always the dreaded affair, the ultimate trustbuster.

Regardless of why the trust has eroded, it has and now you feel as if you can’t believe anything he says. It’s an endless stream of unkept promises.

When trust has eroded the relationship, the only way to rebuild it is to seek professional counseling.

Early in a relationship, he earned your trust by showing up for dates on time and doing what he said he would. But once that trust is broken, it’s much harder to build it again. You may think you can learn to trust him again, but those underlying causes will keep rearing their ugly heads.

A professional counselor can help you work through the valid doubts you have about his ability to keep his word.

You Don’t Want to Spend Time Together

It’s Saturday morning and the two of you are assessing what to do with your weekend. He wants to go watch football with his friends, which is something you’ve also enjoyed, but this time, you’d rather be anywhere else.

And this isn’t the first weekend you’ve wanted to have your own plans. You’re finding that you want to do your own thing on most weekends.

COVID forced many couples to spend a lot of time together as we all battled through our own issues of being shut in with nothing to do but the daily crossword and solitaire on our iPads. I haven’t looked at the statistics, but if I had to guess, I’d say some couples flourished while others fell apart.

There is a midway point between too much time together and not enough. Spending every waking moment together isn’t healthy for any relationship, but neither is spending all your free time apart.

But the real question is whether you want to spend time with him. If you just want to go shopping or you’re planning a big event that’s taking up some of your weekend time, that’s not the same thing. You want to spend time with him, but you have other temporary obligations.

It’s all about why you want to be apart from him.

Signs That a Relationship is Over | You Don’t See a Future with Him

In the case of Josh and Kelly, once Kelly saw how Josh’s dad was, she knew she was seeing her future, and it was bleak.

Kelly has never done well with neediness anyway and Josh’s dad reeks of it. She knows that being in a relationship with someone that needy will sap her energy and steal her joy.

You don’t need to see a future with your romantic partner in the beginning. In fact, it’s not a good idea to go there until you’ve committed to date only each other. Entering a new relationship with wedding bells on will scare him away, as it should.

But as your relationship grows and you become exclusive, there should come a point when you do start seeing the two of you together in rocking chairs with grandchildren.

If you can’t see that future, ask yourself why you’re still there. It might be time to recognize that you’re not as compatible as you once thought and go your separate ways.

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There is a Growing Resentment Between You

You have all those arguments, and you feel like he sucks every last drop of your energy. You resent him for making you feel this way.

Resentment is like anger. People hold onto it for their own reasons. Sometimes, there’s a payoff for holding onto it. People feel sorry for you, or you use it for leverage in other arguments.

As you’ve already read, this is unhealthy.

Like anger, you can make a choice to let go of resentment. You can’t change the past, so resenting someone for something that’s over and done with doesn’t change a thing, except it keeps you in a negative frame of mind.

Instead, you can learn to forgive things from the past. This is always a better plan forward than hanging onto the past. But it might not be as simple as that to save your relationship. If you’ve held onto anger and resentment for a while, there may be an emotional distance between you that is too great.

Signs That a Relationship is Over | Your Goals Don’t Align

This doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it truly can be.

Of course, when you first meet someone, you aren’t going to share all of your lifelong goals, but over time, you learn about one another, and you start to figure things out.

If your guy has dreams of traveling the world before he’s thirty while you’re still working on your career, it might not be the best time to become an exclusive couple.

One of the biggest goals that I see causing problems is kids. Many young people, especially those who’ve gone through their parents’ divorce, will proclaim that they don’t want kids. Maybe they don’t have confidence in their ability to parent, or they don’t have confidence that they can enjoy a happy relationship.

Whatever the reason, people who want kids and people who don’t shouldn’t get into a relationship with one another. It’s like dog people and cat people trying to decide what type of pet to get. Someone is going to be unhappy.

Before you get into a deeply committed relationship, you should share your most important goals so you know if they align.

On one hand, this might seem shallow to you, but it isn’t. It’s actually very important because it’s through pursuing our goals that we find confidence and satisfaction in our lives.

Nor do Your Values

While a misalignment in goals can sometimes be worked out with a compromise, a difference in values can be tough to overcome.

Suppose you’ve always been a saver. Your parents taught you to save and you’ve done so like a champ. But your boyfriend is a spendthrift who has, at most, ten cents in his savings account. You know, just to keep the account open.

This is a misalignment of values that is probably going to come between you.

Other things that might cause a problem are your values where work, family, and even living a healthy life are concerned.

You don’t need to be aligned on every value, but there should be enough overlap that where there is a misalignment, it isn’t a big deal.

It also depends on how important that value is to you and whether there is a way to appease you both.

A couple with children should be aligned on how to discipline their children, whether to engage them in different activities and even how to manage childcare if you’re both at work.

When you’re first in love, these things can seem like they’re not important, but they can become huge mountains that stand between you if you don’t take the time to address them.

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (41)

Signs That a Relationship is Over | Jealousy

Jealousy is really a symptom of a bigger problem – low confidence and self-esteem.

When you’re jealous, you’re really saying that you fear your partner will abandon you for someone else. Why?

Because you don’t believe one of two things: you aren’t good enough for him or you don’t deserve him.

In either case, your self-esteem is low and it’s causing you problems.

Of course, jealousy can come from trust issues as well, but more often than not, it relates to you and your level of confidence and self-esteem.

Confidence plays a role when you don’t feel confident in your ability to either create or maintain a healthy relationship. You’ve had so many failed relationships in the past and this will be just one more. So it’s only a matter of time before he finds someone else.

Often, jealousy rips a couple apart before the person who’s jealous has time to identify and fix the low confidence problem, but once you see it, you can and should fix it before you enter into another relationship.

You may even find that you have a pattern of feeling jealous in relationships. That’s a huge red flag.

Of course, the opposite side of this is being with a guy who’s jealous, in which case, it’s his confidence and self-esteem that are low. You find him driving by when you’re having lunch with your friends. He claims he was in the area, but you know he was checking to see if you’re where you said you’d be.

Or you discover he’s tracking you through your phone or another tracking device.

Regardless of who has the jealousy problem, it’s one of those signs that a relationship is over.

You’re Building Walls, Not Bridges

Sammi and Joe had been together for many years and had a few beautiful children to show for it, but slowly, they were building walls instead of bridges.

Joe was staying at work later and when he did come home, he’d spend hours outside or in the basem*nt, away from Sammi and the kids. After the kids went to bed, and sometimes even before if Joe was in the house, Sammi would go to their bedroom to work instead of spending time in the same space with Joe.

This is building walls. You’re segregating yourselves from one another instead of trying to build bridges or intimacy between you. When you’re building bridges, you’re sharing experiences and developing more intimacy through those experiences. When you’re building walls, you’re putting physical or emotional barriers between you.

Walls can be very difficult to tear down once they’re built. They can lead to arguments and resentment at the most extreme and at the least, emotional distance.

Signs That a Relationship is Over | You Aren’t Having Sex

Physical touch is a very strong bonding agent. When you’re in love, you want to touch your partner and you want to have sex.

Now the exception to this is if you’ve both agreed to abstain from sex until you’re married. That’s not a problem as long as you’re both on the same page.

The problem is for couples who’ve been having sex and then it drops off to nothing or close to it.

You may justify this with things like being too tired or staying at work late to avoid being there when your partner goes to bed. Some parents will use snuggling with a child and then forget to leave before they fall asleep there.

Regardless of how you’re covering it, the lack of sexual intimacy in a relationship is a big sign that a relationship is over.

That’s a Wrap!

There are probably as many signs that a relationship is over as there are couples, but these are the signs that crop up most often.

What you may notice is that in many instances, if you’re both willing to seek counseling, the relationship can be turned around.

It all depends on how much you want the relationship to succeed and whether both of you are willing to seek that counseling. If one of you isn’t, it’s yet another one of the signs.

If you recognize some of these signs in your own relationship, it’s time to evaluate what it is you want for yourself, then communicate that with your partner. It’s very likely that he feels the same things you do are wrong and you can move forward from there.

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (42)

To date a man, you must understand a man. Men and women do almost everything differently, and sometimes for different motivations. To a man, his financial status indicates how well he can take care of you and your family. It's a source of pride for him to be able to do so, even if you make your own money and can support yourself.

It's how he was raised.

Men also love differently. Many relationships breakup for the simple reason that a man isshowing a woman how much he loves her, but he isn'tsaying the words she longs to hear. He's taking her car to get the oil changed, building the shelves she desires in her office and helping with the outside chores. You're probably missing many of these signs that he loves you.

You gain so much insight into the male mind that you'll be amazed at what you suddenly see and understand in the behavior of all men around you. Not just the man you're in a relationship with, but the men you work with and those in your family.

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How to End the Relationship with Style and Grace

Build a Great Relationship, Build Confidence

Sometimes, you must face the inevitable point when it’s time to end the relationship you’d hoped would be your last.

You went into this relationship thinking he was the one, but then the attraction faded, and lust didn’t turn into love as you’d hoped. After two to three years, you see him for who he really is and it’s not a perfect match after all.

Sometimes, it’s not a lack of attraction or chemistry, but a misalignment of goals, cheating, or simply falling out of love. Regardless of the reason, there’s a right and wrong way to end the relationship and move on in a healthy way.

You owe it to one another, and to yourselves to end the relationship the right way. Before we go there, however, allow me to share a few reasons why a relationship should end.

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Why You Should End the Relationship

How to End the Relationship

Ending the Relationship with Style and Grace

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (44)

Why You Should End the Relationship

You Have No Emotional Connection

When you have an emotional connection with your partner, you feel safe sharing your vulnerability with him. You can easily discuss anything, or mostly anything with him because he’s your emotional rock. He will be there to pick up the pieces. He’ll hold you up when you feel like falling down. You both provide strength for each other.

But if the spark disappears, this connection often goes with it.

The two of you engaged in friendly banter and enjoyed one another’s company, but now, even that feels strained. This is that emotional connection sizzling away. You no longer engage in meaningful conversation about anything. Being alone together just feels hard and is full of empty silence, fidgeting, and finally empty conversation to fill the void.

End the Relationship When You Don’t Feel Sexually Attracted

Sexual attraction can vary in a relationship, depending on what else is going on in your life. It’s natural, but if you find it difficult to come out of a low attraction phase, it might be a sign that things aren’t working anymore, but it’s not definitive.

Think back to when the two of you first had sex. How does that memory make you feel today? If these memories make you smile and have fond memories, all may not be lost. You’re probably still sexually attracted to him but there’s something else going on.

Then again, if you’re just not attracted to him anymore, it’s probably time to end the relationship and move on. When there’s no sexual interest between you, it’s a sign that the relationship is unhealthy and headed toward demise.

Someone Else Holds Your Interest

While you’re with him now, your heart flutters over someone else, or at least the idea of someone else. Maybe it’s a guy you’ve seen and briefly chatted with at the gym, a coworker, or a friend of a friend. Regardless of who it is, it’s not your current partner.

It’s okay to fantasize about other men, as long as it doesn’t steal your attention and affection for your partner. Fantasies become problematic when they invade that relationship space. When you’re in bed with your guy, he should be the one you’re thinking of, so if he isn’t, you know it’s time.

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End the Relationship When You’re Being Asked to Change Who You Are

When someone loves you, they love you for who you are right now. He accepts your flaws, and probably even loves you for them. He doesn’t even see the nose you wish you’d had redone years ago. No. I take that back, he sees it and can’t imagine why you’d want to change it.

But when someone berates you into getting into better shape or finding a better job, it’s time to consider whether this is right for you.

Asking someone to use less salt when they cook or to avoid eating the peanuts that will surely send you to the ER is okay. That isn’t changing who you are fundamentally.

But when someone tells you that you’re not good enough for them the way you are, that’s on them. If you want to lose twenty pounds, go for it, but do it because you want to do it to improve your health or burn off stress.

He’s Supportive When Things are Good

Tanya and Brent had been together for several years. They’d recently purchased a house together and seemed to be a great couple. Then, Tanya got a new boss at work and he was a tyrant. On top of his poor managerial skills, he was new to the company and many of the things he railed at Tanya about weren’t correct.

Tanya came home from work stressed to the max. She wanted a hot bath, a margarita, and some candles so she could decompress. She expected that Brent would be her rock.

Instead, Brent sought out someone new. Not two days before, they appeared to everyone to be a happy, loving couple. If they arrived somewhere separately, he followed her home, pumped gas for her, and was there for her, but as soon as the sh*t came down, he sought out a new relationship.

Your guy should be supportive of you when things are good and when they’re bad. If you hit a rough patch in your life, a loving partner wants to help in whatever way he can. If it’s bringing you a new margarita while you cry in the bathtub, so be it. He’s there with a new salted glass full of margarita.

When he’s only there to share the good times but disappears or checks out when things are at a low point, it’s time to consider ending things.

You May Need to End the Relationship When Trust is Broken

I say you may need to end the relationship because it is possible for a couple to overcome a loss of trust, often caused by an affair. The catch is that you must both agree to do some couples therapy to get there. Only a professional can guide you through rebuilding your trust as nobody else can.

Trust is essential to any healthy relationship and when it’s gone, everything else fades away with it. You feel unloved, unsupported, unheard, unnoticed, and many other things.

Trust isn’t just broken with affairs. It’s also broken when promises aren’t kept. He promised to move closer in six months, but nine months have passed, and he isn’t even trying to do what needs to be done so he can make that move.

He promised to attend your big family event but bailed again at the last minute.

Maybe he promised to take you on a big vacation or to move in with you, but delay after delay keeps it from happening.

You can only make and break so many promises before all trust is broken.

End the Relationship When He Wiggles Out of Every One of Your Family Commitments

Your guy doesn’t have to like your sister to attend her birthday party. He’s there for you, not her. He’s there to be your support system and your friend.

If your friends and family question the mere existence of your guy, you may have a problem. Hanging out with one another’s friends and family is part of being in a relationship. It doesn’t matter if his mother always compares you to his other girlfriends, tough it out and be there for him. Of course, in that instance, you have every right to ask him to talk to her, but that’s a different problem.

The point is that when you’re a couple, you suffer through friend and family events for the greater good of your relationship.

The caveat is that this is reciprocal. If you want him to come to your stuff, you need to go to his too.

You Can’t Express Your Needs without Negative Fallout

You should never feel guilty for needing something, nor should you be berated for it or told you’re crazy. Everyone has their moments when, no matter what it is, you have a need to be met.

If we go back to Tanya and Brent for a moment, Tanya needed support. She didn’t want anything from Brent other than for him to be there with another margarita when she needed it, to turn on the hot water again, or to bring in new candles when the old ones burned out. She had a need to feel heard, loved, and supported. Instead, he found someone who wasn’t going through a difficult time in her life.

When you’re there for someone, you’re there. He shouldn’t be telling you how dumb it is for you to want to be there for your mother as she goes through something difficult. He should be there to support you when you find out your childhood dog died.

But sometimes, people are so wrapped up in their own stuff that they can’t see the needs of others. If it’s temporary, fine, but if it’s an ongoing problem, it’s probably time to end the relationship.

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (46)

End the Relationship if He’s Hiding You

A man who won’t take you to meet his friends and family after a reasonable amount of time together is a man who’s hiding something from you.

When a guy is in love, he wants to show her off to the important people in his life, like his mother, or a favorite sister or friend. He wants his buddies to meet you because he’s proud to have you in his life.

He isn’t afraid to post photos of you together on social media, or even to take them with his phone.

A man who avoids introducing you to important people may be having an affair with you as the extra in his drama. This is a no-win situation for you because even if he eventually leaves that other relationship, you’ll be faced with a natural trust issue. If he did this to someone else with you, what’s to keep him from doing the same to you?

You Aren’t You Around Him

The best thing you can do for any relationship is to be yourself right from the beginning, but most of us aren’t. In my book, The Social Tigress, there’s a chapter on branding yourself and while this may sound harsh, we all do it.

When you’re single and you go out with your girlfriends, you pay very close attention to what you wear, how your hair is styled, and what you do with your makeup. You’re marketing yourself even if you don’t realize it.

If you create an online profile on a dating site or app, you’re marketing yourself.

In these marketing efforts, we all put our best foot forward. Only the best photos of you go on the profile, right? Of course.

But once you meet someone, you need to allow the real you to shine through. Sure, he may have initially been attracted to how you look, but men aren’t so superficial that they only go for looks. That might get him to say “Hello”, but it doesn’t get to eventually saying, “Goodnight.”

The problem comes into play when you can’t be yourself, either because he tries to stifle who you are or because you’ve shown him such a different version of yourself, and stuck to it, that now you can’t be the real you for fear of losing him.

In any case, he isn’t in love with you, he’s in love with the version of you that either he wants or you’re showing him, not the real you.

End the Relationship When You Both Talk About a Hypothetical Better Time Ahead

Your relationship shouldn’t be about waiting for the good times to come. You shouldn’t be waiting for the relationship to get better when some future milestone is hit.

He’ll appreciate me more once I can cook better.

We’ll have a better connection when we live together.

He’ll be more open with his feelings when we’ve been together for another six months.

You’re waiting for him to change, but he is who he is and there isn’t a thing you can do about it. Yes, people can change, but that doesn’t mean they want or intend to.

Instead of waiting for your relationship to be ideal in the future, look at what you have now. Can you live with things the way they are? If he’s not meeting your needs now, that perceived milestone in the future might not change a thing.

Your Goals are Different

A couple who wants to be together for the long haul should have shared goals. Not every goal should be shared, but the big ones are important.

For example, if he wants to travel the world but you want to advance your career, your goals are misaligned in such a way that it won’t work unless you negotiate the timing. You may agree to travel the world with him, but at a slower pace than he had in mind. If he’s agreeable, it might work, but if he wants to take two years off before making his big career move and you don’t, it may be time to end the relationship.

Sharing goals brings more intimacy to your relationship. When you’re doing things together, you’re developing memories and drawing nearer to one another. Intimacy isn’t just about sex, it’s about those shared moments that you’ll always remember.

Gregg Michaelsen | Who Holds the Cards Now (47)

How to End the Relationship

Now that you know some reasons for ending the relationship, let’s examine how you can end the relationship with style and respect.

Prepare Ahead of Time

Plan what you’ll say before you meet up with your guy. Don’t just decide to wing it. I know it’s a nervous time, but you’ll be less nervous if you practice a bit. Get a friend to help or practice in front of a mirror. Get your speech down and be prepared for his reaction.

Understand at the same time, however, that you cannot control his reaction. Trying to word things in a way that won’t upset him is futile. All you can do is remember to be kind, not to dump all the blame on him, and to be respectful of his need to speak.

End The Relationship Face-to-Face

Of course, it’s more comfortable to send a text or email telling him it’s over, but this is the chicken sh*t way out. Please don’t do this to anyone. He has time and emotions tied to the relationship too, and he deserves for the end to be a one-on-one conversation.

The exception to this rule is if there is physical abuse involved. In that instant, you’re running, not conversing. Otherwise, have enough respect for what the two of you shared to end it in person.

Choose the Right Place

Don’t end your relationship at your place or his but choose somewhere comfortable for both of you. It might be someplace public but somewhat secluded, like a park or a cozy coffee shop.

If you’re worried about him blowing his stack, in public is definitely a good idea, but if you think he’ll be calm about it, give him the courtesy of privacy when you end it.

End the Relationship and Be Respectful

One person is never the only responsible party in a breakup. You both have your roles. So, be respectful of him, and don’t dump this all on him. Own your part too and make sure not to make it a bashing session.

Respect also means being honest. Again, this doesn’t mean reciting every single thing he did to upset you but don’t lie either. Be general.

“Gee Brad, I think we just grew apart.” Or “You know, Jim, I think we just want different things now.”

This way, you’re ending it, but you’re not dumping on him, which would be unfair.

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Make it a Clean Break

When you see he’s upset, you might try to mitigate that with some soothers like, “But we can still be friends” or “Let’s just see if time apart helps.”

If you don’t see a future for the two of you, this is unfair. I know you’re trying to make him feel better, but he’s still going to get hurt. It’ll just take longer.

It’s okay to be friends after a breakup but give him time to process the breakup first. Let him find his own way out of the situation and then reach back out, maybe in a few months.

End the Relationship but Avoid Arguing

Since you know this is coming and he probably doesn’t, he may be defensive at first and this can often lead to an argument. He may be angry and want to argue with you out of spite, or he’ll be blindsided and want to argue that you shouldn’t break up.

Either way, once your conversation devolves into an argument, it’s time to go. You have nothing to gain and everything to lose by arguing with him.

You don’t need to be mean about it, but simply tell him you think it’s time for you to go, “Jim, I’d like to leave us on a happy note, so I’m going to leave before we start saying things we’ll regret.”

He may try to continue the argument by phone, text, or email. In that case, block him for a while, at least until his anger subsides. It’s very difficult to have an argument if you’re the only one arguing.

He’ll soon settle down and it’ll end.

Don’t Let Him Talk You Out of It

If he didn’t see it coming and is still in love with you, he may try to talk you into staying. If you have good reasons for leaving, don’t allow this to happen.

You’ll come to the same ending eventually and the hurt will be that much deeper.

It’s a normal reaction for the other person to beg you to stay. He’ll make promises like:

  • I’ll be better about pitching in around the house
  • If I try, I know I can stop belittling you around your friends and family
  • I know I can be a little cranky, but I’ll work on it, I promise

If he wants to make those changes, great, but let him work on those things by himself. If you did have something before and you aren’t interested in anyone else, he may indeed come to you in a few months a new and better man.

But those types of changes are best done when you’re single.

End the Relationship but Be Empathetic

While breaking up might be a relief to you, he may be deeply saddened. Try not to glory in your happiness while he’s down. If you’re happy, fine, but be empathetic to what he’s feeling at that moment.

It’s never nice to dismiss or ignore someone’s feelings, even if you don’t want to date him anymore. You can soften the blow by reminding him of something good like, “Before I met you, I didn’t even know how to boil pasta. You taught me so much and I’m grateful.”

Final Words on How to End the Relationship with Style and Grace

Even though you’re the one ending it, your body will have a physiological and emotional response. Your mind is addicted to being in love, so it’ll play tricks on you to try to get you back out there faster than you should be.

Give yourself time to grieve the relationship and time to heal. Relationships change who you are. You learn new things, but you may give up some things too, like a hobby you enjoyed or participating in a sport you enjoy.

Sometimes, you even give up friendships in lieu of more time with your boyfriend. It’s time to revive all of those things and rejoin life. Doing so will help you find who you are again, and it will also help you through the grieving process.

I have a book that explains the nine stages of grieving a relationship, whether you initiated the breakup or not. It also helps you prepare yourself for a new relationship. It’s linked just below!

When you end the relationship in a classy way, you have no regrets and you leave your ex-partner with a better chance of moving forward in a healthy way too.

If you're ready to move on from this relationship, you're ready forHe's Gone, Now What?This book walks you through the many aspects of dealing with a breakup, even if you're the one who initiated the breakup. Regardless ofwho started it, as they say, your body becomes addicted to the chemicals associated with being in love. The withdrawal process is as daunting as the withdrawal from cocaine.

You'll also learn about the stages of grieving a relationship and how to begin moving forward. You'll walk through the steps of preparing yourself for dating again and gain an understanding of how you can do so in a healthy, happy relationship.

You can learn more about the book here or you can purchase it by clicking one of the buttons below.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.