The D&C (Dilation and Curettage) Procedure (2024)

Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a brief surgical procedure in which the cervix is dilated and a special instrument is used to scrape the uterine lining. Knowing what to expect before, during, and after a D&C may help ease your worries and make the process go more smoothly. Here's what you need to know.

Reasons for a D&C

You may need a D&C for one of several reasons. It's done to:

  • Remove tissue in the uterus during or after a miscarriage or abortion or to remove small pieces of placenta after childbirth. This helps prevent infection or heavy bleeding.
  • Diagnose or treat abnormal uterine bleeding. A D&C may help diagnose or treat growths such as fibroids, polyps, hormonal imbalances, or uterine cancer. A sample of uterine tissue is viewed under a microscope to check for abnormal cells.

What to Expect When Having a D&C

You can have a D&C in your doctor's office, an outpatient clinic, or the hospital. It usually takes only 10 to 15 minutes, but you may stay in the office, clinic, or hospital for up to five hours.

Before a D&C, you will have a complete history taken and sign a consent form. Ask your doctor any questions you have about the D&C. Be sure to tell the doctor if:

  • You suspect you are pregnant.
  • You are sensitive or allergic to any medications, iodine, or latex.
  • You have a history of bleeding disorders or are taking any blood-thinning drugs.

You will receive anesthesia, which your doctor will discuss with you. The type you have depends on the procedure you need.

  • If you have general anesthesia, you will not be awake during the procedure.
  • If you have spinal or epidural (regional) anesthesia, you will not have feeling from the waist down.
  • If you have local anesthesia, you will be awake and the area around you cervix will be numbed.

Before the D&C, you may need to remove clothing, put on a gown, and empty your bladder.

During a D&C, you lie on your back and place your legs in stirrups like during a pelvic exam. Then the doctor inserts a speculum into the vagin* and holds the cervix in place with a clamp. Although the D&C involves no stitches or cuts, the doctor cleanses the cervix with an antiseptic solution.

A D&C involves two main steps:

  • Dilation involves widening the opening of the lower part of the uterus (the cervix) to allow insertion of an instrument. The doctor may insert a slender rod (laminaria) into the opening beforehand or use a medication before the procedure to soften the cervix and cause it to widen.
  • Curettage involves scraping the lining and removing uterine contents with a long, spoon-shaped instrument (a curette). The doctor may also use a cannula to suction any remaining contents from the uterus. This can cause some cramping. A tissue sample then goes to a lab for examination.

Sometimes other procedures are performed along with a D&C. For example, your doctor may insert a slender device to view the inside of the uterus (called hysteroscopy). They may remove a polyp or fibroid.

After a D&C, there are possible side effects and risks. Common side effects include:

  • Cramping
  • Spotting or light bleeding

Complications such as a damaged cervix and perforated uterus or bladder and blood vessels are rare. But be sure to contact your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms after a D&C:

  • Heavy or prolonged bleeding or blood clots
  • Fever
  • Pain
  • Abdominal tenderness
  • Foul-smelling discharge from the vagin*

In very rare cases, scar tissue (adhesions) may form inside the uterus. Called Asherman's syndrome, this may cause infertility and changes in menstrual flow. Surgery can repair this problem, so be sure to report any abnormal menstrual changes after a D&C.

Recovery After a D&C

After a D&C, you will need someone to take you home. If you had general anesthesia, you may feel groggy for a while and have some brief nausea and vomiting. You can return to regular activities within one or two days. In the meantime, ask your doctor about any needed restrictions. You may also have mild cramping and light spotting for a few days. This is normal. You may want to wear a sanitary pad for spotting and take pain relievers for pain.

You can expect a change in the timing of your next menstrual period. It may come either early or late. To prevent bacteria from entering your uterus, delay sex and use of tampons until your doctor says it's OK.

See your doctor for a follow-up visit and schedule any further treatment that's needed. If any tissue was sent for a biopsy, ask your doctor when to expect results. They are usually available within several days.

The D&C (Dilation and Curettage) Procedure (2024)


The D&C (Dilation and Curettage) Procedure? ›

A D&C, or dilation and curettage, is a procedure to remove tissue from your uterus. Your healthcare provider can use a D&C and hysteroscopy to diagnose unexplained bleeding. So, it may help your provider find answers you've sought for a long time. Or it may be the last step after an incomplete miscarriage or abortion.

What is a D&C procedure quizlet? ›

The gradual enlargement of the cervical canal and removement, by scraping, of endometrial tissue. Why is a D&C performed? To diagnose cervical or uterine malignancy, control dysfunctional uterine bleeding, effect an abortion, complete an incomplete abortion, aid in evaluating infertility, and relieve dysmenorrhea.

What is a dilation and curettage D&C procedure? ›

What is a dilation and curettage (D&C)? A dilation and curettage procedure, also called a D&C, is a surgical procedure in which the cervix (lower, narrow part of the uterus) is dilated (expanded) so that the uterine lining (endometrium) can be scraped with a curette (spoon-shaped instrument) to remove abnormal tissues.

How much do they dilate your cervix for D&C? ›

Usually only a small amount of dilation is needed (less than one half inch in diameter). Tissue lining the uterus will be removed, either with an instrument called a curette or with a suction or vacuum pump. When a suction or vacuum pump is used, the procedure may be called "vacuum aspiration" or "suction curettage."

How painful is a D&C without anesthesia? ›

Whether a D and C is painful depends on whether the person is awake during the procedure. Without sedation or anesthetic, it can be painful. Some feel little pain at all, while others feel considerable pain.

Why do you need a D&C procedure? ›

A D&C procedure may be done for different reasons, including to look for the cause of a problem, such as abnormal uterine bleeding; for treatment of a miscarriage or postpregnancy bleeding; or for first trimester abortion (pregnancy termination).

What is the surgery called D&C? ›

Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a procedure to remove tissue from inside your uterus. Health care professionals perform dilation and curettage to diagnose and treat certain uterine conditions — such as heavy bleeding — or to clear the uterine lining after a miscarriage or abortion.

How long is a D&C procedure? ›

During a D&C, the cervix is opened gently so that tissue can be removed, usually with a scraping or suction tool. A D&C may be done in a hospital or clinic. The procedure usually takes 15 to 30 minutes. You will probably go home the same day.

What are the risks of D&C dilation and curettage? ›

Infection, bleeding, cervical lacerations, uterine perforation, and postoperative uterine adhesions are complications of D&C in pregnant and nonpregnant patients. Overall infection rates are low at 1% to 2%, and prophylactic antibiotic use is recommended in pregnant patients.

Does a D&C procedure hurt? ›

You'll probably be sedated or under anesthesia during the procedure, so you shouldn't feel any pain during your D&C. Most people will have only mild cramping or discomfort afterward. If your pain is getting worse, see your doctor right away.

Are you put to sleep for a D&C? ›

There are several options for anesthesia during a D&C: General anesthesia, where you're asleep for the procedure. Regional anesthesia (like an epidural), which means you won't have feeling from your waist down. You're fully conscious with this type of anesthesia.

How long does it take for your uterus to shrink after a D&C? ›

It takes about six weeks for your uterus to return to its pre-pregnancy weight and size.

Is D&C a big surgery? ›

D&C is regarded as a relatively minor procedure and can be done as day surgery, but a general anaesthetic is usually given. The typical D&C procedure includes the following steps: Once you are anaesthetised, your uterus is examined to determine its size and position.

Does it hurt to pee after a D&C? ›

Notify our office if any of the following occurs: Increased abdominal pain. Pain or burning with urination or frequent urge to urinate.

How much does a D&C cost? ›

The cost of a D&C may range from $709–$8,170 if you have insurance. 2 A D&C during the first trimester is about $1,103–$8,507.

What is the alternative to D&C surgery? ›

Hysteroscopy is a similar procedure to D&C but your surgeon uses an instrument with a light and camera to check the inside of your uterus for any abnormalities. They can then either sample or remove any abnormal tissue. This procedure is often preferred to D&C if small, localised abnormalities are suspected.

Is a D&C a hysterectomy? ›

Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a procedure to scrape and collect endometrium, the tissue inside the uterus. Dilation is the widening of the cervix which allows instruments to pass into the uterus, while curettage is the scraping of the uterine walls.

Is a D&C a routine procedure? ›

A D&C is a safe, routine procedure. But like any surgery, it has some risks. D&C risks include: Uterine perforation (a small tear in your uterus), which may happen if one of the surgical instruments passes through your uterine wall.

What is an in office D&C procedure? ›

You can have a D&C in your doctor's office, an outpatient clinic, or the hospital. It usually takes only 10-15 minutes, but you may stay in the office, clinic, or hospital for up to 5 hours. Your complete medical history will be taken, and you will sign a consent form.

What is a D&C for unwanted pregnancy? ›

Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a surgical procedure that provides an alternative for pregnant and nonpregnant patients. If the pregnant patient desires an abortion, elective or otherwise, medical and surgical options are available, depending on the estimated gestational age.

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