Nashville Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

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Nashville, Tennessee

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Pate NASHVILLE BANNER Monday March 26 1951 Legislative Delegation Lauds Banner Coverage Variety Of Winners Awarded At DuPont Mansfield Seeks Reelection To City Council Elevator Fall Victim's Rites To Be Tuesday Liquor Traffic Charges To Be Reviewed Board Studies Disposition Of Cumberland James Stahlman publisher of THR BANNER hag received the following letter from Senator Carl Hardin chairman of the Davidson County State legislative delegation: As Chairman of the Davidson County Legislative Delegation I am authorized to write and convey the sincere gratitude and appreciation of the entire Davidson County Legislative Delegation for the cooperation suggestions coverage conduct and asaistance of your reporters assigned to report and disseminate the news during the session of the 77th General Assembly of the State of Tennessee and particularly are we grateful for their assignment to cover the Davidson County Delegation with such fairness and impartiality We the members of the Davidson County Delegation feel that we would be remiss in our duty if we did not personally state to you that your reporters Messrs Dick Battle Lea Hart Theodore Dyer Ntiss Mary Jane Brooks and all 1 I ki 7' P' I -f 7 4 4 is I ''i''''''' 7 41 2 4' 14804A0- I' 7: 8Ytit7 -'i' L- 4" A 4 0 i i it i 't viduals betray any confidence ros posed in them or make any quotation that was given "off the reo- ord" on the contrary they fair ly and impartially published and disseminated the news reflecting credit to your paper to the publie and to the Delegation as a whole We feel deeply grateful to them for their suggestions and wise counsel in matters that came before us in which we were not at all certain of all the facts In conclusion permit us to make the unequivocal statement that our association was a pleas- ure and a delightful experience as well as a profitable one because of the reporter-personnel above named and because 'of your every excellent cooperation in editing and blue-penelling their coverage of our activities We are fortunate in that we have such an editor-publisher who ham surrounded himself with such excellent highclass reporter personnel and especially do we consider ourselves fortunate in having been associated with you and with them Please accept our kindest best wishes and personal regards and esteem which we likewise extend to all your reporter-personnel Very sincerely yours Carl Hardin Chairman Davidson County Legislative Delegation Cecil Brandstetter Sanders Angela John Grimes Gordon Parsons Paul ISmokyl Phillips Frank Taylor Felix Polston Funeral services for Raymond Earl Anderson 11 of 516 Mulberry St who was killed about 2:30 pm yesterday when he fell into an elevator shaft will be conducted at 10 am tomorrow at the Phillips-Robinson Funeral Home by the Rev Eli Wright Burial will be in Wood lawn Memorial Park Young Anderson son of Mr and Mrs Roy Anderson waa playing with James Pittman 11 of 916 Fifth Ave South in an unoccupied mill building at Wetmore St and Ewing Ave when the accident occurred The Pittman boy son of Mr and Mrs Aubra Pittman told Inspector Douglas Hosse that he and Raymond entered through a window and discovered the elevator could be operated James was on the second floor and Raymond on the third As the elevator went up past the third floor Raymond grabbed for it and missed -James ran to the home of Raymond's parents a block from the mill building Her son apparently was dead when Mrs Anderson reached the bottom of the shaft Raymond was a fifth grade pupil at Howard School He ia survived by his parents two sisters Margaret and Barbara Jo Anderson a brother Perry Anderson his paternal grandmother Mrs Ella Anderson and his maternal grandparents Mr and Mrs Alonzo Porter all of Nashville Wilson a part owner in the mill building said it had been part of the Fletcher-Wilson Co He thought it Nvas padlocked to prevent entry he said in A t' 4: 1 '-i I 4 0(6 't --14C 74 st "i -v- 1-i 4- A 3 A 19' i I'''': :134 tv 7 i 3 113e' A P' 4S: -Rt1 i '1' va' 4 7' i Iti '4'2 3 1 31 3 034 flt? 1 A' -4 '141 1ir- 0 ke --e -4 i l': 1 -e I A ''''t)0 IN ''4' ft' i 4 i ii iit11 pm A i Pr 1'4t e-t joi x' i i -v- 1 fr i i it t' --i 1 it -I 1 7 't' '714 1-1 '4 1 (1 I ---r4-1 t'1i It 1 1 1 e' ift t1'10 111 4 1 i L7-- an-1 ot(hreerst a i fair and a eenseersagriotnic MANSFIELD a flounced his candidacy for reeleci ogrolblepgV associated had the pleasure in tion to City Council from the Sixth with at any Ward third councilmanic disk rid time Not once (lid any of these indiEspeciaily Interested in the con-1 tinued efficiency of Nashville's orority To Hold school system 'councilman Mans-: field was one of the sponsors of the nos Hattie Cotton School recently' Benefit 'Revue' I completed Mansfield who operates he Mansfield Pharmacy at 727 McFer-I The auditorium of the Morris Me- morial Building will be the scene of an annual ''Cupids Revue" rin Avenue has been in the retail staged by Upsilon Sigma chapter drug business in Nashville for the past 40 years and has been at his present location for 10 years of Sigma Gamma Rho sorority as The councilman lives at 918 Pet- a scholarship benefit tonight at 8 1 way Ave and is a member of The title of cupid of the year will be awarded to the child who Eastland Baptist Church and thel for has sold the largest number of Buena Vista Masonic Lodge 6391 In announcing his candidacy tickets to the program which will reelection Mansfield said "I ap-1 consist Of a fashion revue and ap- yipropriate music preciate the cooperation and sup-1 1 1pslion Sigma officers include port given me by the people of ward and I pledge to them that 1 will continue to work for their bestMrs Marion Tharpe president Mrs Reynolds secretary interests and for the advancement and Mrs Amanda Slaughter treats- of our city and will serve them! honestly and independently" lurer I CLEANED Vernon Ala March The possibility of transferring the College of Arts and Science legal liquor transportation charges' Cumberland University from Lebfiled against three Tennessee al- anon to the Ward-Belmont School cohol tax division officers and later campus a technical move and con-dismissed Nvill be reviewed by the tinued aponsorship of Cumberland Lamar County grand jury today Law School by Baptiits now rests with the former board of trustees The officers were arrested while of the university transporting 92 cases of whisky Should they vote probably this from Cairo Ill to Columbus Miss week in favor of a resolution a dry state Feb 18 Sheriff adopted unanimously by the presSmith said ent board of trustees Saturday there is little doubt that the Ten-Tennessee officials said the men nessee Baptist Convention's adminwere engaged in undercover op- istrative committee will accept the erations aimed at cracking a multi- offer with the stipulations set out million dollar liquor syndicate by the board Lamar County Judge John- ston dismissed the charges on the Dr Charles Pope executive grounds that the agents were en- secretary of TBC who is in Cam-gaged in interstate commerce den Tenn conducting a two-week Circuit Solicitor Cecil Straw- revival meeting was not readily bridge said however that all fel- available that le or comment administrative but ltisnot the ony charges are referred to the believed palled to meet grand jury He said the action committee will be was required by state law until his return Condemnation pr oce ed i ngs Meanwhile the Ward-Belmont against the whisky and truck in board of trustees has approved the which it was being carried are still appointment of John Cottrell pending business manager at Cumberland The agents were Charles Ford as new business manager of Ward-William Argo and Harry A Lau- Belmont derdale all working out of the Cottrell is a graduate of Carson-1 alcohol tax division's Nashville of- Newman College and the Kennett' free School of Commerce and was con-Misdemeanor charges of carry- nected with General Shoe Corp ing firearms filed against Ford prior to joining the Cumberland and of speeding and reckless driv- staff log made against Lauderdale will The resolution adopted by the be heard in May Cumberland board stipulates "that the College of Law of Cumberland Campbell GI's University shall be maintained and operated at Lebanon and every reasonable effort be made by Ten- Rehear' nessee Baptists to maintain and op- sor erate it as a fully accredited law school" that its name and charter remain unchanged and that all Variety Show original endowment that Cumberland had on hand at the time it Fort Campbell March was transferred to Baptist control (about $100000) be used exclusively no business like show business tolfor support of the law school make a GI smile Harry Phillips Nashville attorney Utilizing all existing military tal-land president of the Cumberland ent at Fort Campbell some of it board said in a statement this of professional caliber special morning that: services has started work on the "This resolution was adopted by first of a series of top-notch vatic- the board in an effort to save the ty shows to be presented here at great name of Cumberland Univer- least once a month free of charge sit47annd reserve the law school "Under the recent action of the Rehearsals for the first show to executive board of TBC WI) the be presented at the Main Theater college of arts and science and the on the evening of March 28 got historic law school must be closed underway last week as of the end of the current semesBecause of the large amount of ter unless the present board and first class talent found among the former board approve the trans-Army personnel here these sol- fer of the arts and science division dier shows are planned to provide to Ward-Belmont campus much needed soldier entertain- "The former trustees labored ment at Fort Campbell against overwhelming odds to keep By using available military tal- Cumberland alive during the de- ent better shows at no cost will I pression and the years that tal- I be provided than have been the lowed They have cooperated to case in the past the fullest extent with the pres- "Among the Fort Campbell per- ent board and have supported our Bonne' we have real talent" says efforts to rebuild Cumberland and 1st Lieut William Ballou carry on its heritage" he said Recreation Officer "A number of The fact stands now however these men are ex-professionals who that only members of the pres- have considerable theatrical and ent freshman class will benefit by transferring to the junior col- entertainment experience" lege at Ward-Belmont in the fall Wednesday evenings' show will although the school may be an present two men with years of ex- accredited four-year coeducational perience as interpretive dancers institution within the next three Pvt Ernest Floore one of the years dancers from Chicago is a former In the meantime Mrs James student of Kathrine Dunham inHefsteedi Ward-Belmont alumnae New York He has been dancing leader said pledge' cards will be for seven years having started mailed to alumnae this week as' with the Sadie Bruce dancers in efforts of that group continue in Chicago at the age of 14 He also a $1000000 campaign with a view danced for 21 months at Chicago's to buying Ward-Belmont back from College Inn at the Hotel Sherwood the Baptists and toured the southern states ap- A total of $34000 has been peering at numerous colleges pledged to date locally His partner Pvt James Brooks' a of Cleveland Ohio danced in the' 1 Roger's and Hammerstein produc- Gordonsville Seniors tion "Carmen Jones" in Cleve- years old and has been dancing To Give 3-Act Comedy land and Detroit Brooks is 211 I for 3 years He studied and ap- peared regulasty at Servorn Hall Gordonsville Tenn March will I In Cleveland miss Wills ony play the title role in the three-act I The two soldiers do a Voodoo Bit- i Limited Time Oniv FOR 49c ONLY 1 Huntsville Gets Housing Funds Huntsville Ala March Public Housing Authority has received a check from the Federal authorities to help pay for the construction of 350 low rent dwelling units here Herbert Johnson chairman of the local group announced The check was for $581800 Receipts of the check brings to $930000 the amount recei ved toward financing the project which is now in the preliminary stages of construct ion A preliminary loan of Was received Several more ctiecks are due to he received for these projects one for Negro and the other for white tenants The local authority may borrow up to $4000000 for this work One contract has already been let for the construction of 170 houses for tenants on a bid price of $1447000 For 2 Tape Blinds Cash and Carry Pick-up at sltght additional cost Sn ano Larry rick-up a additiCM81 cost 19491119000940210W GRISWOLD VENETIAN BLIND Co 904 Eighth Ave 114954 GRISWOLD 'ENETIAN BLIND Co 4 Eighth Ave 64954 Sewanee Wins Rifle Matches CMA Third (Banner's Columbia Bureau Columbia Tenn March Military Academy has placed first in the Third Army area intercollegiate indoor rifle matches for military institutes it was announced today Gulf Coast Military Academy was second and Columbia Military Academy third the announcement said Captain Tweedy Court land Ala heads the CMA rifle team Humboldt Rotary Club Elects 1951-52 Officers Humboldt Tenn March Rev William (Bill) Huie pastor Central Avenue Christian Church is the newly elected president of the Humboldt Rotary Club to succeed John Riley who has served for the past year Charles Rooks editor The Courier-Chronicle is the newly elected vice-president Bob Nicholaon secretary 'and Maxwell Senter treasurer The new members of the hoard of directors are Neil! Senter George McDearmon Dr Stallings Riley Mr Hule Nicholson and Senter The new officers will assume their duties on July 1 1951 the beginning of the new year with the local club The chairman and personnel of the various committees for the new year will be appointed in the near future 411r -4- 27 Sumner Men Will Report for Induction Gallatin Tenn March 26---(Spe- Twenty-three men from Sumner County and four volunteers will report for induction on April 16 1951 The volunieers are: James Edward High P'ountain Head: Willie Bob John son Hartsville Oliver Eloall Hankins Gallatin: and Jeff ire Garrett Jr of Gallatin The others are: Nathan Brown Braly Jr William Russell Anglea Porter R-bnett Charlie Morgan Jr all of Gallatin: Dennis Earl Johnson Beth-Page Billy Earl Hunnicutt P3etland Truman Thomas Miller Fountain Paul Arch Piper Gallatin George Glen! don Kelly Fountain Head: Robert White' Jr Pdriland: Charles Vernon GarrLson Cottrintown William Courtney 11WaleY Hendersonville: Cleveland Odell Patter- son Ca stalian Springs Hugh Gordon Link Cottontown Henry Edwin Burgett White House: Jay Loyd Hale Hendersonville: Aust in Pedigo Westmoreland Billy Allison Price Bowling Green Ky Bobby Dean Vanatta Portland Paul Ray Douglas Bethpage: Paul Graves Westmoreland: Richard Edward Woodall Portland Dewitt Barber Law Fountain Head lattctiOw 'Cifillittl a l'o0 wIlfetrEE a 11 lifilt 7 ees a Be 1 I Iture es 0 VW Ill' A nst Columbia Club To Hear Rep Mary Shadow Hill (Banner's Columbia Bureau) Columbia Tenn March Mary Shadow Hill Meigs County is slated to be guest speaker at the regular meeting Tuesday night of the Business and Professional Womens Club here Mrs Lamb is chairman of the program which will take place at Twentieth Century Dinner Club Miss Dabney Anderson president will preside Athens Water Tank Athens Ala March -Concrete pillars for Athens new half million gallon water tank have now been completed and will be allowed to set and harden for 21 days before work will be started on the construction of the tank itself It is estimated that six to eight weeks will be required to finish 'he job the deadline by the eon-met being being June I The new tank I will be about four times the size of the present tank ---oso--- APPROVED METHOD of filling vacancies is Classified For Rent" ads Phone 5-5401 or 5-1221 Twenty acts made determined bids and 1200 persons had a grand time as the 13th NASHVILLE BANNER high school talent contest and square dance program played at DuPont High Saturday night The judges had to break a three way tie for first place to award THE BANNER'S gold loving cup to 'Ronnie Bledsoe (at the keyboard above) son of Mr and Mrs Bledsoe Young Bledsoe played the piano sang "Bring Back the Thrill" and then did a swift change to a boogie beat on the keyboard to win cheers from the audience and the highest talent ranking from the judges Second place went to as cute a lass as to grace TUE BANNER series She is Barbara Richter (standing by piano) daughter of Mr and Mrs Jean Paul Richter who did a fast and clever tap and song routine of "Five Foot Two" Third place was awarded Temp Sparkman (left on top of piano) whose imitation of a radio announcer at a football game was rated as one of the best humorous readings in the series Sparkman had won first place in the county forensic meet with the 'same monologue Selected by Francis Craig WSMTV talent scout and judge for the program for a featured spot on next Sunday's "Music City USA" Itelevision show was Walter McDaniel (right on top of piano) son of Mr and Mrs McDaniel Walter's trumpet solo of "Stormy Weather" should please a large TV audience as it did the big crowd at DuPont Saturday night When Craig the master show-- man agreed to play his own "Near' You" the crowd nearly went wild and kept it up until he gave them a clever imitation of the old-time player-piano and again he brought the house down Following the contest one of the largest crowds of the series jammed DuPont's gym floor for square dancing to the tunes of Theron Hale and his band BANNER Staffer Robert Battle who called the dance did a good job of keeping the big crowd from tromping heels and in a happy frame of mind The DuPont Student Council did a magnificent job of staging the show and received THE BANNER program plays at Joelton High School Saturday night The last time it was scheduled at Joelton the "great blizzard" hit and resulted in the postponement So with all the time elapsed since plans began at Joelton a terrific show should be staged there next Saturday Stewart County Co-Op Elects New Officers McCoy has been named president of the Stewart County Farmers Co-Operative Other officers elected were Frazier Riggins vice president and Lancaster secretary-treasurer Elected directors were Buford Thomas Thomas Ed Crockarell and Leonard Riggins 7 Drafted at Athens Athens Ala March more Limestonians will go to the Gadsden Recruiting Station for their army physicals Wednesday according to the local draft aoard The seven are Jesse Neely Jr Buford Wilhanks Robert Naves --helhy Robison Shelly Roh-j ison Davis and Paul Haggard 1 Minor Hill Man Missing in Korea The Department of Defense re-I ported today that Sgt Bob Smith on of Mr and Mrs Si Smith of Minor Hill route 2 missing in action in Korea The announcement also said an other Minor Hill man Cpl Charles McGill son of Mr and Mrs Homer McGill has been wounded i Also listed as wounded WaS NCH Chelsey Walker son of Mr and i Mrs Dewey Walker Buchanan1 I route 4 Lawrence Talent Contest Lawrenceburg Tenn March (Special) The Lawt en ceburg'l Lioness Club will have thp second talent contest at the La wrence-! burg Elementary School auditorium on Monday night at 7:30 pm Winners in the contest hold on Tuesday night March 20 will re-! turn at this time to compete with the winners in the Monday nighti contest Boyd-Walker-Thompson Group Pushing 1951 RED CROSS CAMPAIGN nal dance based on the Cathrine Flowers dances of the Negro Slave in New Orleans Floore who portrays a Voodoo King sprinkles "goofy on his subject (Brooks) to get him "under the spell" Wednesday's program will also feature Pvt Sidney Kaufman a violinist who was a former first violinist with the Pittsburg and Dallas Symphony orchestra He has played with the Radio City Music Hall ensemble and Billy Rose starred him In the Diamond Horse Shoe girlique "Violins Over Broadway" Woman 32 Drowns Flames Destoy Brownsville Building Brownsville Tenn March 28 (tPt--Fire starting in the storage room did an estimated $4000 damage to the district Soil Conservation Service Office in Haywood County here yesterday comedy "Amazing Grade" which the seniors of Gor- '414 donsvilleHigl 00 1 School will present March 29 and It 30 at the school 4N J1 auditorium 4f4 Other members Al of the cast are Mary Gill Reba 711f Watts Byron Nixo Kenneth Watts Daisy Ann Nixon Jean Gill Franklin McKee TOltil wins Billy Sykes Ken- neth Lawrence and Jean Winfree The play is under the direction of Mrs Loyd Young who is also class sponsor Ernest Cotten is principal of Gordonsville High Washington was the first President of the United States to have political trouble over whisky The! Whisky Rebellion in Pennsy1va-1 nia's Monongahela Valley in 17941 was a protest against the imposi-! lion of excise taxes on liquor Sheppard Hartsville Tenn March (Special) Funeral services for Richard Madison Sheppard 70 who died at his home in Lebanon early Saturday morning following a heart attack were held at the Lebanon Church of Christ Sunday afternoon twith I Pullias of Fayetteville officiating assisted by Thomas lWaggoner minister Burial was in Cedar Grove cemetery at Lebanon Mr Sheppard was the son of the late Franklin and Eudora Fitts Sheppard He was a native of Sumner County but lived the greater part of his life in Trousdale County where he was engaged in plumbing and heating business He retired severai years ago due to ill health He was educated in the schools of Sumner County and was married to Miss Jennie Walker a number of years ago He was a member the Hartsville Church of Christ where he served as an elder for a number of years Survivors are his wife five daughters Mrs Wilkerson of Lebanon Mrs Fred' Ramsey of Goodlettsville Mrs Samuel Garrett of Chattanooga Mrs Richard Jr of LIR le Rock and Mrs Palmer of Fountain Head sons Richard Sheppard Nashville Frank Sheppard and Ralph Sheppard of Memphis sister Miss Daisye Sheppard Gallatin and 11 grandchildren Throp and Oakley funeral directors were in charge Knoxrillian Wins Oratorical Contest Ot In Horseshoe Lake Memphis March Ball 32-year-old telephone company supervisor drowned and her two men companions escaped when their boat capsized in Horseshoe Lake Ark Authorities said that the boat probably hit a floating dock at the East Arkansas fishing resort George Burns 40-year-old bus driver was found clinging to a pier 100 yards from where Miss Ball was lost Hensley 48 third member of the party said that he helped the other two "get a grip on the boat hut Miss Ball lost her hold and slipped beneath the surface" 4 I 1 111111111 ''''''11''') l' I 1 Inio 7 7 IF 1 ') tyJ ii 9 i pi 11 4 I 1 I i I i The drafted workers are urged to continue to make collections and report to Mrs Jordan Citizens Say ings Bank or Miss Sadie Wil son National Baptist Pub lishing Board Eugene Harris Shelbyville Tenn March 26-- Harris 72 died last night at his home 811 Galbraith St following a long illnass Mr Harris was a retired farmer and forrutr night watciimarf at the Empire Tencil Co He was the son of the late Lawson and Nannie Glasco*ck Harris both natives of Bedford Copnty Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday afternoon from the New Bethel Baptist Church of which he was a member and deacon The Rev Tallent and the Rev Christian will officiate with burial in the church cemetery He is aurvived by hi wife Denia Crowell Harris three sons Leland Lester and Glendon Harris all of Shelbyville two sisters Mrs Marvin Welch of Adrian Ga and Mrs Harvey Locke of Lynnville' Tenn three brother Joe Harris of Birmingham John Harris of Shelbyville and Frank Harris of Bell Buckle four grandchildren and one great-grandchild 1 The Thompson Funeral Home in charge of arrangements The Thompson Funerai tiorne is in charge of LOATTERIES DA I CK I for all makes of HEARING AIDS Free Delirerg IN NASHVILLE ACOUSTICON DIVISION OF Mrs Bettie Woodmore be Hartsville Tenn March 26-11 Bettie Reed Wood- -wh more wife of Ed Woodmore died 1 at her home in the Ha Mown corn- "'s munity Saturday afternoon at 3:30 doi o'clock following a long illness Lel Funeral services were conducted Go at the residence Sunday afternoon ret with the Rev Louis Martin min- Bel Later of the Pleasant Valley Churchlno officiating Burial was in the Pleas- thr ant Valley Cemetery Mrs Wood- of more was the daughter of the late Ra 1Caleb and Mary Reed who were one early settlers of Trousdale County of She was educated in the schools of -Trousdale and Macon County and tor was active in church and civic affairs as long as her health permitted She was a member of the Pleasant Valley Methodist Church Survivors other than her hue- cia band are a daughter Mn Ida Tay- titt lor Duncan of Hartsville two sons Woodmore and Cherry Wood- all moreboth of Hartsville one sister Stal Mrs James Taylor of Dixon ciul Springs and a brother George IrVal Reed of Hartsville rag Also surviving are six grandchildre a It Alexander Funeral some was in whl charge gas ice 80 Henry Davenport nan of I Woodbury Tenn March 26--(Spe- g50 services for Henril for Davenport 82 farmer of the Syca-ithel more community were to be held today at Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ Mr Davenport died Saturday at Good Samaritan Hospital here after eta two years of ill health Rom He was a native of Cannon Coun- win ty and a member of the Church of day Christ nen Survivors include his wife Mrs wo Maggie Summers Davenport fivelmet SenS Lonnie Chester Vaster and jj Wiley Davenport an of Cannon County and Robert Davenport int Huntivine ALL two daughter at Mn Lathe Cooper and Mrs Sudie srvi Murphy Cannon County a brother A of Benz Bob three of one of fitters was It who gas 80 of $5000 for their Rogers 'will neral Mr Hattie several A lof Woodbury Tenn March $5000 services for Henry for more communit were to be held Rid Davenport 82 farmer of the Syca-itheir ay at Pleasant ge Church of ofichriat Mr Davenport died Saturday at tan ri Hosoital here after ears of halh two ill Rogers He wu a native of Cannon Coun- will ty and a member of the Church of day Christ neral Survivors Include his wife Mtn- Maggie Summers Davenport ti --Ve SenS Lennie Chester Vaster and ial Wiley Davenport all of Cannon Mr County and Robert Davenport int Huntsville Ala two daughters Hatue Mrs Lallie Cooper and Mrs Sudie several Hurphy Cannon County a brother A Huntsville Gas Code Huntsville Ma March for city gu for installing natural gas applications and provisions for installing these applications are included in the city gas code that adopted Thursday night at a regular meeting of the City Cotmoil is provided that only personal have qualifications for natural service may install gas service and the code becomes effective days after publication An ordinance setting up the qualifications inspectors requiring a bond of and making them responsible all losses sustained through operation is provided inspectori riquiring a bond of and making them resporteible all losses sustained through operation is provided Surgical Supply Inc 10 9 Bonnie 011111 Bldg 4-0501 Give and Give till we put over whole drive! mingham Ala on April 11 leading to national oratory competition and a $4000 scholarship as grand prize All three of today's prize winners were guests of the American Legion Club at a luncheon today and were taken on a tour of the histories) sites in the city Miss McKnight who is president of the Middle Tennessee High School Press Association recently won a $1000 scholarship to Vanderbilt the college of her choice sponsored by the Lion Oil Company of El Dorado Ark for her essay entitled "How America Became a Great Nation" In doing so she automaticatly became one of six students eligible to compete for an additional $3000 throe-year scholarship to be awardeci in May ners were gue lean Legion today and wer of the historie Miss McKni dent of the School High recently won a to Vanderbilt choice Oil Company cr for her essay America Beta tion" In doi maticatly becar dents eligible additional I-1( scholarship to May Statewide winners in the Tennessee American Legion oratorical contest are shown following the competitive event held this morning it Hilsboro High School They are (left to right) Philip Robinson of Knoxville High School whose subject was "Our Constitution Guide and Guardian of America" first prize of $50 Elizabeth Cate McKnight of East Nashville High who spoke on "The Peoples' Constitution Our to Defend" and wh9 took first place in the contest last year second prize of $25 and Jerry Deaton of Memphis Messick High whose subject was The Aim of Our Constitution" third prize of 115 As the winner Robinson wilt have the opportunity to compete Is the regional contest in Bir They are (left to right) Phillip Ro in If son of oxv i I I High School whose subject was Our Constitution Guide and Guard- tan Of America" first prize of $50 Elizabeth McKnight Of East Nashville High who ''es' ske on The Peopl Consti- tution Ours to Defend" and wh9 took first place in the contest last year second prize of $25 and Jerry Deaton of Memphis Messick High whose subject was The Aim of Our Constitution" third prize of is As the winner Robinson will have the opportunity to compete in the regional contest in Bir- Henry A Boyd HWalker Lenora Thompson TENNESSEE 1612 antra St Plums 6-3139 Wins Spelling Contest Scottsville Ky March 26--(Special) Linda Faye Hanes 10 of route one daughter of Mr and Mrs Randall Hanes won the annual Allen County rural school spelling bet held Saturday afternoon in the Allen County High School building She is a student in the sixth grade at the Pleasant Field rural school Her teacher is Mrs Dewey Bewley Twenty-five boys and girls took part in the atnitUal spelling bee GLIDER CUSHIONS REWORKED 91-12511 01 NEW ONES MADE TO ORDER ECONOMY MATTRESS CO SLIEP SHOP SI 2533 I AVE 5 971264 DavenPort Cannon County 15 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren-Charles Powell was to officiate and burial was to be in Pleasant Pi Lige Cemetery Woodbury semi oms was in charts Edward Rogers Tacker Pulaski Tenn March services for Edward Tacker 07 retired farmer be held at 10:30 o'clock Tiles-day morning at Bennett-May irufi Home with the Rev Fred Woodard pastor of the Pulaski Methodist Church officiating Burial will he in Maplewood Cemetery Tacker died Sunday morning at the home of his sister Mrs Herbert after an illness of months native of Giles County be was a son of the late James and Mary Rogers Tacker Besides Mrs Herbert he is survived by another sister Mrs Lassie Gray Motiow of Fayetteville and a tall brother Frank Tacker of Nashville I I 1'0) 0 I I ER I ms Spelling Contest IP Scottsville Ky March 1 1 cial) Linda Faye Hanes 10 i Edward Rogers Tacker 11 mlaimi route one daughter of Mr and Pulaski 29lpo orto Mrs Randall Hanes won the an- Tenn March nual Allen County rural school services for Edward spelling bet held Saturday after- Tacker 87 retired farmer noon in the Allen County High be held at 10:30 o'clock Tues- TENNESSEE School building morning at Beaoettmay Fo She is a student in the sixth grade Home with the Rev Fred 1612 Church St Phu 6-3139 at the Pleasant Field rural school Woodard pastor of the Pulaski Her teacher is Mrs Dewey Bees- Methodist Church officiating Bur- 4 ley Twenty-five boys and girls will bo in MaPlewood Cemetery it 2111 4 IP I 1 took Part in ills annual speuieg Taeker died Sunday morn- bee at the home oe his sister Herbert after an illness of GLIDER CUSHIONS REWORKED menthe native of Giles County be was 01 Horace Davenport Cannon Coun- son of the late James and NEW ONES MADE TO ORDER ti 15 gra ndchildren and 18 great- Mary Rogers Tacker grandchildren Besides Mrs Herbert be is sur- ECONOMY-MATTRESS CO Charles Powell was to offl- rived hy another sister Mrs Lessie elate and burial was to be in Pleas- Gray Motiow of Fayetteville and a SLEEP SHOP ru 97-1154 2533 eit AVE 7 1264 ant Fells Cemetery Woodbury Yu- half brother Frank Tacker of I1 nem' come was in charts Nashville 0 is 4k 410-- 111401w" A -W" A -ees It SEE THE NEW REFRIGERATORS AND RANGES AT EI THE NEW REFRIGERATORS At RANGES AT GREENE APPLIAIICE CO GREENE APPLIAI1C Ht toot Contemn: 514 Ca natio 909 1st St 5111? -41e3 2-9161 Ittit sod Contintat 514 Gallatin lid 91 51117 1 14 1 is 3 AIWA APO APR Amo.

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Nashville Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 5914

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.